Update for the Followers and Team

in dsj •  6 years ago  (edited)


As of right now there are no plans for a comeback. I don't really know what the future holds for DSJ, if anything, but I feel our followers that have been so loyal deserve an update, play by play, whatever you want to call it. As a team we have lost so many pages and everytime we have to rebuild, it gets harder and harder. As it is, we put so much time into this and it's a major shot mentally, emotionally, when this happens. I cannot speak for the whole team, as I am the one that runs this steemit page. The page here will remain. I will update when necessary. But as a team, we want to thank everyone that has given us so much support for what we have tried to accomplish. There have been so many hurdles and we face yet another one. Please, continue to share what we do have here on steemit and make sure people DO NOT forget these predators and what they have done. If it all goes silent and people quit sharing, these people will think they can do it again. I do NOT want to hear of any of these men in the news with an actual victim.

I will say that I have had a very strong opinion with my team and I know sometimes I can come off in the wrong way. This part is for the rest of the team as well as giving the followers something to think about. Our founder, Chad Gredig, really is an amazing person. When he started the movement here in Tennessee he had a goal, a mission. That mission was to make the community and surrounding communities aware of the people that live around them. The people that they walk past in the grocery store, the guy at the counter of a hotel, the man fixing your food in a restaurant. The average family man, a dad with kids of his own. Chad is the face of DSJ, he is the man with a plan that everyone knows, that you followers have come to love. But with this came the acceptance that he may get some hate. Not everyone agrees with what we do. But the extent of the hate, the lengths that these people will go to, to try and bring this man down, is downright sickening. He has had threats, he has had his address put out there, all his personal information. He has been threatened by a man saying he had a bullet for him, and I'm sure it goes further than that. Since I came in a month after DSJ was born, I don't know eveything and I haven't built the relationship with Chad that other's with our team have. I believe in this movement so much, and I am so passionate about it, that I lost sight of what he has to go through on a daily basis. People attacking him, his amazing wife, all of his family, his character, just everything. I could not imagine being the face of this and having to go through what he does. As an admin, as a decoy, we go through so much with these predators. We hear the most sickening and vile things. Take Adam Ramey. He was my bust, my hard work. He broke me, mentally and emotionally. But, at the end of the day once that bust is done, we can escape it. These predators don't know who the decoys are, therefore they have no one to personally attack. But Chad? He gets it all. From the haters, government officials, and even some of the previous busts. It takes a toll on him and I lost sight of that fact today. From me, to you, Chad Gredig, I apologize for losing sight of that. You are one hell of a man and I respect you for dealing with everything you have. So, to the followers, I want you to remember all this. It's not just the decoys that go through hell.

Again, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. Without our devoted followers we wouldn't have gotten as far as we did. There may be something in the future, there may not. Please continue to check back for any updates and share as well.

Dirty South Justice

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This makes me sad. You are all such an amazing team of people-from the admins, to the decoys, to those behind the scenes building and maintaining the pages, and those who go out on the exposures-Brandi, Chad and everyone who has been there during an exposure. During all these, along with the lives where Chad is just chatting with anyone watching, you all have become like family. We've laughed with you, we've cried and been hopping mad when pages have been taken, worried for everyone's safety during exposures, rallied to help find Diesel when he went missing, prayed together when Chad's son became ill and rejoiced when Miss Brandi was saved. Chad and this team have poured their hearts into this movement and many times bared their souls. No other team has kept it as real as you all have. You have shown the people of Knoxville how susceptible our children are from these predators, brought awareness to parents of our own vulnerabilities when allowing children unsupervised on the internet, and you've worked hard to keep our children safe. And for that, we are eternally grateful. Much love and respect to every single person who made up this wonderful group and many thanks for allowing us, in some small way, to be a part of it. Bless you all.

I’m still going to sport my sweatshirt and will support DSJ ANYWAY I CAN. Hope for a comeback.

@nojust1ce, we thank you for your support as well. I see you all the time in the comments and I know you've been a huge supporter. I hope for a comeback at some point as well but that decision is out of my hands. All I ask is that you continue to share the links on here and don't let anyone forget who these predators are.

@kpdwife, Thank you for your kind words. It has definitely been a long and difficult road. We all hate to see it end but that's where we stand right now. We hope we brought more awareness and that people are more vigilant about who they let around their kids, and keep a closer eye on what they do online. We don't want to see anymore victims, but we know it's impossible. For every single one we expose, there's a new generation of them. I just hope we did enough. Thank you so much for your support, you have been amazing to the team.

I'm very proud to say I will forever be a part of the Dirty South Justice Family-with or without exposures. With that being said, I will continue to promote the mission of DSJ and fight for change to our laws. Our children deserve it. Much love!

@kpdwife, you've been an important part of the team and we will be forever grateful for that. The decision for DSJ to continue is out of my hands, but I can ask and agree to keep sharing so no one forgets these predators. Much love to you as well, dear!

Team we appreciate evrything u guyz have done thus far, and still may do. Im not counting yall out yet. We cld all see, that ur hearts were truely in wat u were doing. You cnt say that bout all out there. Im sure i can speak for our parents here in Morristown. Much love ♤ and respect for all youve done so far.

Facebook is getting worse and worse. They went as far as to purge quite a few long standing, very popular libertarian geared pages a few days ago. Plus, people can shut down your account for any reason or no reason at all like what happened to DSJ over and over. I'm thankful that kind of thing practically can't happen here. I hope those of you that followed @dsj over to Steemit enjoy it. There is a really amazing community here. Lots of good blogs. Lots of things to see and do.

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