Buddy UP Community - "Word of The Week" = FABRICATE.

in dropintheocean •  6 years ago 

What was a visit to the Buddy Up server has now almost become "A Thing" for me.

Two weeks in a row, yep, imagine that. Curiosity definitely got this old Leo!

Anyways, the word of the week as chosen by @penderis is FABRICATE.

& as the name of the game can (should) be to my understanding one can write about the first thing the word reminds you of.

Well, it reminded me of "Fable".

Which is from the same root of the words as what is Fabricate.

When one thinks of it, it really does make sense. By the sound of the word I dare say, without looking it up, that the word is of a Latin origin (I could be mistaken) but knowing a little Italian, I would put a few bucks on it.

Fabricated story = Fable.


Personally I fully enjoy looking into the roots of words, as this then gives a full history as to what all cultures and peoples had an effect on the languages and peoples we know and maybe (probably) are a part of.

I'm no linguist, but having traveled a fair bit of this world and always learning a bit of the local lingo, what for practical reasons, sometimes more so for job at hand, it all kinda became a little "ring in the ear" every time I'd hear a word that resembles a word in English.

Hence the interest in the roots of words, or as some would say "the origins" of some words.

But yeah, Fable!

How many fables have we heard through our lifetime! WOW.

Then we go forth and see how many things in the modern world could possibly be labeled as "Fables".
If not right now, then one day in the future, when the future generations are talking about days of "Once upon a time".

I know that in the Anglo+Saxon languages and some of the slavic languages the word "fabric" is used in many words, usually in the sense of "industry" based upon the fact that the same root is used for factory = fabrica.
So as we see here, even in English, we have the same root for the word "factory" or a part of it.
Maybe someone out there with a better knowledge of Latin would be able to fill in the gaps on that one.

The definition of fable is:

a) a fictitious narrative or statement
b) a narration intended to enforce a useful truth
c) falsehood, lie

source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fable

No matter what the case may be, when tackling this task to write up a post about 'The Word of The Week', the first thing that came to mind was 'Fable', mainly because of the above explanation of its relations to the word 'Fabricated' and there it is.

For those of you reading this and who are maybe interested in taking part in "The Budd UP WORD OF THE WEEK", contact @penderis or @thehive on Discord and find out where and how to get on board.

Yours truly,

If you want an avatar and other graphics like my “Robotroo” contact @jimramones


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Nice writeup, the odd thing is I have been like what the hell to write and at least settled on an anecdote about how my boss tends to screw up with his English one of them is the fact that he does not call Factory Settings that but instead says "Fabric Settings" even when corrected it is the same thing again the best is when on the phone and he has to repeat it. Ah kinda like when he calls me to help him with a formula in Eggshell.

Now Fabric settings do not seem like such a screw-up but I will never tell him.

I love etymology ! I should look into this buddyup community seems some solid steemians dwell there..

Posted using Partiko Android

Cool Etymology along with the Word of the week, from DITO
Really enjoyed this.

Thanks for your contribution to Drop In The Ocean