As he wanders through the barren lands, he finds several corpses that have been preserved and then brings the corpses to his own cavern that is dark and gloomy. After practicing his magical abilities for decades, he succeeded in reviving hundreds of bodies of fighters.
The Necromancer is also highly admired and respected among the other Necromancer magicians. He is honored for his enormous magic ability that can even live hundreds of corpses alive at once. But this Necromancer is not satisfied with it, he wants something even greater!

The Necromancer is also thinking while looking at the corpse of his undead. He felt that he needed a very vile and vile corpse. Later the undead would be a general for his dead corpses. Despite realizing that this action is very dangerous and very difficult for him, he does not care about it.
His greed and arrogance of his strength made him unstoppable. The Necromancer then went to a very far place that is Endless Carnage. In his mind, his plan was perfect. All he needs now is a strong corpse fit to be a general.
Fortunately, this place he visited, Endless Carnage is a cursed place because all living things that die here will not rot even after all these years. A blue mist covered almost the entire surface of the land in the area. The fog indicates that the place is a cursed place where there is no life there.
With the help of his dead corpse, he managed to find some perfect corpses to use as his new soldier. For a moment he wanted to go back to the cave, one of his soldiers found a large meat hook and stuck in one of the corpses. He then took the corpse and its hook to be revived.
Source Image : Pudge