2019-01-02 Hour 1 Host Ernest Hancock interviews guest Bob Stanley

in dtube •  6 years ago 

Host Ernest Hancock interviews guest Bob Stanley

Bob Stanley (Founder & Chief Evangelist of the FreeNet Movement; Freos) updates on FREOS; QAnon, Military Tribunals, Deep State Arrests, 2019 Predictions...

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show: https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Program-Page.htm?No=1

Show Archive Page: https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Media/253857-2019-01-02-01-02-19-bob-stanley-freos-io-update-qanon-military.htm

BOB STANLEY = Founder and Chief Evangelist - FreeNet Movement and FreonCoin.com (now Freos)

(Ernest met up with Bob at Anarchapulco 2018 and the Red Pill Expo)

Bob Stanley red pilled and woke in 1994 while working in the data mining world. He realized the potential of this technology and the newly born worldwide web to destroy privacy and make the Internet a tool of the Thought Police. In 1998 he founded Global Network Privacy to give individuals ownership and control of their private data. GNP went down in 2001 with the dotcom crash and we lost the first round of the Internet Privacy Wars. Bob went back to selling software for years until the stars aligned to found the FreeNet Movement to replace the current #ThoughtPoliceNet with a freer crypto currency based ecosystem. #FreeNet is the key to mass adoption of crypto currencies by global Truth Seekers and freedom lovers.





About Freon Coin/Freos and the #Freenet Movement

The Internet was designed to be a place for free, open communication and commerce for everyone. Unfortunately, today's Internet continues to stray further and further from that ideal.

Welcome to the Home of the Freon Coin and the Internet Freedom Movement. Our goal is to give the Internet back to the people by providing access to the Internet safely.

Stay tuned for more about the Freon Coin and the Internet Freedom Movement. Please sign-up for our mailing list below if you would like to find out more.


The wait is over and the Red Pill is here!
We've been working hard to protect your online privacy & freedom and to that end our first project, the Red Pill
is here.

Freos' Red Pill

Access to the Internet without censorship and surveillance is a right of everyone. Freos provides the tools to securely access the Internet, communicate, safely share files and manage your finances without compromising your online security and privacy.

The Freos "Red Pill" is a USB connected device that, once activated, allows you to virtually be invisible. This is done through a combination of software and services including:

tor.png Onion Router

The Onion Router randomly sends and encrypts your online traffic across various exit nodes in separate locations. Instead of taking a direct route from the source to the destination, your Internet data will enter the Onion network via a random relay, make at least one additional hop and then exit through a random node to its final destination on the web. Your entry node will see your real IP address, but not the final destination and the exit node will know the final destination, but not your IP address.

eye.pngDouble-Blind Proxy

Online transaction are when some of your most sensitive information is exposed. Our double-blind transaction proxy engine allows you to make online purchases safely, securely and privately.


Secure Communication

Voice, Video conferencing, email, and direct messaging through encrypted channels to ensure your conversations are private.

Freos service

Security is not a one-time thing. Technologies change and continued security and privacy require commitment to research and development. Freos works with the best and brightest to ensure you are always protected.


*The Shit Gets Real This Week!
*Mass Deepstate Arrests, Martial Law and Military Tribunals
*What is QAnon?
*Freos.io Angel Update
*Stocks, bonds, real estate and currencies all crashing as predicted and Crypto rally has begun.

Dear friends, colleagues, and subscribers,
My apologies for my French and hyperbole in the subject line, but I truly believe this will be the most important message you read this year and urge you to digest, understand and take immediate action on this message.

Please feel free to share and forward this analysis to anyone you care about. While I am not a professional economist or financial adviser (and therefore this is NOT financial advice), I am a good synthesizer of data, trends, moods and patterns I have studied for 20+ years, and I am certain we are about to see major global political and market drama, from which will emerge lots of losers and some winners.

I have hesitated to discuss the Trump Administration, the QAnon phenomenon and the so called "Good Guys vs Bad Guys" theory, because I am an old school skeptic and have long not believed that politics or any politician could ever solve any of the problems created by the State. Recently though I have engaged in a major deep dive on the topics I will describe in detail below and have been convinced by friends and alt media analysts smarter than me that these phenomenon are real and are going to come to fruition THIS WEEK! Take action today to be in a position to survive, thrive and prosper through them.

Executive summary:
Those of you who get your news from mainstream media and mainstream social media may have never heard of the so called "Good Guys vs Bad Guys" theory and the QAnon phenomenon, so I will start by explaining them briefly. Since 1994 I have known that the US government and the governments of almost every nation on the planet have been secretly controlled and run by an evil cabal of pedophile satanic globalists who own the Central banks and control all political parties, and the media, education and entertainment establishments. This evil cabal seeks a global tyranny they call the New World Order and the elimination of most of humanity so there can never again be enough free people to challenge their hegemony. I used to be resigned to the inevitability of this and believed civil war was the only chance for stopping it. Two major happenings have changed my outlook to positive:

The invention and emergence of privately controlled and decentralized Crypto Currencies

The Trump election phenomenon
I will discuss cryptos and especially the role of Freos.io as the catalyst of getting this movement to critical mass, but first let's look at the Trump win. The globalist cabal have controlled every election in the US for at least one hundred years since Woodrow Wilson and the creation of the Federal Reserve System. Politicians at every level have been selected rather than elected. This cabal was 100% certain they would get their candidate Hillary Clinton in to complete the destruction of the US and facilitate its entry into the NWO.

Good Guys to the rescue
The Good Guys theory contends that starting at the time of the coup d'etat and murder of John F Kennedy for opposing the CIA and the military industrial complex, a faction of the intelligence community and especially the US Military saw through the lies and realized this globalist agenda and began plotting on how to return the US to the Constitution and a pro US and anti globalist agenda. They realized very quickly this was going to be a tremendous effort as the NWO machine controls so much of our world. They worked secretly in the background for many years developing a plan to stop this agenda. This group of good guys saw their opportunity to strike after the obvious disasters of the Obama Administration and the loathsome murderous nature of candidate Hillary. They approached Donald Trump and convinced him to be the front man for this movement. They knew the election was completely rigged, but they knew how it was rigged and were able to thwart these efforts and stun the world by getting the Don elected. They out-rigged the riggers and stunned the world! Remember the utter shock of the entire media and deepstate oligopoly on election night. This outcome was simply not possible and violated every rule of the cabal.

During the election, a mysterious figure appeared on an anonymous internet bulletin board called 8chan, a derivative of a larger bulletin board called 4chan. This shadowy figure introduced himself (or themselves) as "Q", and hinted that he/they were at the top level of the good guys group protecting and advising the Don in these dangerous waters. Q then started to make predictions concerning the moves of the Administration and the meaning thereof. Many immediately rejected Q as a LARP (Live Action Role Play), ie... just some punk kid in mom's basement having fun pretending. However, many predictions started coming true and interest in Q's posts increased and spawned a huge movement now known as QAnon, or all the other anonymous 8chan guys who believed Q was real and started interacting with him. Q sometime makes predictions that don't come true and his haters would cite that as proof he was bullshit. Q addressed this by noting that the deepstate bad guys definitely knew the good guys were real and were watching Q closely so he occasionally had to feed them dezinformatzia to get them to chase rabbits.

The Takedown
Q educated the Anons on just how challenging this plot had to be because there were so many embedded globalists in the FBI, Justice Dept, Courts at every level, Media, BigTech etc so it has taken 2 years to route most of these evil weasels out of Justice and FBI, get control of the Supreme Court and lower courts, get control of the Senate with real nationalists, run off all the sold out RINOs like Paul Ryan, catch all of the last administration weasels in new crimes as Obama previously pardoned most for their old crimes, get Trump to sign a series of seemingly innocuous Executive Orders making what is to come fully legal, rebuild Gitmo to house the military tribunals and all the traitors headed to them and get all the other chess pieces in place. Q and his team are all big fans of Sun Tzu and the Art of War and knew they had to be patient and feign weakness as they took full controls of the levers of power. This is why Trump initially picked so many obvious globalists for his official cabinet and picked globalist pedophile Mike Pence as his running mate. All of these were moves to convince the deepstate they were still in control and could kill or impeach Trump if he ever got too far out of line. Meanwhile the Good Guys were making steady progress removing globalist control over the NSA and its intel machine and setting the stage for the big sudden move.

The Big News
All of this is now ready and the takedown starts Jan 1. Many believe that Hillary, the Podesta brothers, John Brennan and other are already in custody or under house arrest but many more will be rounded up and sent to Gitmo and at least two other facilities prepped for all these trials. Others sure to be charged and tried for treason and sedition include Nancy Pelosi and at least a third of congress from both parties, members of the MSM complicit in the leaks and plots to overthrow Trump and many more. In addition, Trump and Q know the real power behind all these puppets and tools is the bankers so the FED will be nationalized and US involvement with the IMF, BIS, World Banks and the entire fake fiat money system will be broken at the upcoming Davos meeting. This shit is real and it is finally going down this week!

Ramifications and Preparations for the Takedown
Obviously these sudden moves are going to shake the world, cause SJW NPC heads to explode, further reduce confidence in the old system as news of the crimes of the bad guys and the sheer evil of the cabal come to light. I hope all of you took the advice I sent in the last Newsletter to get out of all stocks, bonds, CDs, banks and exchanges immediately and move into cash. If not you have one day left to do so before exiting the old system and getting into uncorrelated assets (cryptos, crypto projects and bullion, especially silver) becomes much more difficult as everyone will be hitting the exits at the same time. Banks and brokerages will impose delays and withdrawal limits and crypto and bullion dealers will also be totally swamped. Please do not delay

Put 50% of this liquid net into either bullion (especially silver) stored in your personal possession, and crypto currencies (especially DASH, BCH, LTC and EOS) also stored personally in hard wallets or paper wallets and not left in any exchange. Next leave 25% in cash but bring it home to have on hand should the ATMs run dry and bank holidays and withdrawal limits freeze your cash. Q says they have a plan to keep ATMs running and store shelves stocked but I am certain these will be very scary times and being prepared to hunker down for a few weeks is advised. Lastly I recommend you invest in a source of perpetual passive income paid in crypto currency. There are not many such investment vehicles, and while I am biased, I think becoming an Angel investor in Freos.io is the best such investment in history.

Timeline of destruction:
Tomorrow, December 31 is the last day the so called "normalcy bias" will exist. Cryptos are still at yearly lows and physical precious metals can still be acquired at dealers, coin shops and pawn stores. Very quickly after the revelations coming out Jan 1 - 4, all physical bullion will disappear and will not be available at any price. Once the music stops, no one will give up their seat...

January 1: While many are nurturing their hangovers from New Years Eve, the arrests and takedowns begin. Lots of drama and the implication to the deepstate traitors will become clear. The Dems will never take control of the house as Nancy, Maxine, Adam Schiff and many others will all be in custody facing treason, fraud, child trafficking and pedophilia charges. Mike Pence, the Bush crime family, Dick Cheney and many other RINO globalists will also go down.

The reason Q needed to build an army of anons are so that new media can explain all of what is happening to the bewildered masses who have been insulated from the discovery of all this evil. Use a free search engine like DuckDuckGo.com to seek out the thousands of Anons who can help explain this.

January 3: Another big event in the Cryptoverse occurs on this day. A leader in the crypto wolrd named Trace Mayer has decided to honor the anniversary of the Genesis Block of Bitcoin on Jan 3, 2010, by declaring "Proof of Keys" day. As many crypto exchanges practice the same fraudulent fractional reserve practices as banks, he is advising all crypto holders who keep their coins in exchanges to withdraw them all on this day. Most exchanges won't have all the coins and will have to buy them on the market resulting in an immediate spike in prices which may bring some of these exchanges down. Do not wait until then to withdraw as some will no doubt close their doors and other will impose massive delays.

Freos.io update

I know that I have saying for months that a viable product is just around the corner. Our beta process took much longer than expected but is finally about to end and we will ship V1.2 for download by Jan 15. We will also burn thousands of sticks for folks who would rather purchase than download and build their own. We are launching a new website which will include an ecommerce site to purchase Red Pills, Freos merchandise (hats, tee-shirts, pins and more) at freos .io soon. We thank you all for your patience. It will be rewarded. This will mean that our tens of thousands of supporters will be able to begin earning their income in DASH, spending that DASH inside freos.io without reverting to fiat and beginning the transition to the Crypto lifestyle.

World Economic Analysis:

I want to highlight the big issues threatening the stability of the old economic system. Here are some scary things to ponder:

China has just publicly announced they are going to insist that the Saudis sell them oil for Yuan rather that Dollars. As the largest customer of Saudi oil, there is no doubt they will get their wish.

The Russians are already now selling oil to China for Yuan, which they take to the Shanghai gold markets and convert to gold. So, while the Yuan is not officially gold backed, as the Shanghai exchange has most the physical bullion in the world now, it is effectively gold backed.

Many other oil producing nations such as Venezuela and the rest of the Arab producers will follow suit and the "Petrodollar" regime created by Nixon and Kissinger when they moved the dollar off the gold standard in 1971 will come to a screeching halt.

This is going to results in trillions of dollars now held in every country's central banks for settling oil transactions will rush back into the US domestic market to buy physical assets and will begin the inevitable hyperinflationary death spiral of the US Dollar.

This will ripple throughout all of the fiat currencies (Euro, Yen, Pound etc...) as they are all still tied to the dollar, are unbacked by anything except promises, hot air, and (prior to cryptos) forced acceptance.

As crypto currencies and precious metals are the only alternatives to these soon to be worthless fiats, both are expected to boom in the next 2 months as will blow past all previous all time highs.

The demise of the fiats is going to further strain the commercial banking sector and we will see a string of bank collapses and "Bail Ins" whereby depositors lose all their saving like happened in Greece and Cyprus.

All of this drama has already caused major problems with other currencies such as the Argentinian Peso and Turkish Lira already joining Venezuela and Zimbabwe in hyperinflating out of existence.

This will make paying back massive loans made by US and European banks much more expensive and will soon result in defaults to western banks further harming their precarious positions.

This will trigger the crash of the multi trillion dollar derivative market next year and the entire western commercial and central banking system will crash and never recover. I predict this wipeout to occur in Q4 2019, but the birth pangs of this start in Nov 2018.

As history has proven repeatedly, hyperinflation and the collapse of banking systems will destroy the value of stocks, bonds, real estate and other old world financial instruments as they can never keep pace with inflation (remember the 20% inflation of the Carter years?)

What can you do right now:

Do not delay - the music is still playing but smart players have already found seats and when the music ends it will be massively difficult to get your fiat saving out of your shuttered and insolvent banks. The FDIC and all other such government guarantees worldwide are currently massively underfunded and will not be able to solve this problem.

So the prudent move to make today is to pull all your saving out of banks, stocks and bonds and invest them in either precious metals or crypto currencies. Both are at the bottom and can be acquired at deliberately suppressed prices so the time to act is now. If you wait until the broader investoriate realize what I am telling you today, it will be much harder to make this move as exchanges will be overrun, banks will resist, limit and delay withdrawals, and prices for both will skyrocket exponentially. I also recommend holding at least 3 months worth of life expenses in cash so you can eat when the ATM machines stop working and banks declare indefinite holidays.

As I am an evangelist for the crypto currency movement generally, I am happy to help any of you with this move into crypto currencies and can walk you through the various ways to convert dollars to crypto and recommend which currencies are going to see the most upside.

A far better plan is to find a way to convert your income stream into getting paid in crypto now. This is the mission of freos.io and the FreeNet Movement and why we are about to go stratospheric. When we announce General Availability in a couple weeks get your account set up and start earning DASH invisibly and privately.

An even better plan is to become an Angel Investor in Freos.io. We have raised ~$1.4M to date and are seeking $600M more, which will be ample funding to carry us until revenue explodes and we no longer need any outside investment. This will happen very quickly once the events described above really take off.

If Perpetual Passive Income in DASH and soon other currencies such as Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Monero are of interest, I recommend you reply to this email and I will send you a full Angel Investor prospectus and explanation of the detailed mechanics and projected returns of this investment.

If you want to secure your seat right now before the music stops, please call me today at the number below.
My general recommendation is to pull out of all stocks, bonds, CDs and banks and allocate as follows:

50% into physically held cryptos and precious metals

25% into cash on hand

25% into Perpetual Passive Income with freos.io

0% stocks, bonds, and any other dollar denominated financial instruments
More information about Freos.io and the FreeNet Movement:

Here is my speech from Libertopia 2019. If you want to understand what the FreeNet Movement is all about please watch this hour long speech:

Here is my interview with Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media from the Red Pill Expo in Spokane in June:

Here is my interview with Dan Dicks from Press for Truth.ca from the same show:

Here is a followup interview with Josh Sigurdson from Sunny Isles Florida:

Here is my most recent video with a QAnon expert and friend named Dustin Nemos. This one ties together much of what I have said here:

Thanks again for your support and trust and for making it this far into this email. I urge you to give this information the urgency it deserves.

Next stop is the Moon!

Bob Stanley
Founder and Chief Evangelist
freos.io and the FreeNet Movement
[email protected]
+1 970 749 3528





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