RANT: NeoLib Feminists Throw Bernie Sanders Under Bus For Joe Rogan Endorsement Over "Transphobia"

in dtube •  5 years ago 

Above It All #46, this shit really triggered me, wow. #Bernie2020 #JoeRogan #Election2020

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Really spitting the truth here.

Perfect way of summing it up.
Joe Rogan is not someone I would consider to be a perfect role model, but if he is right about something, like supporting Bernie, then it seems reasonable to agree with him when he is correct, and it is also absurd to attack Bernie for someone agreeing with him.

Joe Rogan's DMT Adventures.jpg

Any of the neo-liberals who support the many offensive wars are actually being right-wing and bigoted, I can't think of anything more racist than thinking it's OK to go to a foreign land and murder the people who live there.
Any of the neo-liberals who don't support proper medical care for all people, and fair labor laws are just hurting everyone in all groups, and are just fake-progressives who have sold-out, and are not really on the left, except for in some form of superficial pandering to try and look like they care about people.

Anyway, often the 1st thing I always think of when dealing with the fake-liberals or fake-progressives is how many of them would quickly justify bullshit wars...
There was a pretty good video I recently watched by Jimmy Dore where at just over 13 minutes into the video they show a clip of someone who is explaining just how horrible (including racist) things are when the military invades foreign nations.

I already knew shit like that happens in those situations, but I always consider it important to keep it in mind what is really going on, when conservatives and fake-liberals justify war.

Anyway, Great video, good way of summing it up how horrible those fake liberals are, and any video that ends with masturbation is a manifestation of artistic perfection.

The left devouring eachother, I love it! 🤣 This is becoming my comedy channel

In what universe is someone with right wing economics part of "the left"?

You know absolutely nothing about the reality of our economic and financial system. You'd rather participate in the meaningless political soap opera.

Whatever you say, smart guy

The real left VS the fake left, seems like that would be a more accurate description.