How To Gain Supernatural Abilities

in dreams •  7 years ago  (edited)

If you don't know what lucid dreaming is, you can check my introductionary post about it.

Alright, let's jump right in:

One night I suddenly woke up at 4AM. Having experienced most of my lucid dreams in the small hours after waking up, I knew I had a good chance to experience one again. In fact I thought to myself: "Let's have a freaking lucid dream tonight."

Most of the REM(rapid eye movement)-sleep and dreams occur during small hours so naturally it's more likely to have a lucid dream also.

So I went to lie down own my bed and I tried if you could have a wake induced lucid dream (WILD), drifting into a lucid dream from awake. I remained conscious and focused on the hypnagogic fractals in the middle state of sleep and awake but I couldn't get asleep while remaining conscious. I haven't had success with WILD specifically, and didn't this time either. But I got a successful dream induced lucid dream!

I'll tell you everything from the beginning. TL;DR in the end for the lazy readers.

Nevermind, I'll just give you the tl;dr:
Too lazy to tell it all

I had a lucid dream where I had telekinetic abilities, threw stuff around, duplicated items and probably killed someone by grabbing her head. I also lifted a school building while being inside standing with a power stance and flew it towards Mars (according to the news) like a superman.

How to gain superpowers in lucid dreams?

By superpowers I mean stuff you can do in dreams that are impossible in physical reality: fly, create objects and manipulate the environment only using your mind.

Step 1:

Learn to lucid dream.

Step 2:

You need to understand that DREAMS DON'T HAVE PHYSICS.

"But why do my dreams still act out as in the physical world then?"

It's simply because you project your beliefs about the nature of the world - the only world you know of which is the physical one where we are bound to the laws of physics - into the the dreams.

When you are aware of the fact that physics are not the limits of the dream reality, but your own beliefs, you can reshape it at will. It's a lot of like how Neo learns to "bend" the reality in the Matrix.

It's about developing a mindset with always questioning what you perceive, even though you "know" how the world behaves. Never take the world for granted, and you're more likely to be able to do wacky things in dreams once you suddenly realize you are in a one.

Don't actually have more than that. It's quite simple, in theory. But in practice it won't go like chopping wood and it'll require a lot of practice and persistence.

Truth be told: I actually haven't had another lucid dream since this one, which was months ago already. I guess it has to do with the fact that I'm on my service and don't make much time around mornings because I pretty much get up, brush my teeth and hop on a train.

Even worse, I rarely memorize my dreams at all because of my tight morning. And the dreams tend to fade away during the first minutes awake so they don't last.

So, my "dream life" is very compromised right now which is a bit of a shame. Hopefully that'll change when my service ends and I don't have to be a slave for the clock. Have to build the habit again and start writing dream diary when the time comes.

Would be cool to get those abilities back because real life's just boring unlike dreams which at least have something fun to do.

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Another excellent article dude!
I once went for lucid dreaming and stopped after my second round of being lucid within only 3 to 4 weeks of trying. I stopped because I woke up "too quickly" which was a really eerie experience. When I dreamt I was flying (love flying when lucid) but then I kinda crashed, like a shot down airplane. I woke up moments later in my bed and had a massive whistling in my ears for a good 10-15 minutes, as if I had literally fallen from the sky too quickly, still could feel the wind in my face and hair (as if I had just popped my head out of the window of a moving car and then put the head back in the car - THAT sensation).

Incidentally I will try for another lucid round these days, it's been years since then. I also have a mission, maybe you can help me with: I need to recover lost and or forgotten information in the dream state. Any experience with that yet? I really hope I will be successful as it is a rather important password that would change the course of my life^^

Your article really inspired me to write about my lucid experiences, thanks man <3

Heyy @paradigmprospect, good to hear you liked it!

I woke up moments later in my bed and had a massive whistling in my ears for a good 10-15 minutes, as if I had literally fallen from the sky too quickly, still could feel the wind in my face and hair (as if I had just popped my head out of the window of a moving car and then put the head back in the car - THAT sensation).

Whoa, that's one extremely vivid dream dream! Spooky...

Incidentally I will try for another lucid round these days, it's been years since then. I also have a mission, maybe you can help me with: I need to recover lost and or forgotten information in the dream state. Any experience with that yet? I really hope I will be successful as it is a rather important password that would change the course of my life^^

Unfortunately that is outside of my knowledge. I can only give that hypnosis could help with recovering a lost memory. Hope you figure out the password, it sounds like a big deal.

Your article really inspired me to write about my lucid experiences, thanks man <3

I'm interested to hear what you've done in lucid dreams besides flying (one of my favorite things also) :D

Thanks, I am keeping the hypnosis possibility on hold as well, but so cool you mention it.
A good friend of mine has learnt to play the guitar in lucid dreams from scratch - picked up her first real guitar two years later just to proof a point to herself - was playing chords instantly without any "practical" experience.

After my crash and hasty wake up with the ringing I stopped,but your article was the last nudge I needed to get back on it. Will send you a link once I do a nice write-up - Thanks <3

Thanks, I am keeping the hypnosis possibility on hold as well, but so cool you mention it.
A good friend of mine has learnt to play the guitar in lucid dreams from scratch - picked up her first real guitar two years later just to proof a point to herself - was playing chords instantly without any "practical" experience.

I've heard this technique being used to enhance sport performances but damn, learning guitar from a scratch is just crazy!

I've been hearing a lot about lucid dreaming lately and I'm intrigued. Will definetly be checking it out as my dreams are very vivid and this sounds like it could get really interesting. Super powers hey? Wouldn't mind a few of those myself.

Yeah, lucid dreaming is one spooky experience I can tell you. Being completely conscious about yourself in reality that is completely different from ours. It's a real "whoa, oh shit" -moment. First time you may get so excited that the dream crashes right away but try again and you'll learn to take it easy.

May Neo and Superman grant you magnificent powers in your dream adventures! 💪

This remembering of dreams can be trained - all the better if you are on the clock! Keep notepad by bed and pick up pen first thing upon waking up. Doesn't matter if nothing comes first two weeks. Keep doing this routine. Your brain will give in, in the end and give you the "goods".

Set alarm 5 mins earlier (doesn't need that much extra time). Learning when you naturally wake up out of a REM state is the real way to master dream recollection. There seem to be phone apps that monitor when they occur. Once you know your cycle you can manipulate your own sleep schedule to catch yourself dreaming.

Next thing is to learn which dreams are really lucid and which are body memories or mental post-processing.

This remembering of dreams can be trained - all the better if you are on the clock! Keep notepad by bed and pick up pen first thing upon waking up. Doesn't matter if nothing comes first two weeks. Keep doing this routine. Your brain will give in, in the end and give you the "goods".

I know, I know! I gave this advice also in my intro article... which I'm not following myself. Kinda like the alcoholics: "Kids. points finger... don't ruin your life drinking like meeh..."

Ughhh... for some reason knowing I need to go to my job distracts me in the something.

Bad excuse... I know.

I'd like to lucid dream but the problem is that I never sleep enough to make that happen. Seeing a normal dream is already really special to me.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Seeing a normal dream is already really special to me.

Remembering the dream is the real problem, we have them regardless but yeah... practically the same.

I have the same thing that lack of sleep really hurts my ability to remember dreams.