The Messege from Marshall - Where is The Human Right?

in donaldmarshall •  7 years ago 

The following is written by Donald

If you are a HUMAN, you should read this, it contains the knowledge of VRIL, the form of reptiles that shifted the people being talked about, there has never been a more comprehensive and informative ecological and behavioral outlook before. David Icke will NOT tell you about them, this is your only chance to know about the lizard not to waste this opportunity. This is the main time in my friend's earth history and the importance of astronomy, go to the page on the link provided below, this is very important for our SPECIES SURVIVAL. THIS is the most important time in your life, you should read all the relevant posts here including older posts, the most important and interesting information you have ever seen ... no one else will tell you about Vrill except I. If you ignore these facts, you punish mankind for being a drone and let people continue to sacrifice children and adults to these "demons". It is essential for the survival of our species that these things are eradicated from our planet. Copy all the relevant facts and save it for your grandchildren to show others, the only thing that will stop this is getting this information to the public ... I have no agenda but to share the truth with the world because I will die of heart failure to mengklone torture. Read all my posts especially old posts and all the info is bracing. This will be your only chance to save the race and the world from Vrill. You have been warned. Copy all the relevant facts and save it for your grandchildren to show others, the only thing that will stop this is getting this information to the public ... I have no agenda but to share the truth with the world because I will die of heart failure to mengklone torture. Read all my posts especially old posts and all the info is bracing. This will be your only chance to save the race and the world from Vrill. You have been warned. Copy all the relevant facts and save it for your grandchildren to show others, the only thing that will stop this is getting this information to the public ... I have no agenda but to share the truth with the world because I will die of heart failure to mengklone torture. Read all my posts especially old posts and all the info is bracing. This will be your only chance to save the race and the world from Vrill. You have been warned.

The Illuminati want to burn the surface of the Earth to avoid persecution and they live comfortably in underground silent bases for the rest of their lives, cloning people in their spare time while playing with them in strange ways to have fun ... there is also another problem ... human host does not want to be killed ...

they want to be sent to an island to support the whole body of the master ... but no country is willing to pay ... hosts that are ignored threaten violence if cornered AND dead consciousness on the microchip is inserted into the victim's body ...

bodysnatching them like that, they dont want to be closed, ...

and THEY ALSO want to be separated on an island, but they do not want to live on the same island with host lizards ...

politics lol ..

I say kill all the lizards and human hosts that they make and close all the crime of reanimated dead freaksin and stolen bodies ...

problem solved.

easy breeze ..

the cool-headed hosts are bad enough but the revived people die back shadows of themselves before ... technological defects that they can not fix, they are almost as bad as a pet burial, that's why they need handlers.

one trace of the mind, humiliated easily, stupid, jealous how you live and normal and this dead man must walk stupid and weird ... .. almost zombie ... but they try to act normal and not rot .... dead people the oldest in the world do this, ... and they will not let anyone close the chips that keep them going there.

Do not believe that morphs from humans become lizards of dirt or slippery things, ... they put it out there to get rid of people from the truth.

Without a CT scan or brain MRI or blood test method it may be the ONLY way to say externally is the "sometimes" eye that makes the trunk inside swell farther than the others ...

and how stupid they are, but some ordinary people are stupid so you can not do it.

Believe in strangers once in your life, just read the wall, I do not get paid for this, just try to do the right thing ...

such as Avatar movie ... as long as REM is encouraged to mark 2 clones ... they give up the ability to have dreams or nightmares and go walking and talk in DUMB as clones ... how Illuminati communicate in secret.

The song I made for Brittany Spears is entitled Break the ice ... she made a video idea, Japanese animation from her went into the cloning center and blew it up ... this is how clones growing tubes actually look like ... it's her fantasy (Britney spear) ... he hates the place, ... but basically "sells his soul" to live in exchange for fame and fortune ... now he's cloned to where each REM stage is to be used, and regrets it.

oh btw all, my former family ... almost all freemasons, big factions of illuminuts, and if you read my wall you will know the 33rd level knowledge of freemason, which is also the highest scientologist knowledge. FREE

3 Vrill types have basic image representations of types 1 and 3

type one ... they are small ... they have been depicted in gremlins and many more

type 3, a young one, is portrayed in the movie Star wars "Attack of the clones" as they get old neck shorter and they get all wrinkles and look like Pumpkinhead from pumpkinhead film.

they are very real and live DEEP underground ... they are "parasites" lizards. and possess the unique biological properties of their bodies that allow them to attach the brain probes to the eyes of other animals, preferably humans and their bodies to make them host human beings, they imitate human behavior and exist in all places ...

Thats shapeshift ... no morphing at all, .. its a biological transfer, old dead lizard body and they just become you ... no reversing process ... old name for them to imitate, they have many names, they take over celebrities all the time.

iluminati use it to replace people.
no mystical magic or morphing ... all the cellular transfer of its biological parasites.

all arranged ... the same eyes as you or me ... sometimes the eyes will pop out more than others but not always ... the incoming trunk sometimes causes swelling behing the eye.

sometimes the brain swells on one side also causing this ... the same reason Nicholas Cage recently made a film with gunshot wounds in his eyes almost as long as the movie, because his eyes swell so badly from him.

they do that by deliberately using camera tricks, ...

they are very arrogant about it and think that they will never be found.

the trunk in the eye ...

there are many drones in the world ...

come read me you will know ... no need to even join a buddy list, wall is public. Just read must, they are all scared, I always feel that they "want" me to tell about them, like a killer somewhat hinted at them a crime thing, but they are very angry now because I do not stuff sugarcoat lol

wide enough ... ... somewhat matrix. Lol a group of celebs think it is another dimension ... 5 astral plane 7 .. just cloning, or cloning on different drugs pre injected to your clones before activation there.

When ppl has eyes that appear, it could be natural, some people are not symmetrical, ... but with them it's either lizard trunk or microchip pushed into the brain behind the eyes.

they say they've done plastic surgery or used a weird facial exfoliation solution in expensive salons. But that's because they're remade.

different ways too, ... they can actually get DNA from someone from the past and recreate them, awareness has long since passed but newborns grow to look the same and have different education and environment and like a completely separate person ... this clone is permanent and there is no way to distinguish it from normal people. Sometimes their brains are peeled off and taken over as well or contacted.

it's cloning replication (from infant) is not duplication of cloning (full-grown adult copy)

duplicate clones must be regenerated over time, they get rashy and the growth and brain decreases, ... they just re-clone. Sometimes it looks different again.

a bit tricky but you get the idea.

know Pharoah Tutank what does it look like? King Tut? Vrill loved it. Little Wayne

did not want to go inside until Stage 4, but I thought I'd throw it out there, cuz I hate bad "Wayne". Make almost all the songs.

I know, it's pretty awful ... there's a big group of Pharoes around ...

Vrill really likes pharoes.
It could be bs, ... that's what they told me years ago though while making it sound when they thought I was their friend.

using people from such a past because their faces inspired loyalty and admiration in the soldiers and residents of the past. So they think it will work again for show business or something.

Droning occurs when Vril injects the trunk into the human eye where the lizard parasite takes over the human host's brain. It is very painful for humans until the human consciousness dies and the consciousness of the vril parasite is in full control. All (or most) of the memory and abilities of ex-human beings are preserved & awareness of lizards now mimic previous human behavior. The former man is now a drone. These are the 'people' used by vril to infiltrate government, religion, law & financial systems, organizations and / or companies. Not infrequently male or female drones lose their hair at a younger age. Birth defects are reportedly typical and intelligence seems to be slightly decreased - with minimal capacity - if any, to understand sarcasm and / or dry humor. Drones often seem incapable of empathy / sympathy and often display psychotic behavior. Drones enjoy deviations, sexual perversions, and self-satisfaction. The drone will look like a sick human being until fully recovered from a varied, time-varying parasitic infection, but usually minimal. A buzzing eye with a trunk will be affected and sometimes never fully recovered, leaving the affected eye seemingly different from the others. Most drones look normal and run between us undetected. A buzzing eye with a trunk will be affected and sometimes never fully recovered, leaving the affected eye seemingly different from the others. Most drones look normal and run between us undetected. A buzzing eye with a trunk will be affected and sometimes never fully recovered, leaving the affected eye seemingly different from the others. Most drones look normal and run between us undetected.

Vril probes connect with the human eye and release foaming substances in which the parasite injects itself into the human brain. Unfortunate man suffers temporary suffering. Once the parasite is effectively in the brain, the human ceases to exist and Vril is in complete control of his master's body. The old 'eyes of Horus' symbol represents an age-neglect process that has been effectively hidden from the history books. Drone ensures that Vril's agenda continues to succeed and people who are afraid and / or willing to qualify effectively help them in their mission ... until NOW!

*** After read the messege from marshall, we must to ask, where is the human right? ***
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