Steemit Had Me At Hello

in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Social Media With Heart

Steemit has a culture unlike any other social media platform I've known. It was a big draw for me when I was at a very pivotal point in my life. Finding it was like catching lighting in a bottle. I like to say Steemit has a big heart. In other words, it just seems that people are very open to being themselves here and in general I just get so many good vibes from so many different people.

Who I am and what Steemit represents go hand in hand. At first when I chose my moniker "HumanEarl" I thought it sounded cool more than anything. But then I realized how fitting that was for me on a much deeper level. So let me take the time to explain in this video. This is who I am at the core. These are the things that drive me. Please let me share them with you because it doesn't get any more HUMAN than this. 

I strive to be a light to any of you that I connect with here and to help you navigate life as best I can. I am on a mission to do exactly that.

What made you join Steemit?

Why did you choose your Steemit name?

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Last week makes it a week since i started steemit and i have met people! chai! i have known amazing people, and many people that inspire me like @humanearl. i am enjoying myself and this platform because i have realized that this platform is made up of amazing people like you.

I wish that we could have a community and NOT a contest poll or a place to just earn some cash. i just have this undying believe that we can make steemit more than words can describe.
thank you all for accepting me and given me the chance to take this risk and live it daily.
I really love the engagememt i get here. Great post @humanearl.
You are a huge support.
My Username Georgechuks is from George and chuks. This was a name i was givem while at school.

So that name seemed to just stick. Cool. I am doing my best to really build community here. That's very important for me to try to help do.

For me, I joined Steemit on a whim after watching some guy talk about it as an alternative to the normal social media outlets. I have been a bit disenchanted with the other platforms and just wanted to check it out.

Then I found DTube and a couple of other people over there. I had a Youtube channel but was suffering like others with censorship, demonitization, and ultimately being eliminated from their partner program by their newest rules. All this was ok, because Steemit/DTube was like coming home.

It was like a place I could feel free to share my thoughts, share photos, videos, and all the best things I liked about all of the other platforms in one location around a group of people who just seemed to care. I no longer avoided talking about my faith, or expressing my gratitude for fear of judgement of others.

Don't get me wrong. I have no fear of debate or civil discussion about the things I believe or topics of which I'm confident. But the other socials seemed destructive.

I've come to value relationships and people much more in the last months. I've grown closer to my walk with God. Became more disciplined in my study as well as become more steady at meditation. I don't know where this all goes from here for me, however, I certainly know that I'm enjoying the journey each day and grateful for every interaction.

As to my Steemit name...Captain Bob - Well, creatively dropped upon me by a great friend as one of the characters of his future children's books about a Captain that traveled on a flying sailboat with his monkey, Mr. Whipple. This captain was known to be able to fix and/or do anything. Apparently, I reminded him of this character and I've since adopted the nickname. It has kind of stuck.

It was great to read and watch your video and get to know a little bit more about you. Thanks for sharing with an open attitude and heart. Kind regards.

I've also became much closer in my walk with God over the last couple of months. Share your faith because many people need hope and love. Thanks for sharing about who you are and it's good to know you found a place to voice yourself.

Thanks man. I sincerely appreciate that.

Good question. It actually took me 10 years to settle on my current username. I was born a critic and feel that I have a natural talent for sniffing out bullsh%#. I have never been convinced that our current society is a result of trial and error and being the sum of lessons learned, as your public schooling implies. I have, since an early age been a self professed Atheist, even though the rest of my family are Christian. I question everything, regardless of your academic credentials on the topic and have never had respect for authority. When this name came to me, I knew it was the one. I then started using other platforms and in a stroke of luck, the name has been available on all of them. I recently pondered a change in name, which I believe you read, but have come to the conclusion that was a bad decision. I have now become Not Convinced Smith and it is as comfortable for me to hear and respond to as my own name is to me. I found SteemIt through a search for freedom of speech and have tried at least 80% of the other platforms. SteemIt is the only one that has a platform that truly works for it's user's and pays you to start out. You get paid to be you. You can't get better than that.

Public schooling is a joke man. Questioning things are good and at the same time we have to be open to knowing the truth. Truth outweighs everything. The problem however is actually figuring out what is truth and not. That's why faith plays a big part in anyone's beliefs. Whether ot not you believe in no God, a God, many gods or whatever, you still have faith in something.

I think your name is fitting and you should keep it. And yes here on Steemit you get paid to be yourself. You don't need all the cheesy superficiality to make an impact here unlike some other platforms.

Why do you HAVE to have faith in something? I understand you mean that everyone has an opinion and makes assumptions? But, 2+2=4- no faith needed. My dog loves me- no faith needed. Not everyone requires faith in something, which describes the unknown. The statement that, " you still have to have faith in something" or everyone requires faith for their beliefs" use discriptors which are classic qualifiers for false statements. It's also a tactic used to shut further conversation down. For some of us it's easy to admit we just don't know. You are right though, truth outweighs everything. To bad truth seems to be quite subjective, which I am sure you also meant. We all tend to think we are right. It's actually quite easy to test right from wrong, truth from myth. It's simply hard getting those who just have to be right to accept it. What would the consequences be if you were wrong?

I said you have faith in something. Not you have to have faith in something. Now in dealing with truth. There is absolute truth. Saying there is NO absolute truth means you are attempting to make an absolute statement which would make that statement a contradiction. So you're stuck between trying to make that sentence work or just go with the non-contradictory claim which is that absolute truth does in fact exist.

It's one thing to say you don't know which of course there is much we don't know. But we make decisions everyday without knowing what will happen which means we are exercising faith. Exercising faith does not pertain to religion or spiritual matters only. Every last person on the planet exercises faith in one way or another since we in fact don't know everything.

What I think is right or wrong doesn't matter because I am a finite being with limited knowledge. If I am wrong and without any answers as to what actually is true then I am hopeless and my faith is in vain.

Man I enjoy exploring these things.

I am sorry, I didn't mean for my comment to go in this direction. I have no problem with people having faith and living by it. Our perspectives differ greatly on the issue of religion, but it needed be an issue. I mention and reference my belief in regular conversation just like most people of faith reference theirs and their God(s) often in passing without even thinking about it. I simply answered the question you posed honestly. I notice many go in to automatic defense mode when a person of an opposing belief states their belief, then the other incorrectly interprets that as a challenge or judgement, when it's actually just a statement. I made no inferences and I apologize if it came off that way. I respect everyone's beliefs as long as they physically harm no one and even when they do, I judge the person, not the belief.

No worries. It may just be a problem with writing instead of physically talking. It's all good I was just trying to discuss things you bought up or questioned.

Perspective is a very intriguing result of thought and the way our brain interprets all of the information gathered by our senses. I have a different take in faith.

When I put one foot in front of the other or eat food and even climb a 14,000 mountain, I have no expectations. Faith is not necessary for me to live. I simply take life as it comes, trying to create my path as I go. I don't put faith into the hope I will wake up tomorrow. It is what it is. So, I do not believe faith is a default setting for living. I am not afraid of death and am fine with the thought that I may die tomorrow.

Part of the reason for this is my non belief in an afterlife. I don't worry about impressing a higher power, with the hopes of going to Heaven rather than Hell.

People are perfectly capable of living happy healthy lives without putting their faith in anything at all. If you simply live, taking your bumps and bruises as they come, faith is not necessary. You allow chance to do it's thing. I equate faith to taking something for granted, which I never do.

So there's not one thing you look forward to? For example: Looking forward to go hiking. Looking forward to seeing my dog. Looking forward to living a happy life?

And do you think people just will it in their minds to get things done or is there truly some expectation that compels people to get things done?

If a storm is coming and you need to set up camp before it hits. Is there not expectation that the storm is coming because otherwise you would just sit there getting soaked. I mean let's say you have no expectations. Does that mean you also react to absolutely nothing?


That's the magnetic power of steemit and also see the alexa rank of steemit how it is improving day by day and now in top 500 and i am sure by the end of 2018 the rank will be within 150, that means people are leaving other social media platform and opting steemit.

Thanks @humanearl and Have a great day.

Yepp. Once it get within the 150 range then the fun really starts.

Yeah bro this is an amazing platform and I never seen something like this before! For me this is a life changing platform! So, definitely it might change our whole life style in a good way! And people like you also found due to this amazing platform! So this is great!


I found this platform at the lowest point in my life. Ever since then it has been an amazing experience.

Earl, holy shit man, that last upvote you gave me, that's crazy, thank you so much man, seriously, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.

It's all good man! I thought today is a good day to give you a heart attack. Haha

hahaha, it was a great day to do it, and you absolutely did, thanks man. Serious Karma points.

My user name is kinda boring. It's just the initials of my first name then my last name. I also started using it as watermark for my photographs. Initially, I joined steemit because you can earn money from it but along the way, steemit became something more. I met other steemians and got close to them. Our group, @steemitfamilyph, are now like family. We help new members and curate good contents that we find.

That's so cool that you are involved with that community. I think Steemit has and will continue to change so many people's lives in more ways than just the financial.

That's true. We have a member who have depression. There was a time when she stopped posting so we reached out to her. She said it helped that we reached out when she felt like noone cared. Steemit is no longer just a platform for earning to us. Its a great means for expressing yourself and to communicate with others.

I know that feeling of felling like kno one cares. I found Steemit at the lowest point of my life. When I came here many people reached out to me and gave me encouragement. That's the beauty of this platform

I hope you or anyone else won't feel that way anymore. God bless!

My motivation was to gain exposure to the cryptocurrency world but doing so in coins that have the backing of a social platform.
It's my believe that a blockchain based social platform will be the leader is creating mass adoption of cryptocurrencies.
This is the beginning times of a changing standard in marketing and money!
My username Princesson was a name i chose from princess. That was the name my mum always called me. So here we are. Great one at humanearl and you have been an encouragement big time.

And if you saw facebook just announced that they will try to implement some kind of cryptocurrency on their platform. I know they have noticed what Steemit is doing by now so they are trying to get a piece of the cake too. But I believe Steemit is so unique. It just has a culture unlike any other social media platform I know.

I came here when I read the article on the site of the clone Steemit - Golos.
It became interesting to me to become a part of this growing family. To be useful and get useful advice. This is not a simple social network - but an entire encyclopedia where every day one can learn something new.
People like you @humanearl help us to develop even faster. You create a chain of good. You help one, he helps another and so on the chain. But remember, this good will come back to you :)
Thanks to Steemit, I learned more about cryptography and continue to improve my skills in investing. I like to communicate with people from other countries, see their outlook on life.
A nice bonus is that you can really make money by making a profit. It makes me happy.
thank you

You described it perfectly. I like to think of Steemit as an ecosystem that facilitates reciprocity. It is unlike anything else. We are the early adopters. Once the mainstream finds out about how life changing Steemit is there will be a major influx of users.

Honestly, I read about Steemit in an investment newsletter. So, I joined to check it out, as part of my due diligence. As, I checked it out, I saw great potential. I saw a place were true connections can occur, not superficial ones like Facebook. I used Facebook to see what my friends were up to and at times I would leave a quick comment. I also followed up with a phone call just to chat and really catch up. (I’m also that annoying person who if I manage to see a text, generally responds with a phone call.) I’m a people person and thrive on connections. I saw real interactions occurring on Steemit.

In my post A LONG OVERDUE INTRODUCTION! I wrote “I chose the screenname @emergehealthier, not because I am a health guru, but just an individual who realized that I wanted to be a better version of myself. It is a constant reminder of what I’m working towards. I see health as encompassing my body, mind and spirit.”

Facebook is pretty superficial. And when mind, body, and spirit are in sync you feel on top of a mountain. Slowly this is how things have become to feel for me.

and then there are jerks like me.
oh well.
I iz what I iz..
enjoy steemit..I certainly do.

Be you man. Much respect. We have enough people being someone else.

Steemit is just on point. Steemit is Bae lolz

Haha. "Steemit is bae"

i learnt everything about crypto from steemit had zero knowledge what it means and nothing at all i once gave up as it was of no useful for me because i can't understand it at first what it was actually but gave it a second shot to try and the rest is history till now :)

I also learned so much about different currencies through Steemit. This is not only a social media site but also a school in a sense where people can come to learn so many new things.

So am I :)
I am very much grateful and happy indeed that Steemit did arrived in my life ;)
There was many difficulties going on in my life as well glad Steemit made it way easy now .
Genuinely while I joined ,I never thought it would change my life this much but however I am indeed grateful .I hope it goes on :)

Think about how many people, who are facing the struggles of life like you were,that could be helped by just being a part of Steemit.

When you look for a social media which can not only align your hobby but also give you a weekly salary and that to backed by crytpocurrency with blockchain technology, then what else can we say is the height of opportunity for us.

Exactly and I am now starting to gain momentum with Steemit. I want to become financially free from Steemit in 6 months.

fantastic truely said by you dear @humanearl.

And the same feeling from here also which prompted me to join steemit.

Thank you and Have a great day.

@shivohum2015 You made a good choice.

I came to steemit because I was looking for a platform that wasn't owned by the big corporations. I choose ttanarchy because tt is my initials and I'm an anarchist!

So what is the basis of anarchist beliefs? I only know a little about anarchy. I really like Jeff Berwick though. He has great content regarding anarchism.

The basis of anarchy is No Rulers. that's it. from there you have a bunch of different ideologies and those ideologies don't always get along. I do not follow any particular ideology just the basic no rulers. You can follow two of my favorite anarchist at @dbroze as well as @johnvibes. from there you can learn more about the movement. Thanks for being you I love watching you keep up the good work!

Ok cool thanks for letting me know.

I can see you being an anarchist. Despite what the dead-stream media reports anarchy is not based on chaos or violence. Its about love and building a world where people are free to choose their own lives. The two anarchist I mentioned above co-authored a series of books called the conscious resistance trilogy. You can download them for free ( or if you want to buy hard copy's they are on sale until the end of the month for $4 each if you get a hold of @dbroze directly. I highly recommend them and have been following these two guys for years on FB

Ok cool. Good looking out I always like to read about different things.

Great @humanearl : your name was very meaningful as "human" and "earl" is means earth. Thus, it explains how human make the world or earth a better place for the childrens and for our futures.
What a great username brother!!


Thanks. I hope to make the world a better place for all. One interaction at a time.

Yes you can man , if you keep believing.😇

When we summit a post , we can get payment .
This amazing news made me to join steemit , friend , and you ?

Yepp unlike other social media sites that basically make all the money off of you.

@humanearl - 'Steemit has a culture unlike any other social media platform I've known.'
100% correct Sir... The culture of all best social medias... Glad to say, due to this strong culture I have meet a human angel... It's you...


True that. It's a very strong culture here. At this point I think Steemit is here to stay at least for the short term.

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote! I just ask for a Follow in return!

Nice post I believe God has big plans for you.
Your right just get with it!not much time.
Brother,your blessed stop holding back he's got you!
God Bless,Amen Toddjr.

No holding back now. Just using my gifts to help others.

The HumanEarl! The great one bro! It sounds very fitting to your personality!

@tentalvera That's what many people say.


Your username really fits in you.Most of your post i mean almost all of it describes humane and life.My username is typoerror.I cannot do about it,i just have to fit with it.

No worry. It works. And many have told me my name fits the things I talk about.

Yeah and that is also what i noticed.when it comes to humane and life,steemians will say ohhh its humanearl.It became your tag now.😊😊

Another by @humanearl
My user name is "Dinisanda"
My wife name "Dinithi"
My name "Sandaru"
So "Dini" + "Sanda"

Oh ok. Got it.

I didnt think about much of my name. It just represents my nickname and my favorite number. I shouldve thought of a better username.

It's cool because I always notice it.

knowing new people new knowladge get payed if you write a good post or coments

It's such a good way to connect with people all over the world. It's amazing.

yes sure bro it's the easier way to know about others culture and traditions

I'm still not giving the username. Can you help me out?

You're trying to add your avatar pic right?

I joined because Steem seems like a great project and steemit let's me make a few bucks. I didn't choose the steemit name, it chose me. :D

Sometimes your name chooses you. I wish you well here on Steemit.

my respect for you!

Nice username, keep it coming

Interesting blog

Looks beautiful

Give you an upvote

Nice post, I just started today. Feel free to check my post and follow. Thanks.

You looks like Renato Sanches :D!

out standing man, one thing you are really a man who speaks from his heart, and this is the beauty of your post , wish you GOOD LUCK for future and stay blessed dear
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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment