in drugs •  7 years ago 


Modafinil (modalert) 200mg
I have experimented with this product and yes it works. It will not however make you suddenly smarter or superhuman like Bradley Cooper in the movie Limitless. I took 100mg first thing in the morning with lots and lots of water. This works best as it gives more time to utilise your time in the day. It was very powerful in a calming sense as in my mind felt lighter and tighter, really focused. This product works best on doing anything on the computer working or gaming. It forces you to have tunnel vision where your just interested in doing what it is thats in front of you. I did however get massive headaches, thats when you have to drink lots of water. The effects lasted a long time the productivity level is amazing because my eyes were still wide open even at bed time. Throughout the day I did not feel any sort of hunger at all so it is useful for you to have food near you. I feel like the modafinil sort of takes your brain power and boost it up 100 percent so that your so awake that you forget about eating or the need to. I would not take it everyday, this is a product used for people who need a extra kick to doing what every it is they want to get done with 100 percent focus. People who think you can sort of get high on this think again, yes it gives you extra energy but not in the party sense. I purchased modafinil with bitcoin and the product works great.

For anyone who is interested

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