Are You Ready?

in dtubedaily •  6 years ago 

Good Morning Dtube and Steemit friends! While I was witnessing the sunrise this morning, I got a little motivated so I’d see if any of you are on the same page!

Getting ready for the big launch of this platform isn’t about competing, it’s about showcasing. Showcase your skill, talent or niche and show the new users what you can bring to the table. As well as establishing yourself within the network in the form of branding.

Make sure you are visible! If you are struggling to get yourself off the ground, reach out and let others pick you up and show you the way forward, there’s no shame in asking for a little assistance.

I need to focus on my goals moving forward, with only a few months left before we all become mainstream armed with a 1million user plus platform, it’s time to make sure when it all happens, I can enjoy the growth and prosperity as well as everyone else putting in the heavy ground work right now.

We might be early to the party, but we still need to be able to enjoy the party itself when the time is here.

▶️ DTube
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Bring it on!!!! Thanks dude! Good to get on this and creating the good content! Keep it up man!

YEAH BUDDY!!! Thank you for the advice brotherhood!

and YES! I am READY!

Winny out...for now ;)

Great advice just in time! ✌🏼
I'm super excited to see how this platform will succeed, and where we will be in that picture. Wishing you all the best, Tim!

Thanks for stopping by Kate! I’m super excited as well, it’s like we’ve all been working on a project ready to show the rest of the class, only the class is the rest of the world. I love this place!

Haha! We're just in time for the future!

awesome view and great video! keep up the good work Tim :DD

Thank you! I think I might take the Bif camera out with me next one and get some pics!

yeah definitely do that, good plan hha

Am inspired.. Thanks..

that background looks so amazing ...

"Users are coming" is kind of daunting ( As if Winter is coming)... yet exciting ! Great advice and I can't wait to see more of your stuff, you're a natural vlogger. Cheers , Evan

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