DTube Vlogs | Struggling With TIME! // Working Overnight // HELP! // Droning at Dawn

in dtubevlogs •  7 years ago 

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As I mentioned before, my absence has been largely due to my change in schedule. I’m now day trading in the Foreign Exchange markets from 2am until roughly around 10am. And it’s taken a toll on me and my day to day activities! One plus side though, I get to fly drones at dawn! Anyways, anyone have some tips for me to manage my productivity? Let me know in the comments!

I Get ALL Of My Music From: http://share.epidemicsound.com/lSSJs

The Camera I Use: https://amzn.to/2HyVEid
The B Roll Lens I’m Using: https://amzn.to/2qihzyk
The Microphone I Use For Vlogging: https://amzn.to/2GKwZGI
The Tripod I Use While Vlogging: https://amzn.to/2GMDsRs
My Secondary Audio Recorder: https://amzn.to/2qmn1Aj

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Keeping up the hustle I see!!!
Good to see you checking in !
Rad drone footage.
Good luck with the schedule.
My little time saver tip would be to meal prep for the week. That way at least you have one thing you done have to worry or think about.
Good luck brother!

I used to work night shift, from 10 pm until 6 am, I then slept from about 7 am to 3 pm, so I guess my only advice is sleep less and push yourself to be more productive, which is really hard..

Yeah man, it's definitely not easy! Thanks though man! Glad to hear you aren't doing it anymore!

Your droning skills have improved immensely! Don't go too crazy now! haha

Thanks bro! I feel like I still suck haha! And the Mavic Air does not handle low light well at all! But thanks man, I'll try to keep it sane 😂

Dude you look bushed! Kinda behaving on the markets like im behaving on Steemit and DTube! Started a DTube creators contest. Win an animation for you channel. Dude you only feel lazy and drained because your not resting. I use to do all sorts of stuff to stay up and hurt my health. So 5 hours of sleep and you need to eat. Short breaks. Dude its not worth the money if your killing yourself faster.

Yeah I know man, I do feel like it's not great for me at least at the moment. I do get sleep, just at a really awkward time (mid afternoon to late). I'll definitely take my health over money any day. Just have to find the balance.

Great drone footage dude!

Thanks @romafedorov!

Loved the title from dusk to dawn

Thank you!

Hi Man!

I've got the same shit BRO. I do spent a lot of time looking on this fucking candlesticks for hours :)
I though how to improvite it and I have found a solution. Let me show you education and tools that helping me to save time on FOREX.
Check out my website http://neopch.co.uk and let me know what do you think about it.
I will also record a VLOG soon because I know that there is more people like us and I want to share it.

Bless :)

Haha thanks man! I'm actually working with IML educator Kevin Serrano. We trade together on London all the time!

Cool. Good Luck :)

Sleep 6 hours and wake up at 4pm. Keep on keeping on man. Less sleep while you grind, drink a lot of water.

Really you work a lot in these days. Your working schedule is very tight. But you have to manage your time for other activities.

I’m trying! It’s challenging 😅

But you have to accept this challenge.

I did a blog last night with a painting I did on how to relax and clear your mind for sleep. I'm new and didn't put in the right tags. It's the last blog I did so it's easy to find.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment