in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

I hope Ya ready for another "allmost daily vlog" exclusively on @Dtube !

That used to be my Slogan 5 Months Ago i should change it to "allmost Yearly " now :D

Let me explain why i left Steemit and came back :

First of all the way my bank account is set up (kevin hart voice) lol....

For those of you who dont know me : i was and still am Domingo a young upcoming street and Graffiti Artist located in Austria, i started steemit to push my self to be more productive and i enjoy the great community here. In the beginning of my Steemit Career i posted as the titled says "allmost Daily" but then me and my friends went to Los Angeles cause i had a Artshow there and things in my life turned busy , alot of jobs preparing my solo show in austria and working with other exhibitions on artwork so the goal of being more productive came true - but steemit suffered . Finaly i managed my Carrer and Jobs and decided to take time out to do the stuff that i loved in the first place - creating content to inspire and do it in a community that inspires me.

Long story short - i love yall and im Back !!! :)

aaaaaaand i see you soon for the next episode of my "allmost daily Vlog" in on @steemit and @Dtube !

peace love and steem,

▶️ DTube
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