Colombian singer-songwriter Darwin Grajales penned this lyric: “Cuando hay música en tu alma, la oye todo el universo.” When there is music in your soul, the whole universe hears it.
Many spiritual people, and even some scientifically minded, talk about the ideas of a fractal universe or a holographic universe. The idea is if you look at any individual part of the universe, you will find a kind of blueprint for the whole universe. The part contains the whole, and the whole contains every part.
Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR process, said that by using the process, one could find “just about anything in just about anyone”, saying that it made him partial to the Buddhist idea that everything contains everything else.
If that is the case, even making a small change within ourselves might echo through all that exists. Doing whatever work or joyful growth to create music in our souls, perhaps it really will be heard by the universe.
For the podcast, follow this link.