surreal, it is

in dregs •  4 years ago 

to find, no limits
imposed, no rules
enclosed, a chemist
of dregs and pixels, a fool
I've made, I've been
no cap, no dreads,
shorn locks, broke leads
in writing, took heads
precisely, axe-less
and lightly, matchless
I snap, said pens
to scribe, they lap
it up, hook line
and sinker,
steem sunk.

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shuffle it GOOD!

to no said it locks, enclosed, a find, sinker, sunk. line been and to no lightly, matchless cap, chemist lap dreads, pens imposed, made, pixels, they steem axe-less I've a dregs rules shorn hook up, and and fool in snap, took I leads precisely, limits scribe, writing, no I've of no heads broke.