Hello Dtuber and steemit,welcome back with my blog,today I have a good idea, from tomorrow onwards I will giveaway DTC (Dtube Coin) on my dtube channel, what are the rules? You must have a dtube account first, claim your dtube account now, then subcribes my channel, put your video link on my new video tomorrow part 4, I will choose 1 video link/day and I will upvote 100% with 10k + VP, it might give you around 300 DTC+ and remember starting tomorrow with my Part 4 video about chaosbane warhammer games, claim first and you will get 100 free DTCs. Everyday, Every video i made, just put your link video on .
This my dtube channel
Note: only for original content, you can put it in the comments section of my video.
Thanks for stopping by,Peace out