Doodle Doodledayeo Round 8 - Petty Theif Turned Hero

in doodleon •  7 years ago  (edited)


I had an idea right away for this week's Doodle Doodledayeo challenge, but didn't know if I'd have time to do it... But, I went ahead and got a couple finals knocked out early today, so I figured I could spare the afternoon to draw x)

The initial idea I had in my head was something along the lines of "A Splatoon Inkling with diamond hair that's basically the Inkling equivalent of Rouge the Bat from Sonic the Hedgehog LMAO "


I wound up opting for inky hair though mostly because I love drawing inky drippy drips PFFFT and ... well, honestly I wanted her to be the villain AND the hero.
So I decided to make her a hero who's reforming from a life of crime :D

Which she's only doing because there's no jewelry in jail and she can't handle it HALFJLSJKFLSJFLFFFFpfft

Also featuring a couple of superhero goobers I made way back in Jr. High!! Because any time I make new superheroes I basically say that Cookie and The Woosh are big shots in my super hero world's equivalent of the Justice League XDDDD
(They're recruiters, mostly)

Also drawing this made me suddenly realize ALL my superheroes are girls and I'm not sure why that is??? PFffft

I probably could have made something really cool with this, but it got pretty late and I was kind of starting to lose my train of thought
But I decided, since it's not really super clear that she's supposed to have squid powers just from looking at her, I'd surround her with these cute squid pillow plushie things <3
Even if the picture itself is kinda simple, I'm really happy about how the shading and all came out <33

Aaaaaaaaand that's actually not all!! I have a silly bonus thing with Diamond Squid interacting with the Turnip Brothers from my last Doodledayeo entry XDDDD


I kinda wanted to color it, but it's late and I gotta get up early tomorrow, so I think I'll just leave it at that for now

Can't wait to see what everybody else does this week! But until then, I'll see you gaters later! ;P

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Your style rocks @platonicsironic!
I will admit I was a little nervous to check out the bonus surprise image as your superhero girl is also a bit of a Femme fatale. I see she is back to her old ways and stealing jewels, she should know better than to mess with the Turnip brothers.
Two amazing doodles from you!!! :D

Thanks!! <33

Pfft, she's kind of an airhead, but idk if I'd call her a femme fatale XD
Unless I don't understand the term as well as I think I do 🤔

But YAS it suddenly hit me that the bros had a jewel too, I had to include that XDD

your drawing looks great as always and i love all the though that has been put into it. good to see something from you again :D

Aww, thanks! 💕💕
I keep telling myself I'm gonna post comics on here at some point, starting to think I aught to find a writer, though 😂

I'm great at concepts, the follow-up... not so much LOL 😄

XD well I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your drawings again :3 i kinda want to try make some comics as well i have no idea about what though XD

I'd love to see comics from you, if you have it a whirl :3c
But yeah, that is the problem lol - I could draw comics all day, but about WHAT? XD
Ugh, eternal delima LMAO 😂

indeed XD i might try when i get some free time from school, i think it could be fun :D i also wanna try making some more animation stuff though, and something with water colours or pen and ink. dammit there's so many things i wanna draw and so little time to do it XD

DUUUUUDE watercolors are so pretty, but I absolutely can not do them worth nothin' 😂
I hear ya tho, like... so many projects, so little time;;;
It's frustrating, but at the same time, if I can just focus on my art, I'd never be bored LOL :P

ye i guess that's true, and yeah watercolours can be evil XD

Watercolors are scary ^^;;;; But so pretty;;;;;;; Ffffff
What kinds of animations were you thinking about doing, though?

oh my wonderful God I gotta learn how to shade like that on computer I guess, right?
You are actually pretty awesome!! great job!!

Thanks! 💕💕
And yeah, it's on the computer. I use Clip Studio Paint, but if you're new to digital art and don't want to spend a whole bunch, Krita is a new free art software that, if i wasn't so spoiled lol, it'd probably be my main program.
Kinda like SAI and CSP's brain-child?? 😂 The vector tools still need a little work, though P:

Anyway, shading is always really fun. It's good to look up tutorials for things like ambient lighting and such, though basically I mostly slap lots of multiply and overlay layers on top of each other and just keep tweaking it until I get bored 😅

I could spend all day just tweaking a picture's shading, its just kinda fun 😸

omg you are like me lol it literally can eat away time the problem is that after 6 hours you are still at point zero hahaha
I am going to look up for Krita and the others...I don't know any of these programs :P so wish me luck :D
Thank you very much for the quick reply! ;)

That's true, it's easy to just go nowhere with it XD
But thats kinda half the fun imho ;P

Krita is an AWESOME tool, and if you ever wanna get into animation, it and OpenToonz are like?? The BEST freeware I've seen???
I wish they were around when I first started out, I'd have saved a lot of money LMAO 😂

And hey, no probs! I tend to stalk my new posts for a little while because I'm a narcissist and wanna keep tabs on how it's being recieved XDDD

hahahaha downloaded Krita but I don't have a touchscreen lap...i am yet to play with it...OpenToonz looks promising...:D I never liked paid programs and never paid for one mainly because of I didn't have 3 trillion dollars at hand and because open source software was just one step behind them...hahaha plus I would have used it for student purpose, I wasn't going to profit from it unless they count the grades I took from my teacher as money...:P...
Thank again so much for this !!
I too stalk my own posts sometimes hahaha and stare at them and cry hahahaha but only for 7 days hahahahaha xDDDDD lol hahahaha :PPP ;)

I don't have a touchscreen anymore, busted the screen on my old SP3 😧
But I got a cheap replacement tablet, the Wacom Intuos tablet. It's not touchscreen, but it gets the job done! ✨
There's lots of digital artists that just stick to a trusty mouse, though! 😉
I used one for a long time before I got my first tablet! ✨

There weren't really any freeware art programs I liked when I bought CSP 😅 I'm kind of really picky about my tools, they have to flow well and have certain features.
But, I bought it while it was on sale, so it wasn't really like a trillion dollars.
Even at full price, it's not as much as PS, and IMHO it's a lot better 😅
Partially because it's made for ART, not photo manipulation 😛

Good luck with your art! Remember to always have a blast with it! 😉✨

I will, thanks!! you too!! :D

Nice post everyday, you my inspiration. @platonicsironic!

Love the drawing. Cute and sexy at the same time

Wow, thanks! 👍👍
I keep telling myself I'm gonna post comics on here at some point, starting to think I aught to find a writer, though XD:) @platonicsironic

Dude, yes. Literally had that same thought with somebody the other day, like getting a writer cuz
Like I can come up with characters, but I am highly inconsistent with anything in the way of stories XD

Plus, idk I think working with a writer is usually more fun, so I'd recommend it :P

Keep the toons coing!

LOL can do, my dude 👌
Actually just finished a comic, but I think I'll schedule it to post tomorrow, because I'm not sure if it'd fly under people's radars if I posted it this late XD

Great post! I love it! Very talented! Keep them coming! :)