Meanings Are Transient (among other things) – Drop in the Ocean – Transient

in dropintheocean •  5 years ago 

Meanings Are Transient (among other things)

I thought it odd that in searching the word transient on duckduckgo, it isn’t identified as a noun in some of the results returned. It seems to be identified solely as an adjective in many. But aren’t we all transients, (nouns), each on a constant journey we like to think of as “our lives?”

A check through all 19 pages of pixabay for pictures related to “transient,” returned exactly one in which an actual transient-looking person is shown... in front of a cemetery. Otherwise, there are only pictures of buildings and other things going through obvious states of change. I think this says a lot about the removal of a word’s meaning, i.e., a homeless person, and classification, i.e., a noun.

Granted, to some, life’s journey may not be that exciting and the scenery may hardly ever change, but if we actually get up, go outside and do things, we can gather some points of interest along life’s journey that will resonate, and on which we can reflect perhaps, during our moments of solitude.

I was officially labeled a transient (noun) several years ago as I traveled the Far East. It wasn’t a trip I’d planned, but my being there had always been a definite possibility. I remember that, at the time, I thought being a transient gave me a freedom that those of my kind who were there permanently didn’t have. I didn’t have anyone over me that I had to answer to, for one thing. I also didn’t have anything to do.

I just needed to putz around for however long it took for them to get me on a plane to go to where I was supposed to be; where I wouldn’t be a transient anymore. I was an official transient in one place for a week before going to another place where I was an official transient for a couple of days.

Of course, one can find that while being an officially declared transient, one comes face to face with the reality that there are no McDonalds here. There are no milkshakes. No fries. Not even a ham sandwich. With transiency comes surprises; some good, some bad.

For some reason, those who folks used to call “bums” and “hoboes” at one time, for the past few decades or so began being referred to as transients; except now when we use big tech to search online for examples. Obviously, they are not only intending to ditch one of transient’s meanings, they also aim at removing it from our minds (and conversations) when they remove logical and purposeful forms (nouns) and meanings (people) from words.

These days, when we discover something odd with definitions of things disappearing overnight, we always have to wonder if it’s another case of big tech attempting to mold us into mindless zombies as they systematically redefine literally everything. We could define these attempts as representing the transient nature of the power and desires that are behind big tech’s push for total control over us through manipulation.

Of course, as long as they keep moving the goalposts, and we keep mindlessly complying without as much as a whimper, things like definitions and classifications of things will continue to change, as they train us to reliably bring out and provide them with our transient nature of fluid naiveté.

They’ve invaded our lives to the extent now, that they feel confident we are hopelessly hooked on the big tech magnets, like Apple, Microsoft, YouTube (Google), Gmail (Google), Twitter, Facebook, Instagram (Facebook) WhatsApp (Facebook) etc., which emboldens them to a point where they actually believe they should be running the world. Talk about hubris!

And who is directing it all? Why China, of course. And why? Greed, as far as the treasonous actors in the west are concerned, handing power over to China. To the big tech firms aiding our enemies, like China, money and power together represents the ultimate greatest achievement of human life ever. So much so to big tech, that giving up the freedom and liberty of billions of people to gain more of it is justified.

For China, it’s the proliferation of Chinese Communism to all corners of the world – that has always been their ultimate goal. It’s disturbing that we have so many in the west, even in our federal government, aiding and abetting them in seeking their goal. Big tech carries their water.

If we know that someone has tried to break into our home, we’d do everything we could think of to prevent them from doing so. Google, along with the rest of big tech, has invaded our homes repeatedly, and when they are found out, they “apologize” and say it was a mistake. I don’t know about you, but they’ve done that kind of thing enough to where I’ve concluded they are outright lying.

Still, we just keep on inviting them in, showing no concern over just why the hell they get caught so often, doing things that are questionable at best and criminal, or even treasonous (censorship), at the worst. Can’t you just see their confidence growing at our inability to recognize and defend against their attacks on our privacy?

So, starting sometime in the near past, big tech decided that our habit of defining “transient” as a person (noun) who is in a location where they do not have a permanent place to call home, is out, and in the future it is going to ONLY be an adjective to describe something that’s changing, like the transient color of the sky during sunset.

Someday, we’ll probably read something that explains how we benefitted from big tech’s transient approach to relieving us of all those confusing and unnecessary decisions and “rights” we used to have to deal with, and how much better it is having our big tech guardians making all of our decisions and looking out for us.

Maybe for remaining a loyal big tech user/member no matter what they do, through thick and thin, you will get some sort of award or advancement for your loyalty during their darkest times. It’s something to think about, I guess.

Meanings Are Transient (among other things) © free-reign 2019

Sources for images used in this post:

Transient?: Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay
Hats: Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
Panda: Image by Cimberley from Pixabay

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Great read and I agree on many of the points. Where I do not agree is where you state China is trying to claim ownership of everything. Although I know China has had her empires and Dynasties I believe Europe and it's royalty has ALWAYS been the one to attempt to claim everything in the past and go to war hell bent on defending it's right to claim indiscriminately.
I wholeheartedly believe that Europe, to this very day is fighting to get the colonists back under control.

Thanks for reading. When we speak of today's China, going back centuries to China's past dynasties and empires, is immaterial to today's Communist China. We have to completely separate all of the post-Communist Chinese history from the classic dynastic or empirical China, because we deal with the "new" China.

Chinese dynasties and/or empires represent eons of artifacts and lifestyles that were not based on or dictated by Communist dominance. Huge difference. IMO, today's China has existed only since Mao created today's China, and has nothing to do with historical Chinese life.

I agree with you about Europe filling the role of supposed "world leader," but from what I know, China is the one that's controlling the EU, just like they've been controlling the US through dirty politicians who have been selling America out to them for the past 40-50 years or so.

The globalists'plan is obvious, and the globalist plan is the plan written by China, not the EU. The EU is nothing more than a Chinese puppet, just like the US politicians are.

‘Transient’ covers a lot of different people and things, @free-reign. I never hear of vagrant, hobo or tramp any more...not politically correct to say . 😂

In the past, it used to be that when a meaning of a word was "retired," it was generally because whatever it had been describing, had evolved into something that needed an updated identifying name. Now, it seems words get put out to pasture for no recognizable reason other than to manipulate the conceptual content of our speech. Is it a step on the way to banned speech, AKA, the end of free speech?

Google's been really busy trying to convince world leaders to allow them to use the censorship model they developed for China, everywhere - not just in China. Can you imagine this from a company that exists and was created inside a free country? It's disgraceful.

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Now that I am trying to unplug for some time everyday, I can understand all of this. Being unplugged clears my head.
We have walked into several traps! They've convinced us our shackles are liberating! They are working on convincing us that injecting substances of their making into all of our bodies from the moment of birth is for our own good! And we keep believing what we are told even though time and time again we learn that they lied! Terrifying!
So you have written about the most terrifying of things in a placid and reasonable voice. Well done.

Thanks, and thank you for reading! As you say, we've walked into traps - after being led to them by our "elected officials." How, for example, does a lifetime US career senator have a Chinese spy working for her for 20 plus years? How do representatives become multi-millionaires on a $174K annual salary in a city with one of the highest cost of living averages in the world? We've been played for a long time.

Yup, and still being played. Once I saw this, I felt like staying away from most of my friends because I can not bear how gullible and trusting of their representatives (especially the one with the Chinese spy) they are. Ready to vote for anyone blue, anyone at all, thinking the worst Dim is better than the best Repug. Meanwhile, they are all rounding us up for the kill, even those who think they are working for good.