You Think You Know What Success Is?

in dtube •  7 years ago 

Success is simpler than we often times make it. When I think of success I think of doing something really well and putting you best effort forward regardless of the money or worldly perks. Simple.

Have you enslaved yourself to your definition of success? Do you feel insecure when you think about success? Are you jealous of what others deem successful?

Well, I want to turn this idea of success on it's head so let's talk about success.

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For me success is not only money! After all if we feel happy for what we did today, that's what I call success! Money is a reward for that success! Great thinking bro! Excellent vlog!


Thanks for the insight!

No of course , you will failed with everything if you are slave of money , success , even feelings . You always must keep balance inside you with all what is important in your life and never put something on the place "if I will not get it I will die/be unhappy/ can't live/breath" . Nothing is worth to stop our life and to stop be positive and thankful to God ))

Every good or bad job has success. Success of the work is always high, people are respected. But to be successful in bad deeds, society has to be disrespected. We all want to get success! And it feels best when there is no success in their own efforts. If we sit on the clutches for success and do not come to success. We have to work day and night for success.

It does take hard work and diligence

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Awesome job breaking the norms of society and how an ordinary person should perceive their surroundings.

I agree with you! Success should be based on how happy you are at the end of your day and end of your life. If I die today, would I have done my job making everyone around me better and happier? If so, then I would consider myself successful!

PS - dope Spurs jacket!

Society places tons of pressure on people to conform to these man made standards of success. It get ridiculous after a while.

I love the spurs as you can probably tell by now. Haha.

Awesome post @humanearl. It's so true that hidden in us is a masterpiece. A unique person with unique gifts that no one else has.

Success is chipping away at excess marble to keep moving towards this masterpiece - your notion of masterpiece not the society's or parents or friends notion of master piece. If it were others notion than it would be mass production piece not a masterpiece.

Since you said chipping away at the marble I have a good quote that I love.

I really loved your definition of success, it was direct and simple. I can think of 4 definitions of success:

  • Success is just a state of mind, which like everything else is dynamic.
  • Success is delusional, the more you achieve the more you want.
  • Success is a personal opinion, You may find 'The social worker' to be successful, he may find the job is still half done.
  • Success is subjective, A kid in third world country might find it as a big success to be able to go to school, while in a developed nation it is taken for granted.

I'd say that success for the most part is subjective and delusional too in society. It seems that the more people get the more they want. That why I say success isn't really about material things because it would be like trying to hold water in your hands.

Very nice post.
People would like to pursue success and move ahead... It is a journey and not a destination. Here people climb one step at a time but the final step is in the clouds,very far away.... but the steps are definitely rising higher.

My perception of success is a plain and simple objective :
Contribute towards the growth and empowerment of others : students, faculty, other people who need a hand to rise up and reach for the stars. I have been working towards achieving this objective face to face for all these twenty seven years of my life, followed by email, gchat, facebook- message

I like that you mentioned others. Often times we think success is meant for us when really it's about others

sarah dippity.
that silly blonde.
I just made a post about much the same thing.

I'm heading your way to check it out.

A really good post @humanearl. I think success is not a general term, it has different meanings to different people. Success is best described by self satisfaction and being truly happy. Personal success comes in many different forms and your concept of being a success might not be the same as mine. If you want to be successful in your life, then the very first thing you should do is to take the time to decide exactly what “success” means to you. Never mind what it means to anyone else, what does it mean to you?
If the concept of being a personal success sounds good to you, take the first step today. Discover your personal definition of success and write it down . I promise that you will feel more successful immediately. Here’s the main point to take away from this post: Success is a multifaceted, personal concept. By defining what that concept represents to you personally, and by taking the time to write it down, you will automatically move your life in the direction of success.
PS: Success is the time when you fulfill all your dreams that you have ever dreamed.

Success is something we all have our own definitions of which I'm not sure is necessarily a good or bad thing. For example, let's say someone say's " I will be successful when I live in a mansion" but when they finally are living in a mansion they don't feel successful. Are they really successful then or is it an illusion?

I really think the idea of success becomes problematic when we tie it to material gain for example.

Success is when you do the work you love and get paid for it ;)

If only all work that you love came with a paycheck. Not all work that we love gets paid so to speak. Like taking care of your children. If you love to do it you will most likely not get paid to do it.

But I most definitely get your overall idea. Thanks

Taking care of your kids is an obilgation and not work for me.

Hopefully with all this crypto and new technology we can figure out a way to pay people for all kinds of other work and not just the "work" we always think of when it comes to jobs.

Yes i have hope that crypto can change the world.

Hmm. I love this post today. I love your simple definition of success @humanearl . For me, Success is a byproduct or a means of external appreciation when you pursue something that you truly believe in, which satisfies you internally. What we pursue and what we should pursue is the internal satisfaction.

Some things are not made to satisfy us like wanted a big house or fancy car. Those things can't fulfill you internally. So what we want on the inside has to be bigger than material possessions for example.

Thank you @humanearl for this post. Its an interesting one.
For me Success is not wealth.
If success is wealth, then why the rich person tells a story about Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela to his children.
Most of the people on this planet feel that being a success is a good thing. When they think of success they usually think of material benefits, happiness, and accomplishment. Certainly, success can include all of these things and more.
To some people the epitome of being a success is earning a lot of money. In fact society seems to base the whole concept of success primarily by how much money a person earns. But society’s definition has more to do with flash than it does with substance. Many so-called successful people are very unhappy in their personal life. So, we need to ask…

Is that what you think of as being a success?

Having a personal definition of what success means to you, and then setting goals accordingly, is the only way to make your achievements truly meaningful. Striving to succeed according to somebody else’s standard or definition may win you the admiration of others, but will it bring you a sense of personal accomplishment. Its a question i ask myself every time i make plans for myself. Thank you

Right and many people get jealous or feel like failures if they don't live up to other's definition of success. This is not good.

At the simplest level, success is knowing what you want and then achieving it.
Using this definition, we can have success from achieving short term goals as well as long term goals. In fact, long term success often depends on achieving many short term goals. Therefore, success and feeling of success tend to feed on themselves!

I love your definition also, it's really straight to the point.

I really thought about success and what it means. The one I spoke about makes it much simpler

Hmmm very interesting post.
What a coincidence that my favourite success quote was made by your namesake Earl Nightingale.
Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal
Success is peace of mind, which, is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing, you made the effort to become the best of which, you are capable of becoming.”
You would imagine that being intelligent would give you an edge when it comes to being successful, but this is not necessarily the case.

If someone has a million dollars in their bank account, most intelligent people would consider that person successful, however if the respective person inherited ten million dollars and lost nine million over 5 years in a failing business, then would you still class that person as successful?

Firstly it will depend on how you measure success. Intelligent people who aspire to be successful tend to have higher standards for themselves and therefore a much higher personal benchmark to aim for. On that basis, success must be a relative term and must be very personal and specific to each individual.
For me Success = Doing Something You Love and excelling at your pace.
Thanks for posting.

Your definition seems close to what I said too. It makes things alot simpler.

Thanks @humanearl for this lovely post. Success is a relative term which varies person to person. There may be different parameters of success for different people.
Success is not winning, success is keep trying. Success lies in small steps we take in the pursuit of success. People think that they achieve success when they win or when they achieve their ultimate goal. But this kind of thinking will lead you nowhere. Well, according to me, we achieve success when we still have the hope to try even after losing.

In other words success is not the destination it is the journey

Wow. Thank God this was brought up. We get to share our mindsets of success and learn from each other.
Many intelligent people end up in professions that focus on their predominant skills rather than their passions. Throughout their lives, as intelligent people aim for their self imposed benchmarks, this can leave them feeling unfulfilled and having aspirational stagnation as time passes.

Sadly this is common place and where the majority of intelligent people live their lives; being too good at what they do, they develop complacency, but are too scared of change to go it alone and follow their passions.
It’s strangely ironic, especially since intelligent people are best equipped to follow their dreams. They tend to have a clear and definable desire or passion, and they tend to have the money since they should have well paying jobs. So what stops them waking up and making the conscious decision to make a change?

If you study some of the most successful people and ask them what they did to propel themselves towards success after periods of being unsuccessful, they all tend to agree and proclaim that once you decide to follow your dreams, structure was the most important ingredient to add to their planning, desire and determination.
May God help us to direct our mindset to the part of fufilling purpose.

We all want fulfillment which is something not all types of success can bring

I sure liked your definition @humanearl, but in my own opinion, I think that the ultimate definition of success is one's own satisfaction with what we have achieved. I am not talking of that never-ending drive that the successful have, to do more and ever more, but rather when that individual looks at what he has done so far and feels satisfied that it was "enough"!

"Enough" is enough to support their dependents, enough to share one's excess in philanthropy, enough to empower others by giving them employment perhaps, and to pay taxes to support the country. Thank you

Do we ever become truly satisfied by the things we achieve? do we really know when enough is enough?

I mean look at western culture. Buy Buy Buy. Spend more so that you will feel better. I find it hard to believe that we all at some point become truly satisfied with achieving things. We may move on to other things once we've accomplished something in one area but still we want more of something. This is just our fallen nature.

For our achievements to be really worthwhile I think they should not be tied to the things of this world. (money, titles, rank, possessions, etc). Only then do I think we feel more satisfied in our life.

@humanearl, i love this. Success is actually a very subjective term, but a lot of needless suffering is rooted in the misconceptions about success.

The problem is that there are son many perspectives, so many definitions of success that it is not easy to encapsulate the idea in few lines or words. We all hear and talk about it, dream, think and wonder about it, work for it. Through our childhood and adulthood we learn and are told about various ideas of success by our parents, teachers, friends and others around us. Everyone has their own agenda. and idea of who and what should we be. We seek it, we find it, and then lose it again. We always are following some dreams or illusions and are never satisfied.
There are millions of books (including so called best sellers) telling you what is success and how to achieve it.

But the more strategies these so called advisers of success ask us to follow, the more miseries there are. If you follow the typical, beaten path to success, you will be shocked to know that more you achieve, the more frustrated your life becomes.

The problem is that we are mostly brainwashed about the meaning of success. Many rich and famous people are always complaining that they feel a void inside and don’t know what to do. Therefore, in the absence of a true concept of success both achievers and losers are one and the same thing.

The brainwashing is real

Exceptional post. I think that success has a lot to do with personal fulfilment. You don’t necessarily need to be a millionaire or a guru in something to experience success. I believe that when you are able to change yourself in a way that improves you, the quality of your life and the people around you, that can already be deemed as a success.

If you are able today to become a better version of what you were yesterday, and then repeat that with every new day, I think that pretty much means you are living a successful life.
Thank you

Success is better enjoyed when others are involved. I like how you look at it.

The most important thing about success is the notion of attempts. I was brought up with a notion about the word and concept of failed attempts as if that is a sign of weakness. This definition comes as a breath of fresh air into my life and it will definitely change the way I see failure.

Lately I have been thinking about how this previous notion of failure has made me ambitious and ruthless to myself, I think I'm ready to embrace that failure is part of life and that only through failure you do achieve success.

The questions I had will still need more answers and I will pursue them but I now realize that failure is humbling and is part of my path in life. Thank you very much.

Failure is often seen as bad but it's through failure that you truly learn.

Really glad we are having this discussion. Thank you @humanearl.
I don’t know how to console someone and lift their spirit up. Although I’m good at listening, all I can do is listen genuinely and say “it’s okay” or something similar.

Yesterday, I was having a talk with a friend. She was depressed and was almost breaking down. I badly wanted to make her feel better. Because this was a serious issue and I cannot rub it off saying “It’s okay.” That would be cruel.

But I feared I would mutter something nonsense and make her even more miserable. I don’t have a good sense of humor too, to make her laugh.

A few minutes passed, listening to her story, until I finally decided to fight with the demons and break my comfort zone.
I talked with her for around an hour. About how I understand her, and why I believe she shouldn’t judge or be rude at herself. She confessed about various things for the first time. Like never before.

And after an hour or so, she left, with tears, and a grin.

I don’t think success has any predefined milestone to cross. Or a million dolor cheque to hold. Except that you could do what you wanted to.

And all I know is, I was successful yesterday.

Glad you helped you friend. I hate hearing people deal with that. I know exactly how it feels. The best thing is to have someone that can listen to you and try to understand. So I am proud of you for stepping in to help.

Success for me is the feeling of being content. Its simple, I'm never content until and unless I've either spent my entire energy on some task and failed or until I've succeeded in the task.
Either way I feel successful, and mind you I'm very proud of the times when my efforts don't bear the perceived fruits, because I truly believe the bigger picture is something none of us can see!

I see a lot of people saying success is when their parents smile at them and/or are proud of them. But parents are human beings and can be fooled into feeling proud of you. The only person you can't fool is yourself so be true to yourself and give your all!

Correspondingly, if I'm not content I become restless and uneasy which is easily the worst failure one can experience!

Contentment is for sure a difficult mindset to develop. But it helps to put things in perspective.

@humanearl - Sir the smile on your face is what I call as success... If we can live with smiles & joy & can have a good life that's what I call as success Sir... Nice video, but Sir, don't make videos while driving... It's a risky thing Sir...


Driving and making videos is risky for sure. Thanks for the advice.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Success is when you try and never give up.If you won you acchieved something,If not you will learn something.For me as long as you give all the best out of you and you consider the result as beneficial(learning from some mistakes)no matter what will be the result then you will end up considering it as success.All the mistakes and unsuccessful doings make it as your stepping stone to achieve more and to be trully successful.

Failure is a great teacher.

Indeed,failure is part of ones success.

Success is more about CONTENT in life.

Let me tell you how.

You go and ask a person who does not have a leg, for his sucess is having that leg which he does not have.

You go and ask a person who does not eyes, for him success is having a pair of eye or at least one eye.

You go and ask a person who is struggling to get even one time food, for him success is about having two times food a day.

We have now everything and sitting here, writing this comment we are trying to write the script of our success whereas from a different dimension we are already sucessful, and we must find that content in our "being" at present.

So it's all about content.

Perspective. And yes being content is something to strive for.

"Pick up Ciara, my beautiful wife" followed by Gangsta ass laughing

100% upvote just for that.

You are saying that success causes people to be people that they are not. I think that is correct when they work for a boss, however, It is wrong when they have their own business.

Every successful person that I know online is very polarizing, they are all unique and authentic.

If you are somewhere in the middle you are, frankly said, BORING.

That is why people write about me here, some really hate me, some like me and that is good.

My opinion is the same as the one of @hackerwhacker with a bonus. If you do what you like and get paid for it AND become financially independent then you are successful.

And about your taking care of the kids statement -> Show how you take care of them, educate and play with them.

I bet many hearts will melt and upvote you -> it also shows that you are a confident father.

I was saying that many people feel bad when they try to live up to other people's definition of success and are not living that way. It can cause people to feel insecure about their own lives.

For me, success is when you feel the word "Happiness" but obviously in a good way. Haha. We can be successful in our very own ways. Be happy and successful come hand in hand. :)

Hopefully success comes with happiness otherwise it will just make you miserable.

That is true. Nothing makes sense when you're not happy. It's just an act but isn't for you.

Hey @humanearl I can make this debate endless and I write about philosophy of life very often. But I want to make it shortcut.

Sometimes when a wonderful bolt from the blue makes it a lot easier in our life, we call it success.

I can talk about this topic forever because it's something that we can relate to.

Success is not a confined phenomenon and it depends upon individual perception.

Because at times the thing which is failure for some person the same thing is a success for some other person.

You are right in what is success to you may be a problem for someone else.

Earth isn't intended for Utopia...........//////

Not now at least

❤If we succeed in success, we will find persistence, patience and hard work
And commitment

We can just have an immaculate world when the lion's share talks up and acts and does not get debased by ravenousness........///////

success is how you wanna make things look like

wonderful video you said it well and beautifully

success is what makes your sweat turn into gold when you achieve your goal

yes lets relook at it with a clear mind and fresh :)

i guess everyone should read this fine post so cool for everyone !!!