Trump Used To Say He Was Pals With Putin. Now He Says They Never Met.

in donaldtrump •  8 years ago 

Trump asks, “Putin who?” after saying earlier during his campaign that he got to know the Russian leader “very well.”

PHILADELPHIA ― After months of claiming a close relationship with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump now says he doesn’t really know him at all.

“I never met Putin. I don’t know who Putin is,” the Republican  presidential nominee said Wednesday at a Florida news conference. “He  said one nice thing about me. He said I’m a genius. I said ‘Thank you  very much’ to the newspaper, and that was the end of it. I never met  Putin.

” The new stance, though, runs counter to months of admiring statements  Trump has made about the former spymaster, despite nearly universal  worldwide condemnation of the Russian president for his aggressive  actions in the Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere.

In a Nov. 10 GOP debate, Trump said: “I got to know him very well  because we were both on ‘60 Minutes,’ we were stablemates, and we did  very well that night.

” Three days later, he sent out a tweet changing that story – “I only  said I was on @60Minutes four weeks ago with Putin — never said I was in  Green Room. Separate pieces — great ratings!” But Trump has continued  saying he admires Putin’s “leadership” and that he would get along great  with him as president. “When people call you ‘brilliant’ it’s always good, especially when the person heads up Russia,” Trump told MSNBC in December after Putin praised him. “He’s running his country and at least he’s a leader. You know, unlike we have in this country.

” Trump’s fresh statement comes amid an FBI investigation into the  theft and public release of thousands of Democratic National Committee  emails. The messages showed DNC staffers were siding with nominee  Hillary Clinton over opponent Bernie Sanders in the final stages of  their primary battle. The emails were released on the eve of the  Democratic convention, in an apparent attempt to hurt Clinton’s  campaign. “Experts have attributed this to the Russians,” President Barack Obama told NBC News Wednesday.

Trump, nevertheless, asserted it was impossible to know who had hacked into the DNC computer system. But then he added that he hoped the Russians  or someone else had hacked into the emails Clinton stored on a private  server while serving as secretary of state and would now release them. The Clinton campaign called Trump’s statement unprecedented.

“This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate  has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his  political opponent,” Senior Adviser Jake Sullivan said. “That’s not  hyperbole, those are just the facts. This has gone from being a matter  of curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security  issue.”

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