How you create your reality - Inspirational Video

in dtube •  7 years ago 

You can achieve everything even when life is painful. The greatest visionarys were laughed at but still they make it happen because they are obsessed with their passion. Strive to be legendary rather than ordinary. Success is a process just like life. Never stop following your own unique path.


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Hope you enjoyed my video, took a while to create it. What do you think about spirituality.. do you consider yourself to be conscious?

It was a very inspirational video, and videos like these normally don’t connect motivation to spirituality. I especially like how it’s crafted in a even non-religious people can appreciate. Keep up the work and good luck

Thank you very much! Spirituality does not have anything to do with religion. I think everyone is spiritual in some way because everyone has a intuition that comes from the heart and that is connected to the soul. My goal was to connect spirituality with motivation and it makes me happy to see that this is appreciated.