$1 Long Island Iced Tea from Applebee’s: Drink Deal Won’t Save Dying Restaurant Chain

in drinks •  7 years ago 

When your restaurant is struggling to attract customers, how do you turn it around? What about selling alcoholic drinks for $1? In October, the troubled Applebee’s restaurant chain decided to offer $1 margaritas called “Dollaritas”. This promotion apparently worked well, aside from some criticism that the drinks didn’t seem to contain much booze. And after recently suffering a greater than 6% decline in same store sales and having to close 100 of its locations, the restaurant chain decided to double down.


Now, for the month of December, you can get a $1 Long Island Iced Tea from Applebee’s. The chain apparently took the low alcohol criticism to heart because it chose a cocktail for this drink deal that includes five different kinds: vodka, rum, tequila, gin, and triple sec (orange liqueur). The drink contains no tea, but just enough cola to give it the same light brown hue.

As many college students can attest, there’s only one reason to order a Long Island Iced Tea: to get drunk. This stealthy drink has a higher alcohol content than most people expect. You think you’re getting some spiked orange-flavored cola, but this is a drink with very little mixer; it contains about 22% alcohol. And its combination of different spirits hits some people especially hard. If you make it home in one piece, expect a hangover the next morning.

LIIT recipe.jpg

So I have some issues with this drink deal of $1 Long Island Iced Tea from Applebee’s (presented in no particular order).

First, Applebee’s is setting its sights low. The promotion is called L.I.T. In drinking parlance, lit means drunk, so the restaurant chain knows exactly who it is aiming for here. Its demographic is those who don’t care that “L.I.I.T.” (with two I’s) would be the right abbreviation for Long Island Iced Tea. Before finishing a glass of this stuff, you’ll be so L.I.T. lit you won’t care how they spell it.


Second, if you’re going to get people drunk, why not offer them something enjoyable to drink? There are cheap wines and there are better tasting cocktails that can use distilled alcohol. Or just give them the rotgut stuff straight up.

Third, if you want people to order food and spend more money at your restaurant, doesn’t it make more sense to get them drunk slowly (not all at once)? Maybe dollar beers don’t have the same ring to them. LIITs are bombs. For reference, a Long Island Iced Tea has the same amount of alcohol as 4-5 beers or glasses of wine. “Would you like wine with dinner, sir?” “Sure, but let me slam the whole bottle before I order a main course.”



When I was in college, there was a time when I could get through more than one Long Island Iced Tea, but no more. If you have a substantial portion of the customers who are calling for a ride after spending $1-2 on drinks, doesn’t it seem like a stupid idea to send them home before they can order much food?





Source: twitter.com

Alternatively, if they’re fully lit before it’s time to go home, do you really want them hanging around your bar/restaurant? Applebee’s still promotes itself as a family restaurant chain. If customers are starting fights and vomiting even before they get the munchies, you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel there.

The only successful shopping areas these days are the ones with trendy restaurants that serve good food. Diners are taking pictures of what they eat, writing reviews, and posting it all on Steemit. Good food brings people out. Retail is dying and so are lousy restaurants. Even many fast food places are getting the message that people want to eat decent quality food when they go out.

This restaurant is fading fast because it hasn’t gotten the message. In offering the $1 Long Island Iced Tea drink deal in December, Applebee’s is making a desperate move. This is like trying to attract guys to your website with a clickbait ad like “Hottest Chick Ever”. And then showing them only one photo or video before you’re able to push your range of products.

For the January promotion, how about putting some decent food on the menu? Maybe that would bring back your customers.


Dont drink deal.png


People Magazine: http://people.com/food/applebees-dollar-long-island-iced-teas/

Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/food/wp/2017/11/30/of-course-2017-would-end-with-a-1-long-island-ice-tea-promotion-from-applebees/?utm_term=.4693f40f8fb3

Alcohol content of drinks (Loyola Marymount University): http://academics.lmu.edu/headsup/forstudents/standarddrinks/

Image sources: General Internet memes and random non-copyrighted material, except where noted. Top image courtesy of Applebee's Restaurants LLC.

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Nice article. Must say that i haven't actually ever visited applebee's. Seems i might be too late upon my next visit to the states... :o)

Applebees it hit or miss. There REAL good at missing! lol

My first ever wage job I was a bus boy for applebees for a few months. Running into my coworkers coming out of the kitchen, rolling silverware, cleaning up spills. Yeah probably a chain that just needs to die finally.

HAHA thats funny you said is tastes like microwaved food because EVERYTHING we make here at Applebees just about comes out of the microwave! Dont eat here!

That's quite an endorsement!

I never really liked Applebees. It tasted like microwaved food at an expensive price.

haha yea but with I might check it out for that LIT drink I can use some of my STEEM COIN lol

That's what it is!

good and nice

by pure chance here we have the Polar Light

Made in Venezuela

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

esta buena y mas si hoy es viernes jajajaja...
mas si es primero de diciembre

I am vVenezuelan and as I scrolled this really caught my eye. You brought back some good memories! Drink Polar!

Que bueno mi pana. una fria mata calor. jejejeje

Second, if you’re going to get people drunk, why not offer them something enjoyable to drink?

So, I take it you don't like Long Island's? I think they're one of the best tasting drinks around, but maybe I'm just a weirdo :)

I think applebees is pretty fucked at this point, and even if they DID start putting out good quality food they've basically screwed the pooch here and I don't think it'll be easy for them to come back. I've talked with several people who have worked at applebee's before, and almost all of the food is prepackaged and microwaved for gods sake. It's shocking to me that they've even been able to keep their business going as long as they have.

They taste fine, but it's basically an excuse to chug a bunch of alcohol. There are better tasting drinks out there IMO.

I honestly think they taste really good, very smooth and I'd rank them in my top 5 cocktails. But, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not too heavy of a drinker, I've probably only tried like 2 dozen cocktails, lol.

Yeah I just heard of this, this is awesome lol...One time I was at applebees in Athens Ohio with my girlfriend and a mouse ran from under our table into the kitchen. It was crazy!! The sad part is I still eat there lol...The boneless wings are on point

They clearly chose long island iced tea's because of the acronym. The problem why we aren't raving about this deal is because it doesn't align with Applebee's Brand.

I completely agree that this won't save their company, and to me, this is a red flag. Applebee's is getting desperate, and they are trying to attach themselves to anything, even if it sacrifices their brand.

If Applebee's wants to turn their company around, I believe they need to stick to their roots like how chili's has brought back their "baby back ribs" campaign. Applebee's could be a nice family restaurant, but they need to make big changes.

Yes, it smacks of desperation for sure.

You have a lot of awesome posts, but this is by far one of your best ones man. I needed this one today! Thanks.

There is nothing good that can come from this. The only one's that are gonna make money is the court system from all the DUI's. Hopefully nobody gets into a really bad accident from this dumb promotion.

Geez. I'm not a hard drinker and I dont think I would even order some of this even for a cheap

I agree better food will help because those dollaritas were horrible. I won't let it discourage me from trying those long islands though lol

In this post i just like coca cola. and thats cool , but who has the time and all this things to build you can just learn how to pour drinks into a glass.

So, Applebee’s customers, I want to give you some advice: aim higher. Just because someone in the corporate boardroom of Applebee’s came up with this November promotion doesn’t mean that $1 margaritas are a good idea. That margarita is going to disappoint you more than I disappoint 95% of my customers

I'm impressed that you could build so much solid content out of this drink promotion. I never put L.I.T. together with LIT before, so I did learn something from this. I can't imagine how many people will get wasted and might hold the bar liable for not cutting them off sooner when they fall on their faces in the parking lot.

I bet that Applebees is in with local law enforcement (Chief Wiggum and crew) to split the DUI tickets from the ambushes rightfully outside every parking lot. I also wonder what low grade well alcohol they're using in these drinks, because there's no way in hell they're using anything of good quality.

Kudos for using your outreach wisely with quality effort, as opposed to many I see at your tier who put a fraction of the genuine effort, but somehow get the same rewards.

Since when is falling on your face anyone's fault other than your own? Hello?! One time I got pulled over leaving an Old Chicago, and the officer was like "You're obviously not impaired, but, if you start feeling sketchy, pull over and call a cab." I'd had like 5 beers at that point, and I lit my tires up on the way out of the parking lot when boy wonder lit me up. He let me drive away after he stopped me! Applebees is too fucking dumb to be in "cahoots" with anyone. So is local law enforcement. Learning they're working together would be like finding a video of a hedgehog fucking a scorpion. IN ITS BOOTY!!! Not gonna happen!!!

Good story. Though maybe both of them being "dumb" puts them in cahoots. Collusion, if not conspiracy?

Haha, lucky you. You know I was completely kidding right?

Suggested 7 second watch commemorating your fortunate experience:

Thanks for a great response. You're right on point there re: Chief Wiggum's crew. This has to be some low grade, rotgut junk. And you know somebody's going to get behind a wheel thinking they had one drink.


I've been there a few times to drink, usually when a decent bar is unavailable. They've always cut me off before i got stumbling drunk. I'm not sure whether that's a good, or bad thing, but it was always upsetting for me lol.

Naw, if you look into it, they have little to no alcohol in it.

I have read people buying 5, 6 drinks and not feeling anything but a sugar high.

HaHa you could build so much solid content out of this drink promotion. I think that getting drunk is not healthy.You made my day with these pictures diverse!

So I work at applebees upnorth where the food chain is still thriving.

  1. yes a lot of our shit is microwaved lol
  2. don't get to hyped on $1 LITs the portion size is a lot smaller then a regular sized LIT. they really wouldn't be making money if they were normal sized, also it would change the mood from a family restaurant to a bar lol.
  3. I'm tired of all there food and working here so I'm leaving and making
    Crypto my 9-5 lol
    steemit is where its at!
    follow my story From applebees server to crypto millionaire!!

It's great to have your inside knowledge. Best of success on your crypto journey!

Thank You!

If only they could get access to this post, and take the simple advice here.You can't get anyone to buy your product on furniture, by luring them in with illicit pictures. I subscribe fully to the idea of giving good quality food and then watch your effort produce good result.

I got to find out that to make five gallons of the dirt-cheap Dollaritas, the restaurant uses one gallon of tequila, another gallon of margarita mix, and three gallons of tap water — which means that, essentially, customers are just drinking watered down alcohol when they order the beverage. An employee of Applebees said, "If 'the dollarita is your life,' you're an animal who can't taste things,"

Good info on the Dollaritas. They took some heat for that one. I'd have to guess this drink packs a bit more of a punch, but at that price it can't be high grade stuff.

Booze is already "high grade stuff" even if it's made like dog shit. Unless it's so bad it'll make you blind for drinking it, alcoholics will still drink it right up. It'll still get you fucked up!

You're right. "High quality" might have been a better word choice there.

True, I have never had the dollar margarita at Applebee’s, but I have had the regular priced one and it tasted like sour mix and Splenda blended with ice and a tequila-flavored Now and Later.
If an $8.00 margarita tasted that bad, what the hell is one that costs a dollar going to taste like?

Probably the same with extra water.

Hahahaha, exactly.

Applebys isn't a BAD place to go eat.
but it's just another plastic restaurant.
indistinguishable from any of it's competitors.
Ho hummm...more corporate.

That is a very bad idea and setting up for DUI situations. Is the waitstaff supposed to monitor a patrons ability to drive before they leave?

Either that or they're putting the burden on local communities and law enforcement.

It is quite a drink with a punch.
People will just go for a great food and won't mind the great price tag because they always appreciate a good food and always justify their spending for it @donkeypong

Hopefully it won't fold. Applebees is the only restaurant up here in Canada at least that offers free dinners to veterans on Remembrance Day. It's become a tradition for us to go there, sign their support poster and order the same meal every year.

Good for them. It's important to honor veterans.

Going from eating at Applebee's 1x a week in 2006-2007 to now not even giving dining there a second thought this $1.00 LIT venture seems desperate at best! Instead of getting their customers loaded on $1.00 drinks maybe they should elevate their dining standards? Dabble in vegetarian/vegan meals as more people are shifting their eating habits in this direction? It seems as if food chains as a whole are fizzling out.

wow thats cheap. i dont like those drinks and man USA is soooooo cheap! if we had that sale in canada itd be around $6 easily on sale

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

There are new startups going up all over the world that prevent you from having the excuse to drive home drunk. These companies drive you home in your vehicle. Please don't drink and drive, and consider this option. I run one of those startups. We are out here saving lives -- Please do not drink and drive! Drunk at the bar? Get home in the passenger seat of your car.

Ahahaaa good attempt but i didn' t get why its called " iced tea"? Judging by the recipe there is not a drop of tea. They should call it " Crazy burning mix" or " Drunk as a lord".

You made my day with these pictures ahahaa


The color and the ice are the only similarities, but that's the name of this drink. Yes, your name suggestions would be better.

Things are changing fast indeed, and I guess much more than just food is needed to change people's new eating habits from ordering in. Like you said it has to be visually beautiful so that people can take photos and show it off to everyone hehe

I think for January they can continue with Dollaritas but use Doritos instead of Margariras. One chip for one dollar. Maybe that will save them

One chip for a dollar certainly would fill the company's bank accounts faster!

Hehe :$

Thank God someone is writing on this topic. I Went to try the widely publicized $1 margarita special. Was served a beer mug full of clear liquid on ice with no taste or flavor. When I questioned the waitress, I was told this is their special. I've tasted flavored water with more flavor. Total ripoff. The food is mediocre at best - only went there to try the special. Our server was great and tried to fix our drinks but the Manager told her no - this is what you get for a buck. Really? Why bother to do this if you don't want to serve an alcoholic drink?

If only they can follow the advice you've graciously given here. It's a good one. Serve good food, and people will come.

I'd have had them make me the sickest, most degenerate cocktail you've ever seen after that. Your alky skills are obviously sub-par.

TGIF! now i see where this post is getting at @donkeypong time to grab some beer for later. Awesome!

TGIF. I'll stick with beer also. Enjoy.



I have a funny feeling that Applebee's L.I.I.T. my a little heavy on the mixers and ice cubes. I'm pretty sure it will taste like a $1 drink.

I think that getting drunk is not healthy. better utilized for things that are productive. thanks @donkeypong has shared information.

good analysis. in India even the reputed Restaurants do such practices. from one angle government looting people like anything and other angle the Restaurants. as it is the tax on alcohol is above 30% above that very bad quality. they bottle the mixture even without properly blending or keeping the mixture for the minimum required time. they go on giving licences exponential every year and get revenue no quality check, departments bribe low quality increased outlets. all would have better even if they maintain quality. many families are getting ruined. your post enlightened that all over the world this types of practices are there. but the magnitude in India is quality of the drink. thanks for the post....

I think I'm gonna go to TGIF... see its working already

if you do decide to go to Applebee’s and get trashed on cheap margaritas, think of the servers. They are busting their asses carrying dollar drinks to cheap assholes (no offense) and probably not making much money doing it. If Bubba Ray and Belva Kay each order three margaritas and nothing else, their bill will be about $6.50. A 20% tip would be just $1.30. Your server deserves more than $1.30 for carrying out six drinks and having to witness you trying to force them down. If you’re only spending a dollar a drink, you can at least throw an extra few bucks to your server for dealing with the likes of you all month.

The good thing about me is I won't hesitate to leave a $100 bill for the servers after they get me wasted. If I have money in my pockets, and the servers treat me like a human regardless of how drunk I get, my money magically becomes their money. I'm pretty sure they're on to me.

Servers definitely are underpaid and often overworked. Big tipper here.

@donkeypong Your advice is so utterly simple, straight forward and logical, but it sounds to me like what they are doing (or attempting to do) is throw a band-aid on to a much bigger problem! This is not the sort of thing that is going to have a "quick fix" and the sooner they opened their eyes to this, the better...

Apart from that - I must say that I think their particular "band-aid" approach is So very TACKY! Encouraging a bunch of drunk youngsters... how very professional for your brand image.

Great post! Maybe they will be fortunate enough to stumble on it...

*young drunksters

The last time I ate at our local Applebees was 7 years ago. I judge a restaurant by how good their cheeseburger is and Applebees has a really crappy burger. I've tried other dishes but never had anything that made me excited. I don't think the $1 deal would be successful in my town. The Applebees has become known as the place all the old people go. The younger people drive to the next town where all the good restaurants are. You go in there on a Sunday evening for dinner and you'll be surrounded by a lot of senior citizens. I doubt many are looking to get sloshed on $1 alcoholic beverages.

You underestimate the power of alcoholism and being friendly to the servers. :-P

They just don't learn The reason why they are doing this promo all over again is because the last one just gave them a temporary result. Thus sort of technique will only produce temporary results, and before you know it, you'll be back to bankruptcy again.
Serve good food. A 3 word solution that can save that restaurant.
God help them.

My husband once told me that when he was in college, he and a friend made margaritas out of the closest thing they could find to margarita mix at 7-11 and they used Gatorade. I bet you a dollar that his Gatorade margarita was better than the dollar one you buy at Applebee’s.

Followed by instant ramen with ketchup packets. Those were the days. :)

Tequila, margaritas, and long island are delicious drinks. I've seen non-alcoholic Margaritas, but have never seen tequila and long Island without alcohol. A few days ago I read an article about tequila made in Jalisco, Mexico, made from cactus tree essence. Cheers...!

See ya when they decide to file for bankruptcy!

Installs Uber app and Googles the nearest Applebee's

Until then, enjoy happy hour. :)

Haha indeed but pace yourself! Thanks for posting. Definitely following upvote and resteem! keep em coming!

Applebee's is fading fast indeed. I agree. They failed to maintain their relevance in an ever competing marketplace. However I thoroughly enjoy Long Island Iced Tea and generally two is my limit. Three would be drunk. LOL I would assume they put little booze in the drink as a teaser. And how large are those drinks? I bet not as big as the normal glass for that price. I will check it out sometime. For me it is the taste and enjoyment of the drink. It is not the intention to get drunk. As a piano man I have been tipped a few in the day. Thanks for the story.

If you can handle two of these, you can outdrink me. Yes, the $1 version might be thinner. If you try it, let us know...but please don't drive home.

No worries. Because of my eyes being borderline I have not driven in years. Thanks.


Yes ! Might have to hit this up for lunch today! Lol

Longisland candır.favori iceceklerimden birisi.mesela biz @ebruaydogdu ve @bahadirk ile biryerde oturdugumuzda birbirimize ne iceceksin diye sormayiz.direjt veririz siparisi ve o da longisland olur.keske hersey bu kadar guzel ve keyif veren olsa

Ahahah. Bu tarz kokteyl ve sınırsız içme tarzına bayılıyorum. Sonu bazen komik bazında trajikomik olabiliyor. En güzeli dozunun biraz üzerinde tadında bırakmak. Dedikleri gibi şişede durdugu gibi durmuyor. Turkish.

Bourbon Street Chicken & Shrimp with "double sauce" is the best they have, I actually enjoyed the $1 margarita month, but I wish they served the perfect margarita instead, the plain $1 margarita was lacking a bit. The iced tea is a really bad idea, I do not think I want to drink that if I am out with family and friends, they have a lot better cocktails to offer. Another problem they have is the oil, they over use it until anything fried acquires a bitter taste, a shame if you order onion rings or cheese sticks. But 2 meals and an appetizer for $20 is still a great deal if you pick the right choices, the boneless hot wings are a good appetizer.

Wow great delicious drinks . I love it !

i note love

island Resturent is good

I dont know anything about this restaurant chain (untill now) because we dident hae it in germany. But that was quite nice informations and only ot of one drink promotion, impressed me.

Applebees been trash I rather eat mcdonalds and mickey dees sucks smh.

Blessing from me in Jamaica @donkeypong ... Bless

Nice 👍 post please upvote👆 my post.... Thank you

pet pickinih dalk ni vredno

a challenge of everyday life!

don´t know that restaurant but yeah putting some nice cooked food on the menu would be better. otherwise make it a bottle of vodka for January. it will definitely bring back customers!!

i am feeling like i am drunk haha

and here that is making a lot of heat :P

very good job bro. hehe

tnx u have my upvote this is really educating

This is hilarious! lol! Wow, I can't believe they are only $1! It makes me want to go try one even though it's been over 25 years since I had a Long Island Iced tea!

jajajaja muy bueno

muzakirpb upvote, posting is perfect

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Very well written

your number- 5 pic was awesome. ha ha ha ha ha

Can I taste it? lol.. nice post

Well that's one drink that's easily my krytonite. A few glasses and I am gone.

good post

Posts like this keep Steemit alive🙌

Amazing post really nice.....I like it.thx for share😍

At the $1 price mark I think you'll find the emphasis is on the ice as opposed to the "tea". Try asking for it "straight up" or "hold the ice" and see what happens.

There's an Applebees within walking distance of my house, and I'd love for them to pour extra alcohol in my "L.I.I.T" LET'S DO THIS!!!

Everybody and their entire coworkers for the month of December!

Get drunk and spend out of the box.

Hahaha, mixed feelings here, knowledge, exposure, comics, funny. By the time someone gets drunk with a cheap Long Island Iced Tea in Applebee’s, you gotta spend out of your budget, isn’t that dubious?

I just came from 18th birthday party and I read this, Its insane xD :D btw. Very interesting post! I will definetly upvote and follow you! Also, if you dont mind, check out my profile I just started using Steemit and I would really appreciate every kind of support :)

Your post is so right. I see your issues with them. I think it is so funny (but also sad) how they are getting so desperate to get customers in the door, and barely out it seems. I won't lie, the idea of $1 long islands sounds great to me, but at the same time, that means I have to go to applebees to get one :( anyways, nice post and memes to follow it :)

I don't agree with the payout.

Nice,,, thanks for sharing

Good job men
Have a nice day

Great travel subsidy for alco-binging tourists lol

anybody can help me? i am a newbie

That's crazy man.. Whats next smh

island Resturent is better

When you was getting ready to get drunk of the dollarita's tomorrow but then you peep its actually flavored water

I also said that it would be at least $3, but it aint no scotch on the rocks @donkeypong 👍👍✍

can be one of the best in this side ,,,..

Reading this being drunk, drunk inside a drunken post, Drunkception :D

Good post!

Congratulations @donkeypong!
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I haven't had a Long Island ice tea in ages but I'm sure it won't be 1 dollar in my city in Canada as we have minimum drink prices, because of the college bars. I don't think I've ever been to Applebees either

Good post

In Australia, it would be at least $3, but it aint no scotch on the rocks! :)

awesome bro. I enjoy this

Just amazing just amazing

Im new here can ay body explain to me pliz

Please don't SPAM... take a look in this before hurting your reputation.


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Please don't SPAM... take a look in this before hurting your reputation.


Please don't SPAM... take a look in this before hurting your reputation.


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Please don't SPAM... take a look in this before hurting your reputation.


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment