Starting a Business From Scratch EP 001 - Making Money With Your Passion

in dtube •  5 years ago 

I've decided to turn my side hustle passion into a money maker, I am going to document the journey of making some extra money on the side.

This is the first episode of hopefully many more to come. I am a Front-End Web Developer and love my 9-5 job but would love to turn my passion into some extra side hustle cash.

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Well done on get started. Taking that first step is the hardest. i struggle a lot with procrastination, but watching you inspired me to take more action. Good luck with all your future plans!

Thanks for your support, yes procrastination is hard to fight Haha. Good luck to you too

Posted using Partiko Android

Best of luck buddy - gotta be in it to win it! Just remember USP! Gotta find something to separate yourself from the others out there that may already be established. Do that and this time next year Rodney....

Hahha yeah think ill establish my USP over time, have ideas. And yes I can see the millions hahaha

Posted using Partiko Android

Missed you so much. Welcome back ♥️

Posted using Partiko Android

Missed you to Sergio!!!! How have you been?

Posted using Partiko Android

Just the usual stress, desperation and struggle lol You know. Eheheh lol

Posted using Partiko Android

Just a normal day hey haha

Posted using Partiko Android