is an anime series directed by Ryūtarō Nakamura
Lain is an avant-garde anime, influenced by philosophical themes such as reality, identity and social communication. The series focuses on Lain Iwakura, a girl who lives her adolescence in the suburbs of Japan; and its introduction to Wired, a global communications network similar to the Internet. Lain lives with his middle-class family, which also consists of an inexpressive older sister named Mika, a cold mother, and a computer-obsessed parent. The series deals with themes such as God, the collective unconscious, Internet (in this case, Wired), conspiracy theories and many other themes common in cyberpunk literature.
is one of my favorite series, and how not to draw a lain, main character ...
I hope you like my drawing. Kisses
riends I've seen drawing contests, I'd like to be explained as I should, to create a drawing contest.
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