To lovers of Table-tops, both real and virtual....Introducing DungeoneersGuild!

in dungeoneersguild •  7 years ago  (edited)

The DungeoneersGuild is a framework for a procedurally generated world, wherin like-minded adventurers band together and set about accruing wealth and fame, as well as no small amount of bother.

The Intentions:

Provide a world and a means for anyone to be a part of a guild of adventurers, and indeed, to provide some framework to allow anyone to build or be a part of a role playing community.

Allow the world to grow organically incorporating settings and details as required, provided that there is adherence to an agreed upon framework. That framework is currently Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition, if its legal by the rules of D&D5e then it has a place in the world. This is done to try and curb excessive homebrew. So while some homebrew is allowed, it is essentially 'somewhat collared' and must be firmly based in the rules and laws of the world, and thus the intention is to reduce the destabilizing nature of 'homebrew' in general.

Be your own guild, in your own world. We aim to provide a basis, a sprawling map, with many fascinating places, events and curious happenings. However, how you play in this world, and how your DM's decide that it responds is to an extent up to them. You are also free to expand, for instance by discovering links to other worlds or settings. For example the world typically has few deities in it. We rely on players actively bringing dieties from other D&D settings into the world.

Provide a means for characters to be permanently logged, and also to provide a means to meaningfully document their journeys through the world. We hope to, through collective efforts of community and crowd sourcing, be able to incentivize and continuously develop character visuals and assets.

Provide a means to meaningfully log world assets, and via community participation and crowd-sourcing, allow incentivized development and expansion of these assets, such as lore, concept art, maps etc.

Provide a setting agnostic means for any character from any setting to participate in trails or challenges the intention being to reward successful participants with valuable items that they can own and use in their respective 'home settings'.

The IP and some terms:

We intend to reserve the right to do a few things. Expand our 'basis map' at our own pace. Maintain and expand on 'back-end-tables' which themselves generate much of the world and its feel. We reserve the right to add quirks, details or links to settings to the world.
By playing in the world, you are opting into a collaborative storytelling experiment, and should your adventures have sufficient notoriety, or for any other reason aspects/results of your experiences in the world be deemed significant, they may warrant entry onto maps or tables for the world.

Players should own their characters and their respective journeys, the intention is that through logging the way these characters change over the journey, players may to some degree receive remuneration from crowd-sourced approval of these characters. A challenge that remains is to be able to effectively upload characters in the case of players not having access to a platform such as steemit. This is a work in progress, but the hope is to potentially offer a 'character logging service' to players who are active in the world, but who do not have or do not want to use platforms such as steemit. One possibility may be to provide players with digital asset wallets and transfer character earnings (after potentially charging a fee for this service) made on their behalf to those wallets. These wallet addresses could be posted on the character posts themselves to avoid confusion about where funds are transferred. As mentioned this part is a work in progress, and we do not have further details at this time.

The Journey:

We hope to one day be able to reward players and DM's for playing D&D. Part of this may be achieved through a means whereby a DM can 'approve' their players presence at a game. And other players can then 'confirm' that approval.

The mechanisms behind this ideology are still a work in progress, however we do hope to also be able to use this DM approval method to allow the entry of valued items into a market place, which could allow for 'tracked' buying and selling of virtual items, so long as the transactions are DM Approved.

As a part of this journey I would like to begin by reseving some hashtags. #DMApproved and #PlayerConfirmed I believe may be important tags for us to be able to process these 'transactions'.

This post is our 'alphawhitepaper' it is intended to enshrine some guiding ideologies as we embark on a 'non-typical' journey in community development, crowd-sourcing, incentives models, and collaborative story-telling.

No claim is made to have every detail mapped, every mechanism planned, or an ideology that is yet perfect.

Should there be significant changes, we shall post a 'more complete' paper, however the intention is that a subsequent paper would still ultimately have a grounding or a basis in the principles contained within this initial document.

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Love this idea - shame it's D&D based 🙃 (but totally understandable)

DrWom... agree we had to start somewhere, if this takes off, it would be good to have other options such as Pathfinder or perhaps even other systems such as D6 or custom even :)

Just wanted to thank you for your support on our posts :)
