I got an email from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee asking me to lobby corporations to keep funding liberal candidates while stopping donations to congresspersons who voted to overturn the most accurate and secure election in US history. My reply:
Money in politics, especially CorpoRat and bundled funds, is anti-democratic legalized corruption. You are lobbying corporations to keep giving to Progressive candidates while cutting off Trumpists, but I warmly welcome an end to ALL CorpoRat PACs and political contributions.
Corporations are legally required to act with fiduciary responsibility towards their shareholders, and until this body of law changes all political support that does not make them money is illegal. A true Progressive perspective should lead to less money flowing to the wealth-concentrating corporations who have asset stripped wage earners while creating 20% structural (un-counted) permanent un-employment.
The reality is that the founders were philosophically opposed to limited liability corporate structures, as I am. In a Nation of Laws, everyone should be accountable including executives and shareholders. Limited liability encourages them to make profits by degrading the ecology. In fact, a recent meta-study showed that ALL industries in the modern world cause more environmental damage than their profits, because of corporate law.
Corporations should not have ANY human rights and privileges of personhood, but should be subject to the same criminal and tort law, and also the people who benefit from corporate operations.