DTube opens a witness node on STEEM

in dtube •  4 years ago  (edited)

I know I've claimed many times I would never ever become a witness, but I have decided to start a node as @dtube.witness. This node will simply keep on following the majority version of the top 20 leaders of this blockchain, without actively taking part in its governance.

The first purpose of this node, is to keep a local database of all DTube contents. The second one, is to try to contribute to the reliability of the STEEM network now that a big part of it has segregated away.

Server specs:

RAM: 128 GB
CPU: 8 cores Intel(R) Xeon(R)
Location: Google Cloud europe-west2 (London)

If @dtube.witness gets elected into top 20, I will open a second node to act as a seed/backup node. If you respect DTube's neutrality in the conflict, and understand our move to keep STEEM safe, please vote for @dtube.witness.

My opinion on the drama

STEEM has split. A large part of the community has left for Hive, after believing the lies that STEEM got centralized and censored by JS. Let's clear up these points:

1- STEEM has never been centralized. Even when 20 sock puppets entered the top 20, STEEM remained decentralized. Steem has a backup witness solution, meaning that even if those 20 sock puppets nodes suddently crashed, the network would have kept on running, and was therefore still decentralized.

2- STEEM has never been censored by anyone. All STEEM UIs (steemit.com, d.tube, busy.org, etc) have always been censoring some contents. While this censor has always been used for good reasons in the past (mostly DMCA complaints for DTube), censorship on the domain level has always been possible. As long as people use a UI from a web-browser, relying on DNS system, this will always be true, and this is what 99% of the users do currently. But STEEM is still uncensorable, anyone can run a blockchain node and access the contents.

N.B: When a UI is open source, such as SteemIt.com, or d.tube, you can always take the source code and fork this website on another domain, REMOVING the censorship. This is NOT TRUE for close-source projects such as SteemPeak or Threespeak for example.

So why all this drama happened? Because there was a power change. @ned promised he wouldn't play the game (for power), and never vote for witness, which he didn't. Effectively when JS proved he had ownership of all these tokens, the ex-witnesses panicked, and as they were still running block production, stealthily updated the blockchain, locked SteemIt inc funds, in order to stay in place and not lose their jobs.

Finally, after realizing they were losing the decentralized elections for witnesses (Stinc funds unfrozen with help of binance+huobi+poloniex), and that they had no way to keep their positions in the top 20 in the long term, they decided to:

  • FORK the chain
  • SPLIT the community
  • WIPE all the past branding efforts
  • LIE to the community (see 1- and 2- above)
  • WITCH-HUNT the people who wanted to stay neutral (like @dtube), forcing them to take a position
  • DELETE the coins of 300+ accounts who supported JS when forking to HIVE, about 30% of the total supply.
  • SHUTDOWN a lot of critical tools of the STEEM network to try to hurt it, despite their promises over the years, despite getting paid for it via the SPS, namely in particular:

They told you STEEM was like Bitcoin, that funds were safe, yet they deleted 30% of the supply on their fork.

They told you they would use their personal skills for the benefit of the community, yet they created bid-bots and made money off you.

They ran this blockchain for nearly 4 years, incentivized you to power-up, while they dumped regularly and contributed to the marketcap crash over time.

They told you they loved STEEM, yet they are trying to burn it to the ground right now.

For me, those people, and the many other ex-witnesses who are ruling HIVE, are completely dishonest, and I am glad they are no longer using STEEM.

Vote for @dtube.witness

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  ·  4 years ago (edited)

1- STEEM has never been centralized. Even when 20 sock puppets entered the top 20, STEEM remained decentralized. Steem has a backup witness solution, meaning that even if those 20 sock puppets nodes suddently crashed, the network would have kept on running, and was therefore still decentralized.

What? You might as well say everything is nothing. You don't understand the meaning of the word centralized.

DELETE the coins of 300+ accounts who supported JS when forking to HIVE, about 30% of the total supply.

Nothing was deleted, a new network was created sans the balances used to necessitate the creation of that network. Nobody was owed anything on this new chain. If Steem fails because of the irresponsibility of these Steem stakeholders, they don't get a parachute to Hive. You bought it, don't break it. But that's just what those irresponsible stakeholders voted to do. It's not everyone else's responsibility to teach them (or you for that matter) what a decentralized blockchain is.

Nothing was deleted

The fact is that 300+ members arbitrarily were removed from your 'airdrop', and the old STEEM/SP/SBD on your chain is still there, but inaccessible. You can maybe fool others with words like that, not me.

What part of new network don't you get? It's created out of nothing. Nobody on Steem was or is owed anything.

How come HIVE still has 4 years worth of contents that were posted on STEEM, as well as all the accounts that were created on STEEM?

The first 41M blocks of your chain, are coming from the STEEM blockchain. Your blockchain exists because STEEM was there before. Without STEEM, Hive wouldn't be there.

So how can it be 'created out of nothing'?

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

No you don't, and you have zero arguments so far. Go back to your fork now.

a new network was created sans the balances used

English borrows words. One of the advantages of not having a centralized authority in control of language. It's part of the reason English is the new lingua franca, to borrow another romance phrase. :)

No problem. You are one of the only witnesses who has always been there who has been rather redistributor. But unfortunately, you have been there too long to understand that you have created a caste with undue annuities. It is the opposite of capitalism.
You know, we are French and the discourse of the common good and preferable censorship in this sense there, we understand it. But I doubt that the TOP 20 of witness steem are in this ideology.

You have decided unilaterally to freeze accounts. This is contrary to the central idea of ​​blockchain. All this because the wind has turned for you ... Honestly apart from all the other points, on this point, you have lost all credibility.

I'm even talking about the fact that HIVE is a registered trademark ... amateur work.

Hive is not a registered trademark the same way that hair or pencil is not. It is just a common word in english. The trademark is for HIVE Blockchain Technologies LTD not Hive. Legally you cannot own a common word in any language. They have no case.

This reminds me of when McDonalds (the fast food restaurant) tried to sue someone in Scotland for using their familly name to refer to their estate. Suffice to say that didn't go well for McDonalds (the fast food chain).

EDIT: actually the case I was referring to was in the state of Illinois.

The real Ronald McDonald (US)
The company waged an unsuccessful 26-year (as of 2001) legal action against McDonald's Family Restaurant, which opened in 1956 in Fairbury, Illinois and is run by a man whose real name is Ronald McDonald.[23] McDonald ultimately continued to use his name on his restaurant despite the company's objections.[24]


Honesty do you know? creating a blockchain with a large community on an existing name is a mistake. Final point.

Don't use disputed names. I will give you a good name. "pupa"
This name is still centralized. Because I am loyal to the queen bee. A good name to write instead of "hive".
Oh, this is what I'm really worried about. I'm not making fun of you.

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

I am moving to hive, I started my powerdown on steem a few hours ago. Although I will always have my steem account so I could use it in the future.

Big Thx for your reply. I think i will stick around on both chains for time being.

I also figured that you may find this post interesting and worth your time:

It's post published by good friend of mine and I'm helping him to promote their curation trail.

In American culture, using french words for no reason whatsoever in the middle of the sentence makes you appear more cultured...

Like doctors and lawyers? Educated, maybe. Not cultured.

un gros fdp quoi !!!

Exactement :D Il m'a dit dans le stack un jour que 22K$ par an (ce que gagnent les witness) ca ne pouvait etre qu'un revenu 'complémentaire'. Hahaha putain d'americain de merde

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

Hive is real, that's plainly obvious.

Honestly, I don't think any perspective is wrong on this. It really comes down to what you think the role of witnesses is.

From my perspective, the community voted witnesses forked in secret, but they did it on the communities behalf. They were elected officials who, arguably, were cheated out of their role. We can debate semantics, like whether a verbal contract of "The Steemit Inc. funds are only to be used to fund development, not vote" should have been taken as law or not, but this all comes down to ones philosophy.

Personally, I think the Hive team did what they honestly believe is in the best interest of the ecosystem. I believe dtube is also acting in what they believe is the best interest for the system. Justin Sun is the only actor here who I think has not acted in the interest of STEEM or the codebase/ecosystem STEEM represents.

You have my vote @dtube. Thank you for integrating HIVE into your platform so quickly, and thank you for choosing to be a witness and keep STEEM alive. Whether STEEM is decentralized or centralized depends on whether we can keep 4-5 genuine witnesses in the top 20. I would like for 16+ to be genuine, but 4-5 lets us know the chain itself will be kept alive without any funny business. From there, those 4-5 witnesses would get to choose which Steemit Inc. upgrades are worth keeping and keep them in line. If that can be achieved, there is hope for STEEM yet.

Steem has always been centralized. You need to understand de-facto control. It's now just clearly evident.

DELETE the coins

Nothing was deleted, only new coins were minted.

despite getting paid for it via the SPS

Re-my infra: I purchased my hardware myself. Read my SPS post. My SPS proposal was only for recurrent costs, i.e., the cost to keep it going.
Since Justin disabled the SPS by making the return proposal the top, there's no obligation for anyone from the SPS to continue doing any work.

People are talking about opinion censorship on Steemit, not Steem. And be warned, you'll get censored on Steemit too if you just talk about that censorship, not even promote anything.

By the way, you are also no longer allowed to talk about d.tube on Steemit because you don't have written approval by Justin, as per their new term:

14.1.7. Use our services to promote third-party platforms or to promote each other without our written permission.

Good luck with Steem.

Nothing was deleted, only new coins were minted.

The fact is that 300+ members arbitrarily were removed from your 'airdrop', and the old STEEM/SP/SBD on your chain is still there, but inaccessible. You can maybe fool others with words like that, not me.

And I use steempeak, it's a better UI.

Good luck with the incoming trial and too bad for not staying anonymous like many others.

In order to be removed from something you first need to be included. Those 300+ accounts were not included in the airdrop therefore they were never removed from it.

You can argue against the fairness of the airdrop if you stretch the argument but please do not use logical falacies.

These are strong accusations here but let me give you my point of view as one who was initially neutral.

  1. JS was a threat from the beginning when he constantly retweeted posts about absorbing Steem into Tron network and make a Tron-based Steem. Whatever that means.

  2. Witnesses soft fork was defensive but was taken AFTER attempts to reach out to JS fell on deaf ears.

  3. Steem blockchain is the people and not the technology because let's face it, it is open source and copy-paste makes a new one.

  4. People willingly made their decision after seeing JS colluded with exchanges to put puppets in charge of governance.

  5. Steemit Inc even came out to state blatantly that they're in control of Steem chain for now but will give governance back to whatever is left of the community. How can you call that decentralised? When you have to constantly be looking over your shoulder.

  6. We're all free men and have freedom to associate. The majority chose, willingly whether fed "lies" or not, to move to Hive. Tell your own side of the story and try to convince the community, let's see how that goes.

I love Steem and I'm in Hive now, not missing a beat. I use the same keys, and live my life in pretty much the same way. Steem isn't dead, it just changed name because the name "Steem" got sold.

My 2cents

Steemit Inc even came out to state blatantly that they're in control of Steem chain for now but will give governance back to whatever is left of the community. How can you call that decentralised? When you have to constantly be looking over your shoulder.

On STEEM, people are aware of this, and always have been aware that SteemIt Inc stake could start voting. We know a large share of the stake is in it. In HIVE, it's the same thing, except you have no idea who controls the stake, it is dispatched between multiple accounts.

Time will tell

I'm also in Hive, although I strongly doubt I will keep many funds there. I know the people in control hate me (I've never been invited to their secret illuminati meetings), so I have legit reasons to be scared for my funds when they own 20/20 witnesses there.

With all do respects, that is backwards. Yes, you might not be in the HIVE top 20 witness meetings, but its 20 different people. Have you been in the Steemit Inc. witness meetings between Justin and the sockpuppet accounts? In one scenario you have 20+ individuals making a coalition, and in the other you have 1 we know about and then a faceless corporation in the shadows controlling run by that one.

If one of those was the "Secret Illuminati", I'd put my money on it being the ones who bought their way into hijacking a chain, refusing to meet with the witnesses, and then actively hiding who actually runs which witness puppet.

I am 100% in support of you running a witness node. If we can keep 5 people like you int he top 20, we know the chain can survive in a decentralized manner and all will be okay. But I do think you are misjudging the scenario a bit.

It's not 20 different people in hive witnesses. It's a cartel with 2-3 people colliding together, also using multiple accounts, just less obvious ones than what happened on steem.

See all the anonymous accounts in top 20. How about trying to ask them for their real names, or asking them to show up in the next hivefest? You can be sure they won't show up lol.

And nothing is happening on steem side, justin is silent and real witnesses who showed up there are legit people who just don't want it to break.

I will not run a Hive node because it costs money and I have 0 chance to see my money back sadly, considering even if the whole real userbase of hive believed in me and voted me, I wouldn't even be in top 50 from the decentralized election :)

I understand your perspective, and I do agree, I want to know who is in the top 20. There are too many purely anonymous accounts for my liking. I have one person I know whose a witness, as in we lived in the same city, so my votes reflect their votes, as I trust that person to make the best judgement calls on their anonymous associates.

That being said,

even if the whole real userbase of hive believed in me and voted me, I wouldn't even be in top 50 from the decentralized election

That is straight false though? The users have more funds relative to the rest of the pool on HIVE than on STEEM, because all but 300 accounts (including Justins and his sockpuppets) have the exact same funds as on STEEM, except the Steemit Inc. 20%+ stake is gone.

So the users have equivalent if not more power on HIVE than on STEEM when we look at the stake breakdown. By doing simple math, you could be a top HIVE witness, unless you're trying to say you need the Steemit Inc. backing to be a witness, in which case, I honestly wouldn't trust your witness.

We've only had 1 week of powering down so far, the userbases voice isn't that different between the two platforms yet.

If you look at the distribution of money in this blockchain, and despite the social distribution that has been going on, you will realize that it is very unfair. Bitcoin is way better distributed. A good metric to look at, is how much of the stake, the top 1% of the wallets/accounts represent.

This is a pie chart that was on my steemwhales.com website at the end of 2016. This pie chart excluded all the steemit inc accounts!

It would be interesting to run it again to have more recent data, but let's assume it stayed about the same (top 0.1% controlling 2/3, top 1% controlling 90%), then it's clear that even if 99.9% of the community votes me as witness I would barely enter top 30, and if only 99% of the 'bottom' community upvoted me, I would be like #80 witness.

If you check BTC for example, it is distributed much more widely. Maybe because it's older? Maybe because it's more convenient and safer.

Also on another note, how can you prove that 2 anonymous accounts, are not actually the same person? Either someone with schizophrenia or someone with training in deception.

The Steem middle class has been growing in the short time that I've been on here, meaning that the influence of whales was diminishing as a percentage of all Steem. I suspect that this will likely reverse a bit as people cash out. Those sticking it out and buying up the surplus Steem will gain a larger percentage of the remainder.

Your last statement made me chuckle. 1 person can anonymously run two accounts simply by not telling anybody. No need for schizophrenia or the art of deception.

Witnesses soft fork was defensive

No it wasn't. That's what the old witnesses said, but freezing funds is rather a "threatening", not "defensive"

People willingly made their decision after seeing JS colluded with exchanges to put puppets in charge of governance.

Yeah it's very easy to fool people by spreading propaganda like "Capital vs Community Revolution". Like they said their action was "defensive" and you just believe it.

Given the context that a token swap was initially announced, it can be seen as defensive.

The problem is that things like this (image) and this are still live.


Actually, no... the real problem is that this endless escalation and petty fight continues. Many users do not want to make a choice but the reality is that we only see tribal bullshit everywhere.

It’s simple: the announcement was wrong, 22.2 was wrong, 22.5 was wrong, the preparation of the fork was wrong, the “airdrop” censorship (censorship because a vote is free speech and should be allowed without fear for retribution - not an airdrop because I was never airdropped HIVE, there’s no tx about that) was wrong, and the censorship (and flagging) on steemit is wrong. Oh, and the way proxy.token initially returned to voting with a kingpin powerplay was pathetic. And the whole way the community has been played to buy time vote for the community was a hypocrite play of the highest level by some.

As a user, ever since Feb 14 I’ve felt my only options were:

  1. Can’t win
  2. Lose

Meanwhile, this ever worsening tribalism continues and nobody gives a flying eff about the actual users. Users who definitely not expected to join a platform which would freeze funds like banks and PayPal do nor would imagine an organized effective takeover. Core principles of what blockchain may mean to some. Not to mention the various methods of censorship.

As a user... I’m disgusted, disgusted being collateral damage. Here’s hoping the feuds will soon end and both platforms will look only at themselves and improve their options and offerings. Otherwise you only chase us who are here because we believe in blockchain away, simple as.

Nobody looks good in this. It was a shitshow of the highest degree.

lol how's that Steem witness working out for ya


https://peakd.com <--- Log in with your Steem account today!!


https://peakd.com <--- Log in with your Steem account today!!


https://peakd.com <--- Log in with your Steem account today!!


https://peakd.com <--- Log in with your Steem account today!!


https://peakd.com <--- Log in with your Steem account today!!

I think it's important you are clear on your position, and even though we don't agree on conclusions, some of your points are fair.

My biggest contention is on the airdrop part of the "unfairness", since it seems to me that although is not a rule, per say, all of us who are into crypto understand (or attempt to understand) voluntarism.

Which is to say, I don't have to do a thing for anyone. I may want to, or not, but I'm not forced by a centralized governance to do so.

With that in mind any fork that STEEM ever gets, if indeed it gets another one (it might). Does not have to airdrop tokens to anyone by default.

We could talk about the negative effects of not doing so, which of course is very valid, and there are plenty to talk about, but the obligation part is where I take issue.

I, like you, considered the freezing of Justin's tokens to be a mistake. Not because I trust Justin, I don't, and not even a little bit at this point. But more so because it was the first act of aggression so to speak. Things escalated, catalyzed by this first action, and I won't say I didn't see it coming.

All that being said. Justin showed no hesitation whatsoever to override core ideologies of cryptocurrencies, and thus I (only speak for myself) prefer to remove myself from the equation.

I do wish you well, and I mean this sincerely. I hope that your efforts get recognized and that dtube takes off. It sure has been quite a journey.

The real hard fork is when all investors get the coin, in this case, they didn't do it for those who invested money in Steem and cheated the community. This means that they can always deceive the HIVE community when one threatens their centralized interests. They brand themselves as fake crypto dev and fork all over the world.
I don't believe HIVE because they cheated on me and stole my HIVE coin. I am 100% loyal to the real decentralized Steem platform and Steem blockchain. @dtube Thank you for telling us the truth.

P.S. This is not community fork See details - Hard Fork is planned without community in in secret!!!


STFU you stole more Steem from everyone by circle-jerking with flysky, tatjanastan, aidasfg7, xboxguru (alt acc), steemitwarrior, hamletnow (alt acc), ...

So STFU and see the mirror first.

You are technically right with almost everything you say.

But you are still dumb. Join us in reality, please. No more crazy talk.

You say that I am right and wrong at the same time.

But I am the crazy one ?!


Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

I like hive, but don't know about steem yet. Depends on what Sun does.

Big Thx for your reply. I think i will stick around on both chains for time being.

I also figured that you may find this post interesting and worth your time:

It's post published by good friend of mine and I'm helping him to promote their curation trail.

I'm not sure how you claim claim to be neutral after a piece like this. A network not crashing does not prove its decentralization. I can't understand an argument that Steem isn't centralized into Justin Sun's control. Personally I have heard from afar of Sun's Tron antics, but after seeing them close up I know I do not want to operate in his sphere. So it's easy, I'll be selling all of the Steem assets I control for Hive.

I am personally not neutral, but @dtube will be. I will probably power-down my personal 10K power on hive, and almost never comment or post there.

@dtube will stay neutral because a large share of the community sided with Hive, and because it's kinda logical for us to add a third blockchain to our UI which already supported two, we don't really need to choose a side!

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Well I guess that is the beauty of decentralization and forks. Choisses.

Everyone is free to choose.

You put a lot of words above about the old witnesses and I guess some of it true, depending from the person perspective and personal perception.

But I would like to see some of the things and actions that JS did and your view on them.

My perception for his actions are an arogant rich kid that just want his ways. Totaly ignoring others.

I have no idea about Justin, never met him. At least he never made empty promises to me, and from what I've seen about his little communication on Steem, he seems to be saying what he wants (atomic swaps for tron, his tokens back, etc)

The real hard fork is when all investors get the coin, in this case, they didn't do it for those who invested money in Steem and cheated the community. This means that they can always deceive the HIVE community when one threatens their centralized interests. They brand themselves as fake crypto dev and fork all over the world.
I don't believe HIVE because they cheated on me and stole my HIVE coin. I am 100% loyal to the real decentralized Steem platform and Steem blockchain. @dtube Thank you for telling us the truth.

P.S. This is not community fork See details - Hard Fork is planned without community in in secret!!!



Glad to see another person who can reason and think logically.

SHUTDOWN a lot of critical tools of the STEEM network to try to hurt it, despite their promises over the years, despite getting paid for it via the SPS

The main goal was to create a shock and destabilize the chain by quickly removing and shutting down vital infrastructures and tools that people used to interact with the chain. A vicious and cowardice moves if I may say.

Why should anyone provide a service to a chain they do not support? It's voluntarism.

Hey Einstein!

Give me where I stated that they should provide service to a chain that they don't support? It seems to me that you are just assuming something so you can dump no related information on me. Stick to the data, no need to be emotional about it.

Continuing receiving funds from SPS even after moving to Hive and shutting down tools or projects that sported Steem is hypocritical and greedy. They need to refund everything they received for the last 4 weeks prior to when the Return Proposal was finally pushed to the top. Got that? if you are getting paid to do something do it, if you don't want to do it anymore, fine, move on, don't be sneaky about it and keep getting resources from the community for doing nothing.

I support your decision.

곰돌이가 @hodolbak님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.024을 보팅해서 $0.018을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 7743번 $105.292을 보팅해서 $104.823을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

Glad you picked a side. Neutrality is a luxury few can afford during times of war. Best wishes.

I have personally chose a side, hence my article on STEEM today and not on Hive. However DTube will still be compatible with Hive, too many users are supporting it and our chain is not live yet.

Excellent you have my vote.... just...

Whom would you suggest to set as witness proxy?

To avoid issues with governance, it would be better to get rid of the set proxy option. Setting proxy reduces the total number of real people actually taking place in the election. It's a tool for the lazy, that makes the system less resistant to attack.

If you don't know enough reliable people to vote for, I think it's not a big issue that you don't use 30/30 votes.

I agree with you on this one. It was useful when people had dozens of mining accounts with two year power downs but as we've seen recently, it adds more problems than it solves.

Well if we gonna talk about changes the entire stake based system needs modification as money will always congregate 🤦‍♂️ further complicated by politics and personal desires set by behind the scenes dealings... dunno what to expect from anyone anymore...

Yes, I’d like to be lazy as all this drama is getting to me... I don’t care for the fuss and just want to create!

I have proxies @blockbrother being one of the few to remain neutral imo

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here: https://steemit.com/dustsweeper/@dustsweeper/dustsweeper-faq

Didn’t even realize it was still running 😅

Screenshot 2020-03-23 22.44.42.png

Plus, when @proxy.token tried to settle between JS and 22.2 witnesses to prevent from a chain split (the meeting was held on March 11), they were purchasing the Hive.blog domain (purchased on March 11) - so their "gesture" to talk with JS and KR was merely a strategy to earn more time to do all this thing. What a smart sneaky people!

I've spent $10 on a domain 100's of times in my life that I never built out. One actor buying one domain doesn't mean a consensus has been made.


Purchasing a domain on March 11th for a hardfork project which has actually has been planned or discussed for years (just not in this shape of course) is actually extremely, extremely late. Especially given the horrible situation since February. It could have been purchased in February, or early march, and that would be more inline with the dramatic problems happening.

Also people tried to get in touch with JS before putting in action the soft fork to freeze the funds.

Having a domain or an idea/solution in mind in case diplomacy fails is also not being a liar...

This argument about a domain purchased on March 11th is entirely misleading and empty. I am very disappointed by seeing such things being raised. It's as if people don't care about truth or have no real experience in IT and just throw random tomatoes because they can. To me, this is some kind of low morality.

There are a few things to put as counterarguments, but not this one I think.


Uploading image #1...

I'm considering where to spend my suddenly plentiful witness votes now, how do you feel about the change in the terms of service, specifically this bit-

14.1. When accessing or using the Services, you agree that you will not commit any unlawful act, and that you are solely responsible for your conduct while using our Services. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you agree that you will not:

14.1.7. Use our services to promote third-party platforms or to promote each other without our written permission.

Also, do you agree with coded in censorship to the steemit front end or is that something you oppose?

It's a bit the same question.

The censorship feature on UIs existed for years already, simply because of DMCA complaints. I think it's normal for domains to be able to do that to follow the law, at least that's why I have the feature on d.tube (piracy videos etc). Using this feature to block a competitor, is something different but it's something JS wants to do.

JS is allowed to add this to the terms of service to SteemIt.com, but it doesn't apply to the chain. Also, I'm pretty sure this was in reaction to the HIVE spam, and it will not actually change anything else in practise, we will keep seeing Mene promotion, or 3rd party dapps like games, and gambling. As long as it doesn't directly conflicts with JS interests.

I understand that he is allowed to do it, he has his stake and can do with it what he wants which includes supporting witnesses who agree with his positions. I know censoring was possible before, it just wasnt done this overtly. I was more asking your own personal opinion on if you are ok with this, is it something you would support if you were in a position to decide, etc..

Just looking for a personal answer and not as much of whether its right or wrong. I appreciate the response, I've been messaging the other top 20 witnesses (well the ones that are actual people and have made at least 1 steemit post) to try to gauge how they feel as well. I see myself more closely aligned with the Hive folks but I don't want to see steemit die either and id like to have people that care running it.

Ah I forgot something ...

They also decided to SPAM THE CHAIN with mindless Hive banners and make comments unscrollable. How fucking nice was that?

You're trying to blame the entirety of Hive for one guy's spam?

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

Anyone who hasn't proven his identity could actually be anyone else's second personality. This spam is controlled by HIVE, because it promotes HIVE, and is likely to be organized by the HIVE leaders, considering they are the ones profiting the most from it.

Absolutely. I have been waiting for the Hive witnesses to condemn this type of behavior yet they seem to be silent. In fact, this is the type of behavior that has made me suspect of their motives. I am personally in favor of the fork because I did not see any compromise from either side. But everyone needs to go their own way and build their blockchains. Many of us that tried to remain neutral intend to create content for both chains. !trdo

I still have a small stake
Screenshot 87.png

J'ai toujours été neutre dans cette guerre de mots, d'influence et de pouvoir. La haine génère trop de blessure et de souffrance au lieu de faire du bien.

Je te souhaite un grand succès avec ton witness et DTube.

This post has really aged well :) Let's see...
This node will simply keep on following the majority version of the top 20 leaders of this blockchain, without actively taking part in its governance. hmmm you seem to have failed on this one, why aren't you running 22.8888? :joy: How you like Justin Sun now?

Justin does the same way worse......

I think in a longrun this will be worse for dtube too, because why they should not froze your assets if you dont have the same opinion? or ban you account, you posts or more.

I can't agree more!

Although dtube is praised by most users and a very good project, you had little chance to be a relevant witness in the previous conditions and probably never considered it.
Now you have and decided to run a witness. Nothing wrong to admit it. No justification needed for such a decision.

Claiming this is still decentralized and censorship-resistant is just weird. Anyway, good luck for the future.

Don't promote yourself too much or your friends without a written permission from the boss. I wonder if there's a template for that...and who you should send the requirement to... and who decides.

Thank you for an objective presentation of the facts.

Ok so now I understand the drama as to WTF is going on and why steemit seems janky as of late. Great information to have. Thank you for the update.

Hymen is fake af and anyone voting for him deserves what's coming. Gfy


By the way, I had no idea I had such a fan base screening my every words on all the channels I'm registered to. Thanks for being part of my fanboy club <3

Keep going ... You've got nothing else but me getting annoyed in a few chat rooms sometimes.

Which are by the way screenshots, of centralized services, and you have no way to know if it's even faked or not. This is why we write text on the blockchain instead of links to pictures, you damn amateur

We support you for witness. I will join d.tube so I can contribute to video content decentralization more that way. Steem on.

Hello @heimindanger, please consider supporting my friend and long-time Steemit guy @mrviquez with our @block-buster witness.

"They told you STEEM was like Bitcoin, that funds were safe, yet they deleted 30% of the supply on their fork."

nothing was deleted.
stop spreading disinformation. you know better.

STEEM is completely censored and controlled now.
If you don't bow down to your TRON master, you will never hold a top witness position on STEEM.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Coins were deleted.

If you delete access to something, give 1:1 into a new token from it, but exclude 300+ accounts from it. It's technically the same as deleting the coins. It doesn't matter that you changed the symbol of the tokens. What matters is that some people invested in STEEM and got ripped-off by dishonest individuals (which you are part of) that were in charge of the network.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

They told you they would use their personal skills for the benefit of the community, yet they created bid-bots and made money off you.

This one was for you

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment