Secret Society Research

in dots •  6 years ago 

Desiring to further understand the players and their interconnectivity, I decided to create a database solely for this purpose.
The piece is largely a copy and paste of relevant information obtained from various sources, most of which are from the internet. It is not an attempt at plagiarism, as I do not claim credit for the material, not do I attempt to profit from it. It’s done this way for posterity’s purpose. These are raw research notes, to aid my own research and I simply compiled it into one compendium. Realizing the value, it could pose to others of similar interests…I share it publicly.
Using the material above, I was able to compile a wall-chart of secret-societies that I find spawn from the Holy See itself. Once I had access to a better program for chart creation, I improved the document. (
As an added bonus, I was able to learn about the hidden calendar/dating system used by these secret-societies. Of course, I had to make it into a wall-chart.
Archivist, FRC
Monday, December 24, 2018

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