This Won't Hurt a Bit: The Swiss Beast, Part 3

in dtube •  5 years ago  (edited)


A few weeks before the United States became a CoroNation, Bill Gates demonstrated the foresight and acumen of an inside trader when he announced (with a cartel "eye" signal) that he was leaving Microsoft to devote his time to his Foundation, "global health" and developing vaccines. What's the bet that Bill will come up with the first COVID vaccine?


Great Humanitarian that he is, it has always been a priority of Bill Gates to vaccinate anything that moves in Africa and Asia against the too-frequent outbreaks of killers like Ebola and Swine Flu and chronic diseases like malaria and cholera.

Maybe a higher priority for the "world's richest man" is reducing the planet's population to a "healthier" number. Through his work and patronage with Jeff Epstein, Marvin Minsky, the Thiel brothers and other members of MIT's Eugenics Department, Gates has become convinced that the key to public health in Africa and Asia is to eliminate large swaths of the public.


When it comes to the ideal population Gates envisions for Africa and Asia, less is definitely more. Turns out that, by poking a hypodermic needle into every African arm and Asian bottom in sight, Gates and his scientists were lucky enough to discover that some vaccines can be an effective form of population control, too. And now, Bill Gates is working on a vaccine for us.


Fortunately, some prominent Americans are speaking out against Gates' global vaccination agenda. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., long an advocate for safer vaccines, has taken to the air waves to warn about the most dangerous pandemic currently plaguing the world--the rampant corruption shared between Big Pharma and the national (Center for Disease Control) and international (World Health Organization) health organizations.


Kennedy, Jr. has assailed Gates and his Big Pharma partners like Switzerland's Novartis for strong-arming African and Asian leaders into mandating vaccinations for their poorest populations.


RFK, Jr. has also accused Gates and other Big Pharma Vaccineers of injecting experimental vaccines into the veins of unwitting African and Indian children. In the four years of Gates' vaccination program in India, almost 500,000 girls suffered paralysis after vaccinations. Little wonder that Gates and his foundation were asked to leave India.


In Kenya, Gates' tetanus vaccines were blamed for a sterilization of women so widespread it would have made Josef Mengele proud.


As cretins like Bill Gates work to ensure that the world's population is "properly" vaccinated and "monitored" in the event of another lab-created COVID outbreak--and Novartis licks its chops at the prospects of billions of new vaccine customers--we are left pondering how the world of medicine devolved into an enterprise that too often behaves in inhumane, unhealthy--and purely evil--ways towards the people it purports to help.

Warrior-historian Dr. Sean Hross provides the reason for the prevalence of evil in Big Pharma's ranks in his video "The Swiss Beast, Part 3, The Final Assault." Our always eye-opening and entertaining "Homie" Hross delineates the Swiss Nazi origins of Novartis and the company's long history of "drug testing" and medical experiments on Europe's "Untermenschen"--not to mention the conspicuous presence of Mengele in "clean and neutral" Switzerland after the war where he continued his Nazi medical experiments!

The journey to understanding how the world got this way begins with Dr. Hross's seminal videos,

"The Swiss Beast, Part One,"


"The Swiss Beast, Part Two, Occult Origins,"

and "The Swiss Beast, Part Three. Final Assault."

You can see more of the brilliant and essential Dr. Sean Hross's videos here:


(Swiss political prisoner and exile Dr. Hross has encouraged me and his fans to share his videos--before Big Brother takes them from our screens.)

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