Color revolution against Trump & The Constitution.

in dystopia •  4 years ago 

It's amazing how many otherwise intelligent people completely fail to recognize the following:

  1. that the US is being subjected to a massive divide-and-conquer operation and a color revolution of exactly the same type that the covert operations units of Western intelligence agencies have perpetrated on dozens of foreign countries on behalf of globalist oligarchs;
  2. the fact that this will result not only in chaos and collapse, but also in the "solution" of techno fascism, regardless of which puppet party wins the election; and
  3. the fact that all of this was planned at least as far back as the 2010 technology report from the Rockefeller Foundation describing the "Lock Step" scenario regarding a global pandemic, long before Trump became president.

Aldous Huxley published Brave New World in 1932 and George Orwell (real name Eric Blair, and a student of Huxley) published Nineteen Eighty-Four in 1949.

Many people have marveled at the accuracy of the dystopias they described, but this was not the result of mere brilliant imagination or great powers of prediction... they both attended elite conferences during the 1920s in the post World War I era, where everything they later talked about in their novels was discussed in complete seriousness as possibilities or specific elite goals. So they actually knew what was being planned.

At that time, the elites knew what they wanted in terms of greater control over society and how it would be achieved... they just didn't have the technology, yet. Now of course they have the tech, which is a big reason why we're being pushed so quickly into a real world dystopia with elements from both of their books.

Another famous British intellectual who wrote about all of this was the brilliant polymath Bertrand Russell, author of more than 100 books in multiple fields. He used the form of non-fiction as opposed to the fiction of Huxley and Orwell, making his predictions even more remarkable.

Russell focused on how science, technology, the "education" system, psychology, and biotech would be used to control society in the not too distant future, once the tech had been developed... and now we have arrived.

Two of his more interesting books were The Scientific Outlook, published in 1931, and The Impact of Science on Society, published in 1952. Here are a few quotes which illustrate how far back the planning for today's real world dystopia goes back:

"In like manner, the scientific rulers will provide one kind of education for ordinary men and women, and another for those who are to become holders of scientific power. Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless, and contented. Of these qualities, probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order to produce it, all the researches of psycho-analysis, behaviourism, and biochemistry will be brought into play.... All the boys and girls will learn from an early age to be what is called 'co-operative,' i.e., to do exactly what everybody else is doing. Initiative will be discouraged in these children, and insubordination, without being punished, will be scientifically trained out of them."

"Except for the one matter of loyalty to the World State and to their own order, members of the governing class will be encouraged to be adventurous and full of initiative...."

"On those rare occasions, when a boy or girl who has passed the age at which it is usual to determine social status shows such marked ability as to seem the intellectual equal of the rulers, a difficult situation will arise, requiring serious consideration. If the youth is content to abandon his previous associates and to throw in his lot whole-heartedly with the rulers, he may, after suitable tests, be promoted, but if he shows any regrettable solidarity with his previous associates, the rulers will reluctantly conclude that there is nothing to be done with him except to send him to the lethal chamber before his ill-disciplined intelligence has had time to spread revolt. This will be a painful duty to the rulers, but I think they will not shrink from performing it."

— Bertrand Russell, The Scientific Outlook, 1931

"Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy. It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Fichte laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished."

"Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible."

"Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton."

— Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, 1952, pp 49-50

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