Completed a Contract as Shadow Shaman
Good team work and team plays.
Enemy Team
Our Team
Shadow Shaman is a lane pusher with 2 disables
he works will with high damage AS heroes
Chat about the Game afterwards with teamies
[9:34 PM]
Ancient Ali:
was a fun game, completed the contract =)
[9:34 PM]
Dark LeGi0N:
sweet good game
They focused me so hard
[9:34 PM]
Ancient Ali:
You and PA were giving them a hard time
[9:34 PM]
Dark LeGi0N:
but luckily i know drow
i got a sheep stick bro lol
its actually broken
helps for mana problem unlimited frost arrows
[9:35 PM]
Ancient Ali:
lol saw that, can also disable them
double silence
clinkz also does well with sheep stick
maybe medusa with mana shield if you need to tank
[9:36 PM]
Dark LeGi0N:
yeah very situational for drow
[9:36 PM]
Ancient Ali:
it was a good escape
[9:36 PM]
Dark LeGi0N:
i only chose it for that new primal rock thing that kept coming at me
fuck hes broken dude
[9:36 PM]
Ancient Ali:
keep DK and Primal beast further away, its when they get close we have a problme
[9:37 PM]
Dark LeGi0N:
Primal is so tank
like malphite from LOL
[9:37 PM]
Ancient Ali:
yeah and has a good escape
and they had a DK
we did a shit load of damage
[9:37 PM]
Dark LeGi0N:
thier DK was KAK
[9:37 PM]
Ancient Ali:
lol because I was focusing him
every team fight both my disables
and warded
[9:38 PM]
Dark LeGi0N:
I sawthat lol , he was perma disabled
[9:38 PM]
Ancient Ali:
didn't have chance to farm
[9:38 PM]
Dark LeGi0N:
and pa synced well with team
also just a broken hero if farmed right
[9:39 PM]
Ancient Ali:
and SK has a long stun then net then disable then his stun is ready again
[9:39 PM]
Dark LeGi0N:
they should of focused her more than me but that got them in the end
[9:39 PM]
Ancient Ali:
perma stun
[9:39 PM]
Dark LeGi0N:
yea sk was tops that game
[9:39 PM]
Ancient Ali:
lol yeah
[9:39 PM]
Dark LeGi0N:
good postitioning
[9:39 PM]
Ancient Ali:
ok let me know a quick post then we play another one if you keen?
Anyone else enjoy playing Shadow Shaman?