The Mindset Of Humanity
I think of myself as an aggregate of human society, wherein people should be ashamed of themselves for not sticking up for and fighting for, those of us in duress, as it is the very truth that while you allow one person to be in duress, you should ALSO be in duress for that person, and be that of a brother for those who are in utter pain and torment day and night due to the kinds of things that are threatening their very existence to live as though they ought to have been able to live in the first place. People have been hiding their heads in their ass-holes, and to sum it up real quick… They all KNOW IT. You KNOW it. I KNOW it. Everyone KNOWS IT. They’re firmly stuck in that position. And, they need to get their heads back out of their asses and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT or there are going to be some VERY serious consequences coming up.
Manly P Hall stated, “It’s not the wrath of the Almighty, but the stupidity of man that is causing all the trouble,” and if you haven’t studied his work, you should think about doing that because it took a lot for me to dig in as deep as I did in order to wake me up about the real situation that humans today are struggling with.
This is the real condition we are in, whether anyone has accepted it or not, or recognizes it or not, is the real condition of mankind today. And, that reality is SLAVERY. I don’t sugar coat my words and wish to speak on some very serious TOPICS that should be of a concern to mankind, because the whole idea of true spirituality is to end the condition of human slavery and human trafficking and to tell the people that support it that it’s never been okay, it’s not okay now and will never be okay. It’s completely immoral and, the people who condone this social action and who perform these actions to keep the human condition in this state of duress are immoral people. It’s up to us right here and now to reach out to other people who can be helped in order to change their mindset about what is going on right now. It’s SLAVERY!
That’s what’s going on, and we are here trying to end it. That’s what the great work here is folks. That's what I'm trying to do because that's the very work that needs to happen in order to go from where we are to where we should have been going for a very long time now. I will speak more on how later, but for now I just want to emphasize to people that we are currently living in a world that supports it and condones to it and for a moral people it is ruining our every chance at obtaining a lifestyle that will truly matter. I simply cannot sit idly by and feel as though I’m going to end up dead before I ever really got the chance to live free, and work on the life that I first was set out to live.
People will claim that there are many paths to spirituality, but I take umbrage to that statement as there are many paths that can take you to an understanding of what the solution is, but there is only one true solution. And this can sound dogmatic to people and even religious to the religious people, and I try to explain to people with all my work that I’m not dogmatic here and not religious to say something to the affect if they believe in natural law or not, and it’s as ridiculous as asking someone if they believe the fact that if I hold an object up and let it go will it fall to the ground when of course it will fall to the ground because, that's the law of gravity, and we all know for a FACT that it will fall to the ground.
There is no dogma or religious belief in that statement, it’s law in the universe. So, behavior is also bound by law, but this is the problem with the human ego. The ego refuses to accept that the behavior is bound by law and we want to believe that we can do anything we want to so long as long we don’t get caught, there are a whole lot of people who are willing to utilize their behaviors in that way and still doesn’t make it any less wrong just because they are willing to be ass-holes who do ass-hole things, who don’t get caught for being an ass-hole. The only solution is the understanding of natural law and how we are inextricably forever bound by it. We have free will, but we have no control over the consequences that will arise from our choices in our free will. Natural Law is the most occult like information that needs to be understood by humanity, and there is very little understanding of propagating a worldwide understanding of natural law to the body of humanity. That’s exactly what our work is all about. That’s the work of the people reading this and those who do understand this. It is ONLY US that must teach it, because no one else will or is willing to take the guff for doing the right thing when many are living right now in the wrong for their own blind ignorance. Plain and simple, we must become teachers of this information. I thought originally that there would be many others and even 10’s of thousands of people who understood what natural law was and after studying this for over 5 years, I can hardly find anyone who knows a thing about it.
There is in fact only a handful of people who are doing this work who are doing it effectively, actually and accurately getting people to embrace the teachings, while all the others are just not doing it right. You know, our efforts are not enough. That’s the one thing that I want to convey to the people reading and who are interested in this kind of work, the efforts made have got to be advanced and stepped up. We the people who understand this need to become teachers of this information to everyone within earshot of our voices or humanity is going to go down the path that I’m going to write about which is going to be a very, very ugly one if we aren’t going to join the cause in truth that’s going to make a difference.
There is only one real solution which I will touch on in the next section of this blog series. But, please help me get this information out there. It desperately needs your attention when we are seeing a whole world-view of completely useless idiots running peoples lives into the ground today, and it has to be stopped before more innocent people end up dead by the decisions of the mighty men willing to live with zero moral groundings.
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