Garden Update: Potatoes, Herbs & More

in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

Potatoes ARE Flourishing!



Last year I had planted two wild lettuce plants in the herb and flower garden, but this year I have four that are growing now. I am guessing it re-seeded itself over the winter.

chives oregano.jpg

Chives are doing FABulous as well as the oregano; which may take over a small part of the herb area. I may have to thin it out this year.


Chamomile is starting to come in

Other Garden Updates

Got the cut barrels loaded with dirt and organic potting soil.

One hundred and sixty pounds of dirt plus another two hundred pounds of organic potting and planting soil.

Got all four halves filled; added into one of them basil and some radicchio.

This weekend I'll be adding in the spinach, lettuce and arugula seedlings I have hardening out in the greenhouse.

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My best friend, @deeday31, is into gardening too. I haven't tried this one but it always amaze me of the patience and love you pour into your garden, into the plants you've planted.

It is a beautiful crop in your garden! keep it up!

Lovely! Thats a nice garden :) I have chickpeas but some of them became a bit yellow. I dont understand the problem. Is it because of the sun?

Most times when leaves turn yellow it means a nutrient deficiency (possibly nitrogen) or perhaps over-watering. I had that last year with some of my indoor plants. I tend to over love them inside and water too often.

Mine are outside on the roof. They were OK in the past months and nice green. Now as the temperature is raising, they became mostly yellow. You think it is a good idea to put them in the shadow?

Here is a great forum with some answers about what to do specifically about chickpeas- maybe it will help with yours

Oh thats great! Thank you :)

Looking good! I finally got around to planting my plants last night. I got all done went inside and didn't think of it again until I was in bed at night. That was when I realized, I should have taken pictures! I guess I will have to get after that when I get home today.

Oh man!!! Don't you hate that! I do that all the time myself.
I usually have my phone with me but when I'm planting and doing most gardening chores I have my gardening gloves on and forget to pull out the phone to snap a few. Lately I've been better about it though

Take some pictures of the finished product- would love to see what you've got done

Utilizing farmland should be appreciated, I like @goldendawne.

Everything is looking good @goldendawne! We got our garden in throughout last week and were are starting to see several signs of life. We are trying a bunch of new varieties this year, so it should be fun!

I am THRILLED at how the new garden is coming together this year. I did LOTS of expansions and additions this year and so far... so good

I'll have to head over to your page and see what you've been up to this year in the garden!

this looks like work to me! do you have your kids do the work so you can plan and take pictures? lol. I doubt it. but it keeps you young! everything looks so lush, what state are you in?

Yes we have five kids- all adults, and six grandchildren.. but they all live on their own.
I do most of the work and Mr Golden D helps out when he's not working 60+ hours a week

We are in Michigan. We are what locals and people in this state call thumb people
We live within the white square- lol


Michigan! thumb people huh? I haven't heard that expression, well nice to meet you thumb person! lol. I lived in Northern Ohio too long and the growing season is too short there in MI isn't it? 5 kids and 6 grandchildren oh my, you are very blessed! well doing the work yourself keeps you young..very interesting thanks so much goldendawne.

I am envious of your beautiful garden @goldendawne ! Those are really awesome! Unfortunately the place I am about to move to only has a tiny balcony and I am still planning to see how it will be space savvy for greens later.


Yeah.. not having enough outdoor space can be a HUGE problem. We only have about 1/3 of an acre of land but I make the best use of it that I can. I have become quite creative with planting this year. Using more containers and buckets and I have a great plan for ALL my peppers; which I'll be transplanting into the ground this coming weekend. I have three solid days set aside (with Mr Golden D helping) this weekend.

Wow, your garden is looking fantastic! Loved how you've planned and organized all the various segments and those labels look amazing too. Kudos on a wonderful yield!

THANK you!!! Yeah my OCD is still in high gear; even in the garden- lol

images.jpeg I like to grow things too. Really. but I only have one crop. I use it exclusively for sleep however. Some don't believe me but it's true. An imbalance in my endocrine system makes it extremely hard to sleep. Marijuana actually saved my life. blessings.

Mine is inside for now; in two grow tents.
Only medicinal for now. I have AK47, Kush N Cheese & Blueberry Kush plants plus three Ak47 clones and
3 KNC clones.

I see many people posting about growing outdoors... not quite ready to do that yet

It's like growing money!

Planting and growing foods is a skill that used to be more common. It has become less vital for survival. I believe it's making a return to humanity.

WELL said!!! Plus it is so therapeutic for me! I spend hours and hours out there every day

I totally envy your green thumb! Our landlords have amazing gardens (veggie and flower) on our property, and have always told us we're welcome to start our own. Every year I think, "maybe" and the next thing I know, it's winter! 😂

Love your pictures too, and the garden markers are inspired. If I ever do get around to planting something, I'll definitely keep the paint stick thing in mind.

What a great looking garden. I just love the labels, I am always reduced to "I think I put the Oregano here :) Adds to the early spring spice mix when I don't know exactly what is what. It's a good thing most weeds are edible.

Thanks for a wonderful post. I honestly do not know how you get it all done.

I learned my lesson a few years ago about labeling plants and herbs AS SOON AS I plant them.
I went to a local hardware store and asked for paint stirrers; they gave me about two dozen for $1... bought some dollar store stickers and clear contact paper (to seal the stickers from water and rain) and made all my herb labels.


So for $3 I had enough to make all the labels for the herbs and flowers. I do need more paint stir sticks- they are $1 for 10 or 12 at the local big box home improvement store.

They are growing fantastically! My friend @joelai loved growing her own food too. This is the pumpkin she just started to grow from a pot:

can't wait to see the fruit to grow!

Oh now I am itching to get my hands into some dirt again!Your herb garden looks lush and lovely, well done!