Host Ernest Hancock interviews guest Paul Rosenberg (Freeman's Perspective) on his latest Parallel Society Newsletter on Tradecraft
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Paul Rosenberg - Freeman's Perspective
Paul Rosenberg knows a lot about a lot of things. A lifestyle capitalist with a broad range of interests and experiences under his belt, current passions include philosophy, theology, history, psychology, and physics. This diverse interest base is reflected in his extensive repertoire of published titles, including A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, The Words of the Founders, and Production Versus Plunder, not to mention 55 engineering and construction books.
Prior to this, his highly successful engineering career saw him called as an expert witness in numerous legal cases and recruited as a consultant to a number of high profile organizations, such as NASA and the US military. He developed and taught 19 continuing education courses for Iowa State University's College of Engineering. He also co-founded the Fiber Optic Association and wrote the first ever standard for the installation of fiber optic cables.
Paul Rosenberg has been featured on or at:
Project To Restore America
Casey Research
Zero Hedge
The Daily Paul
Early to Rise
Story Leak
Expat World
International Man
The Burning Platform
Global Wealth Protection
Freedom Fest
Freedom's Phoenix
Paul's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:
Paul comes on the show to discuss the re-naming of his subscriber-based newsletter to Parallel Society, providing a more outward focus and his hope for the future...Paul discusses his latest issue: Tradecraft, Part One
Paul's recent articles:
Return Engagements (Book One) PART 24… in which I become Gabriel Ruis
The next day I moved all my photos out of Mike's apartment and put them back in a safe deposit box. I also told young Mike that I'd be out of town for a few weeks. I had to be prepared for the FBI to crosscheck the likely arrival dates of Dorothy's material to flights in and out of New York.
Cometh The Podcast
by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on April 30, 2019
Beginning next week we'll be moving to podcasts. We'll be producing them every other week for the indefinite future. I think you'll like them and I'm enjoying working on them. The podcasts will be replacing our weekly articles… more or less. I'm an inveterate author, of course, and I'm quite sure I'll have things I [...]
Return Engagements (Book One) PART 23… in which I play the operative
by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on April 27, 2019
I spent the next two days enjoying Manhattan. I went to the Second Avenue Deli (when it was still on 2nd Avenue), the Metropolitan Museum, and took a train to the Natural History Museum in Brooklyn. I even ran into the father of one of my 2016 friends. It was fun.
Unity And Mystery
by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on April 23, 2019
It seems that almost every political or religious philosophy holds to what I call the Unity Ideal. This is the idea that if we could all just be completely unified, every problem would wither away, all our needs would be met, untapped power would spring into action… or something along these lines.
Return Engagements (Book One) PART 22… in which I reorient… again
by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on April 20, 2019
"The Road Trip" was mainly a disappointment. Indianapolis, Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Gainesville and Orlando (what there was of it) were all worse than in 2016. It was useful to see some of the places, but the places were dirtier and the people were colder, crueler, and in general darker than in 2016.
Culture Versus Conscience
by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on April 16, 2019
Culture has always been the antagonist of conscience. Once we see ourselves as part of a larger entity – once we identify with it – we feel a necessity to conform to it. If we don't, we begin to lose the existential crutch that larger entities offer us. And, partly as a result of living [...]
Return Engagements (Book One) PART 21… in which we prepare for Michael's death
by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on April 13, 2019
The next morning I called Mike's doctor and discussed his case. Then I made a list of things that had to be done every day: Morning, noon and evening pills, no caffeine, no fried foods, and gentle walks every day, weather permitting. We set up my room, drove to the supermarket and back, ate lunch, and then took a nap.
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