Defending Hobby Lobby’s Religious Rights
Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee tore into Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch today for daring to defend the Hobby Lobby company from being forced by the Obama Administration to pay for abortions.
Hobby Lobby filed suit against the Obama administration’s HHS mandate — which required it to pay for abortion causing drugs for its employees. Ultimately the United States Supreme Court sided with the company and protecting its religious rights.
But today, Democrats excoriated Gorsich for his participation in a case that defended Hobby Lobby’s conscience protections.
Gorsuch outlined a broad definition of religious freedom that could point to how he would rule in similar cases regarding abortion if confirmed by the Supreme Court — writing, “The ACA’s mandate requires them to violate their religious faith by forcing them to lend an impermissible degree of assistance to conduct their religion teaches to be gravely wrong.”
He also argued in his own separate opinion that the individual owners and directors also had valid religious freedom claims.
read the article here
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