A California Police Union Executive Director Allegedly ran a drug ring from her home to order and distribute opioids and other drugs like Valeryl fentanyl from various countries like China Canada and India. Marked as supplements, party favors, chocolates.

in drugtrafficking •  2 years ago  (edited)

As per the Department of Defense, the New York Post and various other outlets. . .

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  • A California police union executive director allegedly ran a drug ring from her home and used her office computer and UPS account to order and distribute opioids and other drugs, federal officials charge.
  • "grandma of the POA?"
  • worked with fallen officers’ families, organized fundraisers for officers’ kids
  • received at least 61 packages at her San Jose home from various countries — including China, Canada and India — between October 2015 and January 2023.
  • The packages reportedly were marked as food supplements, wedding party favors, makeup, chocolates and other items to disguise the drugs, prosecutors said.
  • Prosecutors also allege Segovia exchanged messages on WhatsApp between January 2020 and March 2023 with someone who was using a country code from India.
  • In one message sent on May 2, 2022, Segovia allegedly wrote, “I’m so sorry, I’m on a business trip because we had 2 officers that got shot! I should be home tomorrow night so ill get them shopped as soon as I can.”
  • According to the complaint, Segovia took a photo of a shipment she sent to a woman in North Carolina and used the San Jose Police Officers’ Association UPS account.
  • Homeland Security agents learned of Segovia’s operation while investigating a network in India known to ship drugs into the US.

Joanne Marian Segovia, who has worked for the San Jose Police Officers Association since 2003, was charged on Wednesday with attempting to unlawfully import a synthetic opioid called Valeryl fentanyl. She faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in federal prison if convicted, authorities said.

Police union president Sean Pritchard was shocked by the charges, telling NBC Bay Area, “She’s been the grandma of the POA.”

“This is not the person we’ve known, the person who has worked with fallen officers’ families, organized fundraisers for officers’ kids — just not who we’ve known over a decade.”

According to the 13-page complaint, the 64-year-old allegedly received at least 61 packages at her San Jose home from various countries — including China, Canada and India — between October 2015 and January 2023. The packages reportedly were marked as food supplements, wedding party favors, makeup, chocolates and other items to disguise the drugs, prosecutors said.

The packages instead contained various drugs, including deadly synthetic opioids and Tapentadol, which is normally used to treat severe pain from nerve damage caused by diabetes.

Prosecutors also allege Segovia exchanged messages on WhatsApp between January 2020 and March 2023 with someone who was using a country code from India.

In one message sent on May 2, 2022, Segovia allegedly wrote, “I’m so sorry, I’m on a business trip because we had 2 officers that got shot! I should be home tomorrow night so ill get them shopped as soon as I can.”

According to the complaint, Segovia took a photo of a shipment she sent to a woman in North Carolina and used the San Jose Police Officers’ Association UPS account.

Homeland Security agents learned of Segovia’s operation while investigating a network in India known to ship drugs into the US.

Investigators found messages from the network that mentioned “J Segovia” with an address in San Jose and the words, “180 pills SOMA 500mg,” according to the complaint.

Although she worked for the police union before being suspended, it is not thought Segovia had a history in front-line law enforcement.

The worker allegedly continued to order the drugs even after she was interviewed by federal agents in February 2023.

Segovia was arrested on March 13 after investigators seized a parcel in Kentucky that was addressed to her.

The package was marked as containing a “clock” and came from China, authorities said.

Are they all tied together?
Drug Trade aka trafficking
Organ Trade aka trafficking
Human Trade aka trafficking

Look at the evidence then You Decide!

As brought forward in a post from my FB page on 4.1.2023

News Drops showing the Facade/Matrix/Illusion/hologram people have been living in that has existed Right Under Their Noses? Are things being revealed at a Quicker and Quicker pace? Are we headed into #QuantumSpeed? GodSPEED? You decide! Ephesians 2:1-3
2 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;
2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

Who Remembers the Falun Gong we have reported on at various times?

"Why in the world is she talking about organ harvesting and the Falun Gong?" Cry normies will gnashing their teeth and noshing on the latest insect or insecticide filled snack. . .

INDEED! Would have anything to do with This? #GlitchInTheMatrix yet?

Okay, how about NOw? Can you hear me/us NOW?
I Know the awake, the anons, guardians and warriors can hear, have heard and have known.
Now What about the Others?
How much MORE verification and glaring evidence do they need?
Or is it that they Choose NOT to know because they Like their cozy, seedy wicked world?
Sure makes you wonder doesn't it?

A Pediatric Death Investigator rules Death by Fentanyl in which the Doctor admits was given to Induce Death. The 8 year old boy Was an Organ Donor!


Are they all tied together?
Drug Trade aka trafficking
Organ Trade aka trafficking
Human Trade aka trafficking

Look at the evidence then You Decide!

#DrugTrafficking, #PoliceUnionExecutive, #JoanneMarianSegovia, #Opiods, #Fentanyl, #SyntheticOpiods, #OrganTrade, #FalunGong

Sources and connecting articles





A Pediatric Death Investigator rules Death by Fentanyl in which the Doctor admits was given to Induce Death. The 8 year old boy Was an Organ Donor!


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More connections to JAR the consciousness level?

Flying ships on Ascension Island? Wideawake Airfield. Goose surgery. FB censors human trafficking

#AscensionIsland, #WideAwakeAirfield
