RE: We Need to Talk About Plagiarism and Piracy on Steemit, D-Tube and

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We Need to Talk About Plagiarism and Piracy on Steemit, D-Tube and

in dtube •  8 years ago 

I think the sooner we embrace piracy as a species the better. Linus Torvalds is making lots of money without having to charge people for linux. People uploading to the blockchain are providing a service that the content creators are not offering, that is why they are making money and not the original owners. IF the original owners posted their own material people would be inclined to subscribe to that channel and support them. They are filling a need in the market so it is right for them to be paid.

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Not everything the market provides or tolerates is good and proper. There are things the market is not good at or is too good at, which is why WE, as our own agents have to police ourselves unless we want the state to do it for us. Stop using econ speak to justify unethical behavior.

Stop using econ speak to justify unethical behavior.

There's nothing unethical, you only think that because you were brought up in a society with laws written to that effect. Learn to think for yourself.

What a cop out.