Astral Light (Jun 12, 2014 11:49:16 GMT -5)
Sean Rats LeClerc McDonald Responsible for Missing Kids! im still trying to swallow this man, i cant stop thinking about it...oh god i hope is bullshitSean Rats LeClerc imagine this on top of everything else...imagine if this is, this would be the most repulsive disgusting thing they have done to date. if this is true, we have all been eating CHILDREN for years. God help us man, God help us all.Donald Marshall I've been told this at cloning but I'm uncertain if it is true.Brendan Mcgivern I feel ya Sean, it pains me to think this sort of stuff could be happening. All of this nonsense needs to come to an end.Sean Rats LeClerc they made me eat CHILDREN. i hope its not true man, PLEASE let it not be true...but in my gut, oh explains a fuckin hell of a lot...oh God i am LIVID man Rabbi Abe Finkelstein - Zionist war on whites & muslims - Child Sacrifice - McDonalds Baby Meat this is the entire interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein, part of which appears in the previous video above...i dont really wanta believe it oh God i dont...BUT.....Brendan Mcgivern Ya this is the one I initially saw, just take it with a grain of salt. Once I heard this it was a pretty easy decision just to stop eating fast food all together. Cause even if it isn't children its still bad for you.Sean Rats LeClerc one really terrible thing here is that if it was JUST children it would probably be better for us but is pumped full of all kinds of toxic crap they dont tell us...nasty to say it but is truthSean Rats LeClerc they poison ALL our food...they HATE me, its not far fetched at ALL that they r feeding us our own kids...they despise us.Brendan Mcgivern Well all this madness is coming to a boiling point...and their time is up.Sean Rats LeClerc man i just dont have words for how upset i am...i want to cry, im on the verge...if this turns out to be true man, omfg im really going to want to will mean that i am a walking GRAVEYARD...Sean Rats LeClerc ya just dont know how many Big Macs ive put away man u dont know...Brendan Mcgivern LOL...I know this isn't a laughing matter but that was funny.Sean Rats LeClerc hee hee yeah i guess it was...sometimes is good to laugh at shit like this, theres strength in such helps us deal with the heavy shit...Barbara Ives I never could stand McDonalds food and neither can my daughter. Thank God.Margi Steward Yep, used to eat the odd mac burger, but boycotted them years ago. It is truly horrifying that this may be the case, and it really messed my partner when we found this info a while back. He was a bit like you are now Sean Rats LeClerc. I feel for you, but there are going to be many more things exposed that are going to mess people up.Sean Rats LeClerc hasten the day man...i just want it ALL out there NOW, like yesterday, man why wont mainstream news jump on this, please just get it finally...they HATE USBarbara Ives Yep, I feel for you too Sean, hang in there buddy. xMacho Lewis And people will continue to eat mc Donald's knowing what the meat is smh!!!Sean Rats LeClerc not if they REALLY KNOW the TRUTH, man u think if they know is KIDS theyre still gonna eat it! i SUSPECT it n i aint touchin that shit ever again.Tyler Lincoln Young Dude Sean that rabbi doesn't exist, been watched this video. Dis is all bullshit from da pastor, god what ppl believe these days. How r u gonNa eat kids? Wouldn't somebody say something, out of all the ppl in da worldGavin Priestley Absolute bollocks!! You cant find this 'Abe Finkelstein' anywhere because its a made up name! One picture can be found and its the one in the video so its probably some dead guy!! All that shows up when searching is this McDonalds shite. Someones just created that interview to see if it spreads! HONESTLY people, you cant just watch videos and believe it just because it confirms how you feel about the elite. How many people would have to be involved in this kind of operation really!?! McDonalds is one of the biggest chains in the world if not THE biggest, think how much theyre being watched... trading standards, health and safety etc. My guess is that some fat angry guy created this just coz he had to wait just a couple of minutes later for his burger.... ! BEWARE OF ANGRY FATTIES, THEYRE THE WORST!!link 2 post:
celine (Jun 13, 2014 21:18:40 GMT -5)
Phil Chuppa shared a link
This powerful voice from Iowa has been a beacon in the storm during an Obama Administration that has targeted whistleblowers and prevented accountability as never before. The Pentagon is also under Senator Grassley’s fire for failing to examine 1,700 of the 5,200 reports of employees doing child porn. The Pentagon claimed it “wasn’t a priority.” Senator Grassley and his staff have made it one. The closed investigation into wide-spread use of child porn at the Pentagon is now re-opened.There is a national crisis of federal employees engaged in the child porn industry and a related epidemic at the state level. I’ve documented two states,Vermont and Maine, that appear to be running state protected child trafficking rings with evidence of cops, judges, lawyers, clergy and government employees covering for each other. This kind of racketeering creates powerful, and extremely profitable, pedophile rings.Money drives the crime. It is estimated that a criminal willing to molest a child in front of a live webcam can earn $1,000 a night. In Kittery Maine, at the “Danish Health Club,” one bust yielded $6.1 million in “door fees” over a five year period with “prostitutes” earning $12 million. Pimps’ earnings were not reported. The “door man” was a retired police officer whose wife worked in back. This bust happened because of one hard-working IRS agent, Rod Giguere.Child porn “epidemic” among Pentagon officials and US government employees | by Lori Handrahan,...
AP (FORBES) - Last week the IRS decided to award Bradley Birkenfeld his $104 million dollar share for helping bust UBS bank. Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and his staff were...Donald Marshall Not just U.S government employees... many many nations.
celine (Jun 15, 2014 7:03:49 GMT -5)
Betty Pak shared a link.Donald, you might find this video interesting. It does corroborate your story. There is an overwhelming amount of information on this website:
Revelations of A Mother Goddess - David Icke 2006
Laurence Mountford Icke? Ick....Betty Pak Whether you likehim or not, the interview is important, and I posted it for Donny.Donald Marshall not watchin.Laurence Mountford neither me nor don like icke...Betty Pak It is the girl that he interviews that I was sharing.Donald Marshall Can you just tell us the skinny on what she relates? Kyle Haran Ramirez Donny won't watch it....they have their reasons..Betty Pak She talks about the Queen and the mind control she was subjected to, and being at the gatherings and naming names. I have no agenda, Kyle, but information.Donald Marshall Yeah, I might open my eyes at cloning looking at this womans clone next time I'm there and she'll say "So, did you like my interview"? lol It's happened before.Donald Marshall most of those so called super soldiers are there...1Laurence Mountford Didn't happen Exactly like that With Roxy Lopez eh Don Donald Marshall truther types... lol celeb truthers and a bunch of low level truthers... organized scam...Betty Pak Maybe, but it is a very old video. She seems straightforward in her testimony and does corroborate re the QueenDonald Marshall LOL!Laurence Mountford Always makes me chuckle Donald Marshall Oh yeah,... the royal family stuff I read on the vid's footnote is true... they have done a lot of that.Betty Pak Well, you dont know until you take a look at itDonald Marshall The Roxy lopez scandal...Betty Pak She said she was one of the babies at China LakeDonald Marshall she has a way bigger show now since canceling the interview with me. Laurence Mountford Scandal .. well You were abusive on her websiiiite Don, i think you might have even stabbed a guy... She was right to not have you on....Donald Marshall bigger pay and audience... lolDonald Marshall nah, she made lame excuses... Laurence Mountford Its scary how little ppl ever mention you.. ever..Celine O'carroll its arizona wilder being interviewedDonald Marshall funny thing was... in the log room when I woke up... I made a post saying Roxy Lopez will be canceling the interview with me... LOL!!!Laurence Mountford Vinny n Max Spiers both try to get away from ye..Laurence Mountford Yeah, wonder why you'd do that...Donald Marshall then 2 hours later she did for no reason. and when people asked her why she made a lame excuse and when they pushed the issue she'd block them. Laurence Mountford aaaaand now she has bigger audience n stuff....Donald Marshall XD!Donald Marshall yepLaurence Mountford I was there... I was there at Roxygate!Donald Marshall people were kinda baffled....Donald Marshall wondering how I knewwww 2 hours before that she'd cancel...Donald Marshall Roxygate... LOL!Laurence Mountford tis ok Don. you kept Most people from losing their heads about itBarbara Ives first saw this years ago, old news.Laurence Mountford Yeah, thats a thing about the conspiracy world. if there be no new conspiracy news. old stuff gets replayed.. and nothing develops really. the 911 truth movement is a classic example. all theorying, no progress..Donald Marshall revelations of a mother goddess? like does she call herself a mother goddess? and it's her revelations? her revealing stuff?Barbara Ives yep says she was a mother goddess and spills her guts re reptilian queen, eating kids etc.Barbara Ives says she helped conjure up the old ones etc, etc Satanic stuffLaurence Mountford its about Arizona Wilder. the MK ultra showhorse. see what i done there...Laurence Mountford There's another one, i forget her name, they go about claiming to be MK ultra victims who are deprogrammed. alot of what they say is probably true the but the actual people are most likely some kind of plant designed to disguise the whole REM cloning aspect and make ppl think its all real body..Barbara Ives Cathy O' Brien I think her name is.Laurence Mountford Yes! beautiful Barbera Thank you. I was trying to remember but refused to look it up cuz its bollocks reallyBarbara Ives lolLaurence Mountford Nah Babs Cracked it. The one i was thinking of but couldnt remember was Catty O'brian... some MK type-ish ppl always have Cat shit in their names..Barbara Ives We all know the queen, Rothschilds, et al are satanic, child abusing, torturing, cannibalistic, inbred scum. Old news. First NEW news I got recently was the cloning centres.. Thanks Donald. Laurence Mountford yessss Barbera. the question was not "Are these people evil?" but rather "What have these Evil people been doing exactly?"Barbara Ives what and why?Laurence Mountford Well, What n How really. Why is because they're stupid n evil n greedy, or their ancestors were, and they just kept it going and got much worse...Barbara Ives lol with the yesssss, very "reptilian" of you. lmaoLaurence Mountford Urrmm aha.. yeah.... Shit... she's caught me out, Quick Transferr new body!Laurence Mountford I actually meant it to sound like a prolonged yes, so really. Yeeeees.. would be more what i was going for... don't wanna be sounding reptillian now do we...Barbara Ives lol. what is the end goal?? enslavement, endless meat supply, Laurence Mountford I just think survival is their continuing goal..Barbara Ives you guys crack me up, always make me laugh. thanks for that. Laurence Mountford We have our days.. when we aren't being bleak depressive husks with little to no hopeHippie Lovegods survival….of the Hiss-ist…. and remember; Charles Darwin never claimed that he was not in league with reptilians.. lolVince Marra Cathy O'Brien is the SHIT!
breakloose (Jun 17, 2014 13:47:06 GMT -5)
European Royals Killing Naked Children For Fun At Human Hunting Parties?
"Teens were drugged, stripped naked, raped, hunted down in the woods and killed by European royals according to this week’s latest eyewitness to testify before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. The woman was the fourth eyewitness to give accounts about these human hunting parties of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. A former member of the Netherlands criminal drug syndicate known as Octopus testified that victims were obtained for these human hunting parties from juvenile detention centers in Belgium and Holland. “In 2004 I was an involuntary witness to torture, rape and murder sessions of drugged children performed for a group of high ranked people of the Netherlands” stated a woman. “I was taken to a hunting party in Belgium close to Brussels where I saw two boys and a girl ages 14 to 16, hunted and killed by global elites. The human hunting party was heavily guarded by the Netherlands Royal Guards. I was told that King Albert of Belgium was present.”What do you know about this Donny?
celine (Jun 18, 2014 6:16:49 GMT -5)
Phil Chuppa sharedSoccer fans are as much to blame for this. Yes, YOU have blood on your hands.FIFA's war on the brazilian people....Homes were stolen from the poor so that stadiums and parking lots could be built. The worst state repression against poor is the least spoken of: 40,000 poor people have been gone missing from the militarized favelas; they are called Amarildo. Kids were killed with impunity in the favelas occupied and militarized by police, who later brag about their murders. “While there is no official record of the killing of children in the streets, a non-governmental organization said 121 known cases and a number of other episodes were unprovable." The tournament organizers and local people with great power in the country do not want tourists or the international press to see the inequalities in Brazil, so groups hire hitmen to rid the streets of homeless people. This was reported in an interview in a documentary by a Danish journalist who exposed that homeless children living on the streets are killed so that “streets can be kept clean.”The Story of Resistance to FIFA’s War on Brazilian People – Video Blog
(5 photos)Revolution News's photo.
Donald Marshall All that for a sport. A game...Celine O'carroll money...greed...thats whats behind all of it.
celine (Jun 18, 2014 6:19:21 GMT -5)
Phil Chuppa shared a link.
The shockwaves are already reverberating in Syria’s civil war and changing the calculus of both the regime of President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian armed opposition. One element of that opposition is the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as ISIL or ISIS. Last week it seized Mosul and it has advanced on Baghdad, raising alarm bells in Washington – and in Damascus, which had previously shown tacit tolerance for a group that controls a swath of northeast Syria. Over the weekend, the Syrian Air Force staged its first major attacks on ISIS strongholds in the provinces of Raqqa and Hasakeh. These strongholds were the launching pad for the group's recent gains in Iraq. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that Syrian jets had targeted ISIS headquarters in Raqqa and the group's religious courts. There was no word on casualtiesWhy ISIS gains in Iraq are reshaping Syrian regime's war strategy (+video)
Syria's regime has relied on Shiite fighters to claw back territory from rebels. A draw down of Iraqi Shiites to defend the homeland...Donald Marshall lotsa heads getting cut off and people being tortured and mutilated.Idontfillshyyttross Idontfillshyyttross N people don't believe it's happening for years I've known it's true. It's almost amazing how they keep people so uninformed on purpose
celine (Jun 18, 2014 6:35:45 GMT -5)
Phil Chuppa shared a linkBut the 26 pages - which exposed the evil pervert as a bully and a liar - came with 96 redactions (crossings out).
Today we can reveal the documents had been vetted by Buckingham Palace - and that the serial sex attacker's royal connections were removed.One reference Savile made about a cousin of the Queen was included in an internal police report released in January.But on Tuesday, when Surrey Police published the interview transcripts, there was no mention of her.Other references to royalty were also seemingly erased - and during our fight to obtain the records, police let slip Buckingham Palace's involvement.Tony Smith, the force's information access manager, made the reference as he explained why it was taking so long to release the documents.He told us that, as well as going to a senior police chief outside the force, the papers had gone "to Buckingham Palace to consider...because they are mentioned in it".Royal cover up: Police censor Jimmy Savile interview transcript
PAEDOPHILE Jimmy Savile named the royal family in his bombshell interview with police but any...Donald Marshall The Royals are above the law and untouchable... obviously. Immunity from any law on Earth it seems.Phil Chuppa EXPOSED! Former Prime Minister Implicated In Murder, Rape And Pedophilia In Saviles Pedo-RingMichael Shrimpton is a Barrister, specialist in National Security and Constituti... See MoreLinda Torgrimson Not a very flattering picture of Fergie.
celine (Jun 18, 2014 6:37:11 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall shared a linkCutting off loose ends...
Greg Hallett Feared 'Disappeared' by the Queen's Minions2012thebigpicture.wordpress.comThank you, Alfred. Another brave hero lost? Let's hope not. There are plenty of tawdry tales in this article the fake "royal" family wouldn't want getting around. ~ BP FULL REPORT ON GREG...Phil Chuppa While friends and associates of Greg cannot confirm his death with 100% certainly, they fear the worse having not heard from him for weeks.Having survived at least 12 attempts on his life, it would seem the 13th attempt has been fatal.From an interview on the 26th of July 2012 hosted by Jim Fetzer and Jim Viken.Greg Hallett: Well, you know, it was the 12th one, and I thought, you know, the 13th is trying to be a bit too lucky.Rob Dutze Damn. Learned a lot from that guy, seemed righteous. Maybe he's in hidingDonald Marshall Hope if I disappear, you guys yell it from the rooftops... Donald Marshall This guy Hallett has more notoriety than I do, and not many people even discussing "his" disappearance.Rob Dutze Hallett didn't personally interact with thousands of people like you do. Damn straight we'd scream from the rooftops!Ciaran Schwer the internet would shake Donny
Astral Light (Jun 12, 2014 11:49:16 GMT -5)
Sean Rats LeClerc McDonald Responsible for Missing Kids! im still trying to swallow this man, i cant stop thinking about it...oh god i hope is bullshitSean Rats LeClerc imagine this on top of everything else...imagine if this is, this would be the most repulsive disgusting thing they have done to date. if this is true, we have all been eating CHILDREN for years. God help us man, God help us all.Donald Marshall I've been told this at cloning but I'm uncertain if it is true.Brendan Mcgivern I feel ya Sean, it pains me to think this sort of stuff could be happening. All of this nonsense needs to come to an end.Sean Rats LeClerc they made me eat CHILDREN. i hope its not true man, PLEASE let it not be true...but in my gut, oh explains a fuckin hell of a lot...oh God i am LIVID man Rabbi Abe Finkelstein - Zionist war on whites & muslims - Child Sacrifice - McDonalds Baby Meat this is the entire interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein, part of which appears in the previous video above...i dont really wanta believe it oh God i dont...BUT.....Brendan Mcgivern Ya this is the one I initially saw, just take it with a grain of salt. Once I heard this it was a pretty easy decision just to stop eating fast food all together. Cause even if it isn't children its still bad for you.Sean Rats LeClerc one really terrible thing here is that if it was JUST children it would probably be better for us but is pumped full of all kinds of toxic crap they dont tell us...nasty to say it but is truthSean Rats LeClerc they poison ALL our food...they HATE me, its not far fetched at ALL that they r feeding us our own kids...they despise us.Brendan Mcgivern Well all this madness is coming to a boiling point...and their time is up.Sean Rats LeClerc man i just dont have words for how upset i am...i want to cry, im on the verge...if this turns out to be true man, omfg im really going to want to will mean that i am a walking GRAVEYARD...Sean Rats LeClerc ya just dont know how many Big Macs ive put away man u dont know...Brendan Mcgivern LOL...I know this isn't a laughing matter but that was funny.Sean Rats LeClerc hee hee yeah i guess it was...sometimes is good to laugh at shit like this, theres strength in such helps us deal with the heavy shit...Barbara Ives I never could stand McDonalds food and neither can my daughter. Thank God.Margi Steward Yep, used to eat the odd mac burger, but boycotted them years ago. It is truly horrifying that this may be the case, and it really messed my partner when we found this info a while back. He was a bit like you are now Sean Rats LeClerc. I feel for you, but there are going to be many more things exposed that are going to mess people up.Sean Rats LeClerc hasten the day man...i just want it ALL out there NOW, like yesterday, man why wont mainstream news jump on this, please just get it finally...they HATE USBarbara Ives Yep, I feel for you too Sean, hang in there buddy. xMacho Lewis And people will continue to eat mc Donald's knowing what the meat is smh!!!Sean Rats LeClerc not if they REALLY KNOW the TRUTH, man u think if they know is KIDS theyre still gonna eat it! i SUSPECT it n i aint touchin that shit ever again.Tyler Lincoln Young Dude Sean that rabbi doesn't exist, been watched this video. Dis is all bullshit from da pastor, god what ppl believe these days. How r u gonNa eat kids? Wouldn't somebody say something, out of all the ppl in da worldGavin Priestley Absolute bollocks!! You cant find this 'Abe Finkelstein' anywhere because its a made up name! One picture can be found and its the one in the video so its probably some dead guy!! All that shows up when searching is this McDonalds shite. Someones just created that interview to see if it spreads! HONESTLY people, you cant just watch videos and believe it just because it confirms how you feel about the elite. How many people would have to be involved in this kind of operation really!?! McDonalds is one of the biggest chains in the world if not THE biggest, think how much theyre being watched... trading standards, health and safety etc. My guess is that some fat angry guy created this just coz he had to wait just a couple of minutes later for his burger.... ! BEWARE OF ANGRY FATTIES, THEYRE THE WORST!!link 2 post:
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celine (Jun 13, 2014 21:18:40 GMT -5)
Phil Chuppa shared a link
This powerful voice from Iowa has been a beacon in the storm during an Obama Administration that has targeted whistleblowers and prevented accountability as never before. The Pentagon is also under Senator Grassley’s fire for failing to examine 1,700 of the 5,200 reports of employees doing child porn. The Pentagon claimed it “wasn’t a priority.” Senator Grassley and his staff have made it one. The closed investigation into wide-spread use of child porn at the Pentagon is now re-opened.There is a national crisis of federal employees engaged in the child porn industry and a related epidemic at the state level. I’ve documented two states,Vermont and Maine, that appear to be running state protected child trafficking rings with evidence of cops, judges, lawyers, clergy and government employees covering for each other. This kind of racketeering creates powerful, and extremely profitable, pedophile rings.Money drives the crime. It is estimated that a criminal willing to molest a child in front of a live webcam can earn $1,000 a night. In Kittery Maine, at the “Danish Health Club,” one bust yielded $6.1 million in “door fees” over a five year period with “prostitutes” earning $12 million. Pimps’ earnings were not reported. The “door man” was a retired police officer whose wife worked in back. This bust happened because of one hard-working IRS agent, Rod Giguere.Child porn “epidemic” among Pentagon officials and US government employees | by Lori Handrahan,...
AP (FORBES) - Last week the IRS decided to award Bradley Birkenfeld his $104 million dollar share for helping bust UBS bank. Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and his staff were...Donald Marshall Not just U.S government employees... many many nations.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
celine (Jun 15, 2014 7:03:49 GMT -5)
Betty Pak shared a link.Donald, you might find this video interesting. It does corroborate your story. There is an overwhelming amount of information on this website:
Revelations of A Mother Goddess - David Icke 2006
Laurence Mountford Icke? Ick....Betty Pak Whether you likehim or not, the interview is important, and I posted it for Donny.Donald Marshall not watchin.Laurence Mountford neither me nor don like icke...Betty Pak It is the girl that he interviews that I was sharing.Donald Marshall Can you just tell us the skinny on what she relates? Kyle Haran Ramirez Donny won't watch it....they have their reasons..Betty Pak She talks about the Queen and the mind control she was subjected to, and being at the gatherings and naming names. I have no agenda, Kyle, but information.Donald Marshall Yeah, I might open my eyes at cloning looking at this womans clone next time I'm there and she'll say "So, did you like my interview"? lol It's happened before.Donald Marshall most of those so called super soldiers are there...1Laurence Mountford Didn't happen Exactly like that With Roxy Lopez eh Don Donald Marshall truther types... lol celeb truthers and a bunch of low level truthers... organized scam...Betty Pak Maybe, but it is a very old video. She seems straightforward in her testimony and does corroborate re the QueenDonald Marshall LOL!Laurence Mountford Always makes me chuckle Donald Marshall Oh yeah,... the royal family stuff I read on the vid's footnote is true... they have done a lot of that.Betty Pak Well, you dont know until you take a look at itDonald Marshall The Roxy lopez scandal...Betty Pak She said she was one of the babies at China LakeDonald Marshall she has a way bigger show now since canceling the interview with me. Laurence Mountford Scandal .. well You were abusive on her websiiiite Don, i think you might have even stabbed a guy... She was right to not have you on....Donald Marshall bigger pay and audience... lolDonald Marshall nah, she made lame excuses... Laurence Mountford Its scary how little ppl ever mention you.. ever..Celine O'carroll its arizona wilder being interviewedDonald Marshall funny thing was... in the log room when I woke up... I made a post saying Roxy Lopez will be canceling the interview with me... LOL!!!Laurence Mountford Vinny n Max Spiers both try to get away from ye..Laurence Mountford Yeah, wonder why you'd do that...Donald Marshall then 2 hours later she did for no reason. and when people asked her why she made a lame excuse and when they pushed the issue she'd block them. Laurence Mountford aaaaand now she has bigger audience n stuff....Donald Marshall XD!Donald Marshall yepLaurence Mountford I was there... I was there at Roxygate!Donald Marshall people were kinda baffled....Donald Marshall wondering how I knewwww 2 hours before that she'd cancel...Donald Marshall Roxygate... LOL!Laurence Mountford tis ok Don. you kept Most people from losing their heads about itBarbara Ives first saw this years ago, old news.Laurence Mountford Yeah, thats a thing about the conspiracy world. if there be no new conspiracy news. old stuff gets replayed.. and nothing develops really. the 911 truth movement is a classic example. all theorying, no progress..Donald Marshall revelations of a mother goddess? like does she call herself a mother goddess? and it's her revelations? her revealing stuff?Barbara Ives yep says she was a mother goddess and spills her guts re reptilian queen, eating kids etc.Barbara Ives says she helped conjure up the old ones etc, etc Satanic stuffLaurence Mountford its about Arizona Wilder. the MK ultra showhorse. see what i done there...Laurence Mountford There's another one, i forget her name, they go about claiming to be MK ultra victims who are deprogrammed. alot of what they say is probably true the but the actual people are most likely some kind of plant designed to disguise the whole REM cloning aspect and make ppl think its all real body..Barbara Ives Cathy O' Brien I think her name is.Laurence Mountford Yes! beautiful Barbera Thank you. I was trying to remember but refused to look it up cuz its bollocks reallyBarbara Ives lolLaurence Mountford Nah Babs Cracked it. The one i was thinking of but couldnt remember was Catty O'brian... some MK type-ish ppl always have Cat shit in their names..Barbara Ives We all know the queen, Rothschilds, et al are satanic, child abusing, torturing, cannibalistic, inbred scum. Old news. First NEW news I got recently was the cloning centres.. Thanks Donald. Laurence Mountford yessss Barbera. the question was not "Are these people evil?" but rather "What have these Evil people been doing exactly?"Barbara Ives what and why?Laurence Mountford Well, What n How really. Why is because they're stupid n evil n greedy, or their ancestors were, and they just kept it going and got much worse...Barbara Ives lol with the yesssss, very "reptilian" of you. lmaoLaurence Mountford Urrmm aha.. yeah.... Shit... she's caught me out, Quick Transferr new body!Laurence Mountford I actually meant it to sound like a prolonged yes, so really. Yeeeees.. would be more what i was going for... don't wanna be sounding reptillian now do we...Barbara Ives lol. what is the end goal?? enslavement, endless meat supply, Laurence Mountford I just think survival is their continuing goal..Barbara Ives you guys crack me up, always make me laugh. thanks for that. Laurence Mountford We have our days.. when we aren't being bleak depressive husks with little to no hopeHippie Lovegods survival….of the Hiss-ist…. and remember; Charles Darwin never claimed that he was not in league with reptilians.. lolVince Marra Cathy O'Brien is the SHIT!
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
breakloose (Jun 17, 2014 13:47:06 GMT -5)
European Royals Killing Naked Children For Fun At Human Hunting Parties?
"Teens were drugged, stripped naked, raped, hunted down in the woods and killed by European royals according to this week’s latest eyewitness to testify before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. The woman was the fourth eyewitness to give accounts about these human hunting parties of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. A former member of the Netherlands criminal drug syndicate known as Octopus testified that victims were obtained for these human hunting parties from juvenile detention centers in Belgium and Holland. “In 2004 I was an involuntary witness to torture, rape and murder sessions of drugged children performed for a group of high ranked people of the Netherlands” stated a woman. “I was taken to a hunting party in Belgium close to Brussels where I saw two boys and a girl ages 14 to 16, hunted and killed by global elites. The human hunting party was heavily guarded by the Netherlands Royal Guards. I was told that King Albert of Belgium was present.”What do you know about this Donny?
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
celine (Jun 18, 2014 6:16:49 GMT -5)
Phil Chuppa sharedSoccer fans are as much to blame for this. Yes, YOU have blood on your hands.FIFA's war on the brazilian people....Homes were stolen from the poor so that stadiums and parking lots could be built. The worst state repression against poor is the least spoken of: 40,000 poor people have been gone missing from the militarized favelas; they are called Amarildo. Kids were killed with impunity in the favelas occupied and militarized by police, who later brag about their murders. “While there is no official record of the killing of children in the streets, a non-governmental organization said 121 known cases and a number of other episodes were unprovable." The tournament organizers and local people with great power in the country do not want tourists or the international press to see the inequalities in Brazil, so groups hire hitmen to rid the streets of homeless people. This was reported in an interview in a documentary by a Danish journalist who exposed that homeless children living on the streets are killed so that “streets can be kept clean.”The Story of Resistance to FIFA’s War on Brazilian People – Video Blog
(5 photos)Revolution News's photo.
Donald Marshall All that for a sport. A game...Celine O'carroll money...greed...thats whats behind all of it.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
celine (Jun 18, 2014 6:19:21 GMT -5)
Phil Chuppa shared a link.
The shockwaves are already reverberating in Syria’s civil war and changing the calculus of both the regime of President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian armed opposition. One element of that opposition is the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as ISIL or ISIS. Last week it seized Mosul and it has advanced on Baghdad, raising alarm bells in Washington – and in Damascus, which had previously shown tacit tolerance for a group that controls a swath of northeast Syria. Over the weekend, the Syrian Air Force staged its first major attacks on ISIS strongholds in the provinces of Raqqa and Hasakeh. These strongholds were the launching pad for the group's recent gains in Iraq. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that Syrian jets had targeted ISIS headquarters in Raqqa and the group's religious courts. There was no word on casualtiesWhy ISIS gains in Iraq are reshaping Syrian regime's war strategy (+video)
Syria's regime has relied on Shiite fighters to claw back territory from rebels. A draw down of Iraqi Shiites to defend the homeland...Donald Marshall lotsa heads getting cut off and people being tortured and mutilated.Idontfillshyyttross Idontfillshyyttross N people don't believe it's happening for years I've known it's true. It's almost amazing how they keep people so uninformed on purpose
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celine (Jun 18, 2014 6:35:45 GMT -5)
Phil Chuppa shared a linkBut the 26 pages - which exposed the evil pervert as a bully and a liar - came with 96 redactions (crossings out).
Today we can reveal the documents had been vetted by Buckingham Palace - and that the serial sex attacker's royal connections were removed.One reference Savile made about a cousin of the Queen was included in an internal police report released in January.But on Tuesday, when Surrey Police published the interview transcripts, there was no mention of her.Other references to royalty were also seemingly erased - and during our fight to obtain the records, police let slip Buckingham Palace's involvement.Tony Smith, the force's information access manager, made the reference as he explained why it was taking so long to release the documents.He told us that, as well as going to a senior police chief outside the force, the papers had gone "to Buckingham Palace to consider...because they are mentioned in it".Royal cover up: Police censor Jimmy Savile interview transcript
PAEDOPHILE Jimmy Savile named the royal family in his bombshell interview with police but any...Donald Marshall The Royals are above the law and untouchable... obviously. Immunity from any law on Earth it seems.Phil Chuppa EXPOSED! Former Prime Minister Implicated In Murder, Rape And Pedophilia In Saviles Pedo-RingMichael Shrimpton is a Barrister, specialist in National Security and Constituti... See MoreLinda Torgrimson Not a very flattering picture of Fergie.
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celine (Jun 18, 2014 6:37:11 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall shared a linkCutting off loose ends...
Greg Hallett Feared 'Disappeared' by the Queen's Minions2012thebigpicture.wordpress.comThank you, Alfred. Another brave hero lost? Let's hope not. There are plenty of tawdry tales in this article the fake "royal" family wouldn't want getting around. ~ BP FULL REPORT ON GREG...Phil Chuppa While friends and associates of Greg cannot confirm his death with 100% certainly, they fear the worse having not heard from him for weeks.Having survived at least 12 attempts on his life, it would seem the 13th attempt has been fatal.From an interview on the 26th of July 2012 hosted by Jim Fetzer and Jim Viken.Greg Hallett: Well, you know, it was the 12th one, and I thought, you know, the 13th is trying to be a bit too lucky.Rob Dutze Damn. Learned a lot from that guy, seemed righteous. Maybe he's in hidingDonald Marshall Hope if I disappear, you guys yell it from the rooftops... Donald Marshall This guy Hallett has more notoriety than I do, and not many people even discussing "his" disappearance.Rob Dutze Hallett didn't personally interact with thousands of people like you do. Damn straight we'd scream from the rooftops!Ciaran Schwer the internet would shake Donny
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