Training diary #2

in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

[German version below the english one]

Hello Steemians

welcome to the second video of my training diary.
I am going to post at least once per week some new footage of my training. I will use this as a motivation for myself and maybe one of you will see some new exercises that can be done in a home gym.

Routine of the day:

  • Zercher Squat
  • Pendlay Row
  • Dips
  • Shoulder Press
  • Triceps Extension
  • Front Raise
  • Calfe Raise

If there are any questions or comments on my training then tell them in the comment section below.

Stay strong


Hallo Steemians,

willkommen zu meinem zweiten Video meines Trainingstagebuchs. Ich werde hier von Zeit zu Zeit Videos von meinem Training reinstellen um mich damit selbst zu motivieren und meinen Fortschritt dokumentieren zu können. Vielleicht kann der eine oder andere unter euch auch Ideen für neue Übungen, die man zuhause ausführen kann, mitnehmen.

Mein heutiges Training bestand aus:

  • Zercher Kniebeugen
  • Pendlay Rows
  • Dips
  • Schulterdrücken unilateral
  • Trizepstrecken über Kopf mit der Kurzhantel
  • Frontheben mit der Langhantel
  • sitzendes Wadenheben mit der Langhantel

Falls ihr Fragen oder Anmerkungen zu meinem Video/Training habt, dann immer rein damit in die Kommentare.

Bleibt stark


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Great video man :)
you got a cozy little gym for yourself over there!

Nice nice! <3

Thank you Mamali :)
Next thing that I will build for it will be a lifting platform to perform some lifts without ruining the concrete :D

True that!
probably paint the walls as well ? haha :D
I post some videos now and then, maybe they could help you as well :)

Keep pumping the IRON!

I´m note sure about the paint :D It is my last point to do because there are more important things to invest (c2 rower <3).

I will take a look at your videos ;)

oh yeah go get the C2 first! haha :D

I´m searching for a used one but the market seems to be empty :D Poeple nowadays seem to know whats good for them :D

Search more I'm sure you can find one.
Great tool <3

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