Cigarra, Cicada, Up Close and Loud. World's Most Annoying Insects. TRY TO DELETE THIS VID YT.

in dr •  7 years ago 

Cigarra, Cicada, Up Close and Loud.

Lets see if the f#@king AI anal-log boobheads at boobtube can find a reason to delete this video or give me a strike.
This is a protest video.
With Also something about a fascinating creature in the jungle that was in my room.
a large homopterous insect with long transparent wings, occurring chiefly in warm countries. The male cicada makes a loud shrill droning noise by vibrating two membranes on its abdomen.
The periodic cicadas spend most of their lives as underground nymphs, emerging only after 13 or 17 years, which may reduce losses by starving their predators and eventually emerging in huge numbers that overwhelm and satiate any remaining predators. The annual cicadas are species that emerge every year. Though these cicada have life cycles that can vary from one to nine or more years as underground larvae, their emergence above ground as adults is not synchronized so some appear every year.

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