Equality – Drop in the Ocean Fiction – Choices

in dropintheocean •  5 years ago 


The day had come, when everyone would have to choose everything they would eat, drink, read, watch and do, for the entire next decade. They’d be making these choices on their smart phones or computers, or, if they didn’t have either of those, they could go to a library. In 60 days, everyone will have needed to go through the process of making their decisions, and if they fail to do that, they’ll end up with the “standard,” Government Issued set of items.

They’d been warned. Slightly less than three quarters of the world’s population had so far complied.

The information urging people to act had been out for the past year, and ads and TV spots had angered many people with the government’s constant nagging to study all of the choices available, as soon as possible, because many people would choose something and then change their mind and want to exchange for something different. They were warned that waiting too long would carve away at their getting the best choices.

It was a pretty good and fair thing the government was doing actually. Those folks who plan well could continue to enjoy nearly as much variety as they do now, as they would use their time to plan correctly. Unfortunately, a relatively small percentage of people are good at planning anything, so a large number, possibly a majority, would be getting the standard Government Issued selections.

Of course, no one knew, (or had seen evidence that would cause them to assume), that the standard issue option would be a bad choice. It’s just that people generally still have the thought in the backs of their minds, that if the government is giving something away, it’s likely not of very good quality even if it’s nothing more than advice.

The idea wasn’t that there were going to be high-value items for some and low-value items for others. If they did that, it would tarnish the whole basis for why the decision was made to redistribute in the first place. You can’t have a system that promises to redistribute the world’s wealth and then also plays favorites. Under the new system, every single person on earth over 18 years old starts at the same level of worth.

The first days and weeks after the redistribution went into effect, saw lots of trouble in the ways people responded. Problems sprang up almost immediately, with the people who had the idea that because they now were as wealthy as all of the previous wealthiest people, they deserved red carpet treatment everywhere they would go, just like those former big shots who were now their equals got.

They didn’t understand that the redistribution was meant to level things out, not to bring one class down or push the other class up. It’s amazing how some still see economic equality as an opportunity for personal gain. Most also didn’t understand why this new system initiative of “shopping for the decade” became necessary once redistribution occurred.

Everything was now done by computational power and resources, robots and artificial intelligence. Jobs for humans had been completely phased out rather quickly - within 6 months actually.

Many had complained that former celebrities and other “rich” people were likely still getting favor over everyone else, without any evidence such a claim was true. Tackling greed seems to illustrate that good old jealousy also needs attention.

There was much more complaining from those former extremely wealthy individuals however, than there ever was with the former lower classes. That’s probably to be expected in many, but not all cases. Roger Glatt was one of the billionaires before the redistribution. He was the first former billionaire to support the redistribution.

The redistribution served another purpose, and it’s still up in the air whether it was a planned or unintentional success. We’re talking about the fact that practically everything has changed in the influence game. It had previously been plagued with sell-outs and deep pockets. Now, that blackmail had essentially been wiped out, some who once had great power had no choice but to accept equality.

Even though this new stage of economic evolution has seen surprising success in molding new lifestyles for the masses of humans worldwide to enjoy, there are still quite a few people who are very upset that the redistribution took place.

Their main beef? They complain that the redistribution made people “equal” to them, but it’s a lie. They claim “those people” will never actually be equal to them.

It may take a generation or two before new things become normal.

Equality © free-reign 2019

Sources for images used in this post:

Choice: Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
Shopping List: Image by 6519582 from Pixabay
Forklift: Image by LillyCantabile from Pixabay
High Quality: Image by Thanks for your Like • donations welcome from Pixabay

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It will be a while before we reach that pint of redistribution. I also think it might be better to to have total equality. I think a better way is everyone at 18 is entitled to certain provisions and opportunities to take in various lifestyles they might choose.

All in all very similar thoughts.

I recalled this being one of your goals from one of the conversations on the DITO show, and that had something to do with my writing this. I can say one thing - the world has never had, (and likely never will have), a better time to do something like a redistribution, but there are a lot of powerful, corrupt people that are doing well with things the way they are. It would be tough.

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That's certainly an interesting thought and idea. By and large, there are certain people who are just outright greedy and will look to take advantage of whatever system is there for their own gain; conversely, there are also some people who are just outright lazy and would love for other people to take care of them.

Very Marxian idea, with the big difference that there are now robots and automation to do the work and, presumably, own the wealth to redistribute. Hmmmm.

It's interesting you mention the greedy and the lazy. Many of the greediest people in the world exploit the lazy the loafers and the worthless, (aka "taking care of them"), to further enrich themselves, especially if they land a sweet political office gig.

Yes, very true! We have absolutely all types of interesting folk in this world. Maybe our robotic overlords won't be such a bad thing!

Almost sounds like a Disney vacation where they like everyone to plan everything months ahead of time if they had their way. Right down to booking rides and where people are going to eat.

I know! I'm so glad that I'm over having to do Disney trips, and by the time my grandson has kids, I'll be too old to be forced to go to Disney!

Interesting concept, @free-reign. It’s good to plan ahead at least a little bit. 😊

I agree, but lots of people, when they are told to plan ahead and then are reminded of it several times, become confrontational, and as the old saying goes, they'll "cut off their nose to spite their face!" :)

I think the government assigned choices would be more balanced than some of the people would have chosen for themselves, and regardless of having equal there will be those that will take from others and there will be those that will have no reserves left within days only to then live from ration to ration.

As long as it was absolutely unbiased, I think you'd be right, but I also think having an unbiased AI is impossible, at least at this point in time, as the richest and most advanced main players "working" on it are way too corrupt to not be adding bias to their AI projects in every way conceivable.

I was thinking but didn't mention it in the story, that even though the orders had to be made at the time, deliveries of consumable items and items with a shelf life would be spread out over the full, 10 year period, which would help prevent people from using everything up too fast.

Like you say though, if humans are involved there will always be thieves who aren't satisfied with being honest, even though they have all they need.

I'm not sure there will ever be such a thing as equality. Humans are basically selfish creatures.

I believe you are right. I think greed and selfishness will ultimately be our downfall as a species when all is said and done.

I always dig your social commentary fiction. You get so much into them: the rich complain more than the poor ever did, an elite class gets (maybe) the best deals, people who think they are better than others, assumption that government standard issue packages would be of lower quality.
May this never come to pass, at least not again.

When I start writing something like this I rarely know how deep I'm going to go, in recognizing or inferring ties in what I'm writing to what we see in the present reality. Think about what being a billionaire must be like, knowing that there is absolutely nothing of value for sale that you cannot easily afford several. People everywhere suck up to you just because you are so wealthy.

A pretty heady way of life, and I think it would be easy to begin thinking you are possibly a god or something, and that's why you have all the wealth and can have anything you want. They're "special," and they know it. Remember the rich brat that the judge didn't put in jail because he suffered from "affluenza?"

I'm still waiting to see how Lori Laughlin gets to plead not guilty when she obviously is, and then the prosecutors come out talking big and will STILL likely just give her a wrist slap at the most. The 2 tiers of justice must be kept intact at all costs.

Do you think it will ever change? I know this situation comes up again and again in civilizations, and that any country in modern times that tries to rectify it (I'm thinking specifically China and Mao here) eventually falls back into the haves and the have nots. In the case of China it took less than one lifetime to do it. Is it hopeless? Perhaps we would do better to pity the rich and let that go out of vogue. I'm starting today - those poor rich slobs, slaves to their stuff and their money, hollow existence, no hope of redemption.

I'm always kind of pessimistic when it comes to humanity ever shunning its greed for both wealth and power. We are too forgiving of greed and the damage the greedy do to the rest of us on a daily basis.

I don't know, maybe your idea could be a starting point, but I think the allure will always be excessively strong, making mass rejection pretty hopeless.

I love to keep a look out for the seven deadly sins, and avarice is one of them. They will take their place in one of the circles of hell for it, and deserve our pity, not our envy, lest we overdo in the envy department ourselves. That said, I would not mind having a tad more money, a tad more time to rest, a tad better food, a tad more love-making, a tad more confidence, a tad less jealousy (perhaps that's my deadly sin). there is always one sin I can't remember, and it's not always the same one. I have avarice, sloth, envy, gluttony, lust, hubris here. What am I missing?

I wasn't sure so I looked it up and got this:

Pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth. Looks like wrath is what you're missing.

Wrath! There's always one I can not remember, today it was wrath. Thanks for looking it up I was writing! lol
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