By Krist
When we dream, we most likely dream about things that are connected in what we experience in the real world. Let's explore the meanings of some dreams we humans mostly experience. Teeth Falling Out Dreams - Did you ever dream of your teeth falling out? Have you ever wonder the meaning of this dream? If Yes, then let's try to answer the meaning of this dream. According to experts, dream's about your teeth reflects your anxiety about your appearance it may also means you have concerns over your self worth or how you are being treated by others.
Death Dreams - This dreams is one those dreams most people are afraid of having. People having this dream mostly experience themselves or having close family members dying in their dreams. However, what do this death dreams mean? According to experts, death dreams can either represent positive or negative events taking place in your life. Often this means that you have indicated desire to end or escape a current situation that is causing you stress. Death Dreams also maybe a symbol for those people feeling down or lacking health.
Falling Dreams - According to experts, falling is a common dream symbol that relates to our anxiety about letting go, losing control or somehow failing after a success. Dreams about falling have special significance, however it may also suggest some lost in your life, status, confidence and security. Falling also represents a lost of control or feeling of helplessness. After all if you fall you have no control over your direction or your pace which may also relate in the dreamer's real life.
Dreams of being chased - Dreaming of being chased by some dark figure of some sort and you don't know what it is you're running from. This is a metaphor for your own insecurity. You're trying basically to run away from something, this figure in your dream that you're running from may relate to the dreamer's real life.