RE: Messages of Interest from others. - Page 12

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Messages of Interest from others. - Page 12

in donaldmarshall •  4 years ago 

celine (Dec 7, 2013 16:54:36 GMT -5)
Hippie Lovegods shared a link.Interesting story of a people called the Thule >
Kalaallit Nunaat ( previously Greenland ) - State of Planet - The WEthewe.ccJo Kataclysm Isn't that where they crashed a plane with 4 nukes or something, trying to blast a hole in the crust trying to open a route to a subterranean land?Hippie Lovegods dunno... do you perhaps have a link regarding that Jo ?Hippie Lovegods there is (on the nets where else? ) supposed to be a very large structure on Greenland with some sort of energy field around it that no current tech can penetrate.....~!~Jo Kataclysm Yeah I'll get it, just looking for it it was in 1968 a think, with a b-52 bomber at the us Thule base. Al keep looking for itJo Kataclysm
... This is a link to the crash, but there is a video about is being setup to open the earth there I'll keep looking Hippie Lovegods found this >BBC NEWS | Europe | Mystery of lost US nuclear mystery of a lost US nuclear bomb in Greenland in 1968 still haunts the Pentagon and local residents, writes the BBC's Gordon Corera.Jo Kataclysm Yeah, there's is a video on YouTube that connects the crash and the hollow earth theory. This is what happens to good vids I find! You know your on the right path when they keep taking them down.Jo Kataclysm's photo.
Eric Pete Project Iceworm:Eric Pete Thi was an okay watch......Hippie Lovegods mo weirdness >Giant Ancient Alien Artefakt in Greenland ! 80 Km long !Giant Ancient Alien Artefakt in Greenland ! 80 Km long !Hippie Lovegods even mo wierdness >Greenland Artifact on Google EarthThere is an artifact in greenland global warming seems to be revealing under the...See moreJo Kataclysm Na, sorry can't find the video, but when I do I'll post it. It's worth looking into though! Jo Kataclysm
. This tells the "STORY" of the incident, but. Aren't bombs designed not to explode in incidents like this? Who knows!Hippie Lovegods It was not until 1997 that Denmark and the public learned of ICEWORM, when the Danish Institute of International Affairs (DUPI) accidentally discovered it while doing archival research for their book Grønland under den kolde krig, Greenland during the Cold War. The discovery provoked considerable consternation in Copenhagen – it had been known since 1968 that the US had based nuclear weapons in Greenland, but the scale of American ambitions had not previously been realized. But the level of outrage was muted by the passage of 35 years, and the matter rested there.
Atomic Skies: Nukes on Iceatomic-skies.blogspot.comHi Mark,Excellent piece! I believe this adventurous project was a nuclear bridge...See moreEric Pete Crazy, this was back in the 40's I think, and the public accidentally learned of this. I wonder what else we are not "accidentally" learning about.

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celine (Dec 7, 2013 17:02:57 GMT -5)
Laurence Mountford posted to Donald MarshallSigh.... Vrill make you Very Ill...Sigh...Laurence Mountford or Verile... as in sexually charged. thats something they are...Laurence Mountford so just to re-emphasiseLaurence Mountford Evil Devil Vile Viral Villianous Vrill, that are Verile and make you Very Ill...Laurence Mountford Well done Donald.... its a very interesting story ya just... Made up obviously... rarhghgrgrhggLaurence Mountford Elizabeth... I am not amusedDolly Valentine... While playing with the word I was thinking of Avril the other day. The "entertainer".Laurence Mountford ...Vrillon 1977 alien broadcastLaurence Mountford you think thats fun. reverse it. its all variations of "love"....

celine (Dec 7, 2013 21:28:13 GMT -5)
Hippie Lovegods shared a link.Inner earth >
The Smoky God
Part I - AUTHOR'S FOREWORD I fear the seemingly incredible story which I am about to relate will be regarded as the result of a distorted intellect superinduced, possibly, by the glamour of unveiling a marvelous mystery, rather than a truthful record of the unparalleled experiences related by one Ol...Hippie Lovegods Written in 1908, there are fascinating descriptions of technology that simply did not exist in 1908. Emerson claims the story comes from Olaf Jansen, who is describing things he saw 80 years earlier in 1828 ~!~Eric Pete I have not read this one. Is there any tie-in to Tesla at all?Eric Pete nope, way off...lolEric Pete 600-800 years old, wow, cant imagine...

Astral Light (Dec 8, 2013 23:32:38 GMT -5)
Debbie LawrenceDonald Marshall What a cool crowd to hang with,... they don't even like or trust each other,... united in perversion and greed.

Astral Light (Dec 8, 2013 23:36:24 GMT -5)
Eric PeteIve heard of this lady before in-passing. She says some things that make sense, and dovetail with your info. I dont think I've seen you mention her in your forum(s)....does she attend? she full of it?...or is she Chippy McWilder, or what?Debbie Lawrence she was severely beaten for daring to break free & talk, not sure if she's still alive or in hidingEric Pete Right. I heard she was 'coached' for interviews by her handlers and what not. So, me personally I'd have to question whatever she has ever said. Seeing as she has admittedly been mind controlled and lied to. But there's the rub. They knew if she ever came forward, or even been 'pushed' forward for some kind of 'twisted limelight' or has been used as a stepping stone for someone else(s) career, they knew everyone would have a seed of doubt about what she ever says. I mean, when she comes out and says"I've been mind controlled", then starts into fantastical scenarios and situations, it makes any rational person give pause. Plausible deniability all around the board.Donald Marshall dunno, probably only knows so much.

Astral Light (Dec 8, 2013 23:48:11 GMT -5)
Debbie Lawrence
Sonya Goodman Maples That's my life story right there...

celine (Dec 9, 2013 13:48:12 GMT -5)
James Rietdijk posted to Donald MarshallImagine if Donald had the opportunity to sue all those people who used his material without crediting him and earn back the all royalties he should have been paid since he was 5 years old. With so many international hits, it's possible he'd end up as wealthy as Queen Elizabeth! Well, something to hope for...Donald Marshall Lotta dough,... and I intend to spread it around.

Astral Light (Dec 9, 2013 22:46:36 GMT -5)
Debbie Lawrence
Donald Marshall Invasion in progress... yep. Solid foothold attained already.