Narcotics Anonymous

in drugs •  7 years ago  (edited)


Who is the Addict?

Most of us do not have to think twice about this question. We already know!

All our lives and thoughts are centered on drugs in one form or another - how to acquire them, use them, and find ways to earn more than eve

r. We live to use drugs and use drugs to live. Simply, addicts are men and women whose lives are controlled by drugs. We are people who are in the grip of a kind of constantly evolving and prolonged disease, which is always the same: prison, institution and death.

What is Anonymous Narcotics Program?

NA is a fraternal bond or nonprofit association for men and women for whom drugs are the main problem. We are addicts in recovery who meet regularly to help each other to stay clean. This is a program of abstinence from the use of all kinds of drugs. There is only one membership requirement, namely: the desire to stop using drugs. We suggest that you can keep your open mind and give yourself a chance. Our program is a set of simple written principles that we can follow in our daily lives. The most important thing about this set of principles is that they bring results.

There is no attachment in NA. We are not affiliated with any organization. We do not collect fees or fees, no promises to sign, no promises given to anyone. We are not related to political, religious or law enforcement groups, and are not under any time at all times. Anyone can join us, regardless of age, race, sexual identity, belief, religion, or lack of religion. We're not interested in what or how much you've used or whoever your dealer used to be, what you've done in the past, how much or how little you have, except what you want to do with your problem and how we can here help. Newcomers are the most important people in any meeting, because we can only retain what we have by giving it to others. We have learned from our group experience that those who keep coming back to our meetings regularly can stay clean.

Why are we here?

Before coming to the NA Brotherhood, we can not control our lives.

We can not live and enjoy life as others do. We must have something different and think we've found it in drugs. We place the use of drugs more importantly than the welfare of our families, our wives, our husbands, and our children. We have to get drugs, no matter how. We have hurt many people, but especially we have hurt ourselves. Through our inability to accept personal responsibility, we are actually creating our own problems. We seem unable to face life as it is.

Most of us realize that in our addiction we slowly kill ourselves, but addiction is a very cunning enemy of life that we lose the power to overcome this. Many of us end up in jail, or seek help through medical, religious, and psychiatric drugs. None of these methods is enough for us. Our illness always reappears or continues to develop until, in despair, we seek help from each other in Anonymous Narcotics. After coming to NA, we realize that we are sick people. We have an unknown disease. However, the disease can be discontinued at some point, and recovery is thus possible.

Ways of working

If you want what we can offer, and intend to get it to get it, then you are ready to take certain steps. These are the principles that make our recovery possible:

  1. We recognize that we are powerless against our addiction, so our lives become uncontrollable.

  2. We become convinced that there is a greater power than ourselves that can restore us to sanity.

  3. We make the decision to surrender the will and direction of our lives to God's love as we understand Him.

  4. We make our own moral inventory intact all over and without fear.

  5. We acknowledge to God, to ourselves and to another human being, as accurately as possible the nature of our mistakes.

  6. We are fully prepared for God to remove all the defects of our character.

  7. We humbly ask Him to remove all our deficiencies.

  8. We make a list of the people we have hurt and prepare to redeem them to all of them.

  9. We redeem our mistakes directly to those persons whenever possible, unless doing so will hurt them or others.

  10. We are continuously conducting our personal inventory and when we are guilty, immediately acknowledge our mistakes.

  11. We search through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understand Him, praying only to know His intentions over us and the power to carry them out.

  12. After experiencing spiritual enlightenment as a result of these steps, we try to convey this message to addicts and to apply these principles in everything we do.

This sounds like a tough task, and we can not do it all at once. We do not become addicts in one day's time, so remember: Relax is easy.

There is one thing that can overcome our recovery more than anything else, that is, indifference or intolerance to spiritual principles. The three of them that we can not rule out are honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness. With it, our journey has begun.

We feel that our approach to addictive disease is entirely realistic, because the therapeutic value of an addict helps other addicts, is unparalleled. We feel that our way is practical, because only a pecandulah can best understand and help other addicts. We believe that the sooner we face our problems in society, in everyday life, the sooner we become acceptable, responsible and productive members of that society.

The only way to keep us from returning to active addiction is not to use the first drug. If you are like us, you also know that one too many and one thousand is never enough. We stress this very highly, because we know that when we use drugs in any form, or substituting one substance with another, we reignite our addiction.

Thinking that alcohol is different from drugs has made a lot of addicts to relapse or relapse. Before we come to NA, most of us see alcohol separately, but we can not allow ourselves to be confused about this. Alcohol is drugs. We people with addictive diseases, must abstain from all kinds of drugs in order to recover.

Twelve Anonymous Narcotics Traditions

We defend what we have only with vigilance, and as freedom for the individual is derived from the Twelve Steps; Then freedom for the group grows from our traditions.

As long as the bonds that unite us together are stronger than the things that solve us, everything will be fine.

  1. Our common welfare should take precedence: personal recovery depends on the unity of the NA.

  2. For the purpose of the group, there is only one ultimate authority-that is, the Most Merciful God as He expresses Himself in the conscience of the group, our leaders are only trustworthy servants, they do not rule.

  3. The only requirement of membership is the desire to stop using drugs.

  4. Each group shall have autonomy, except in matters which may affect another group, or NA as a whole.

  5. Each group has only one main goal-to convey a message to an addict who is still suffering.

  6. An NA group should not provide support, fund or lend NA's name to any related facility or outside business, in order to avoid problems with money, property, or prestige that can divert us from our primary goal.

  7. Each NA group should be able to support itself, refuse donations from outside.

  8. Narcotics Anonymous must be forever nonprofessional, but our service center may employ specialized workers.

  9. The NA group should therefore not be organized, but we can form a service council or committee that is directly accountable to those it serves.

  10. Narcotics Anonymous has no opinion whatsoever concerning external affairs; So the name of NA will not be involved in public controversy.

  11. Our public relations policy is grounded in interest rather than promotion; We need to always maintain personal anonymity at the press, radio and film levels.

  12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation for all our traditions, always reminding us to lay the principles above the individuals.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions are reprinted to be adapted on the permission of AA World Services, Inc.


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thank you NA