Montana launches free service to dispose of disposable e-cigarettes

in e-cigarette •  last year 

The Gallatin City and County Health Department in Bozeman, Montana, USA, recently stated that it provides a free service for local residents to dispose of discarded e-cigarettes. Aiming to reduce its harm to the environment.

![Montana launches free service to dispose of disposable e-cigarettes.jpg]()

Residents can drop off discarded e-cigarettes at the Bozeman Convenience Station every Tuesday.

The time is through Saturday from 8am to 3pm. The hazardous waste experts will ensure the e-cigarettes are disposed of properly.

Cherie Murbach, Tobacco Education Specialist for the Gallatin City-County Health Department, says that as disposable e-cigarette use has spiked in recent years, disposal of the devices has become a challenge. Most e-cigarettes users discarding them in the trash directly. This can cause adverse environmental effects.

"That ‘e liquid’ that's in vapes, or e-cigarettes, (that contains) nicotine and heavy metals. So when (it’s) getting into the trash, (it’s) contaminating our soil and our water. This may put children and wild animals at risk of nicotine poisoning."

Besides, Merbach said e-cigarette liquid is a hazardous substance. They should be treated as a hazardous material. In addition to chemical waste, e-cigarettes also contain electronic waste and plastic waste. Such as batteries and refill parts. Thus making proper disposal of e-cigarettes even more important. On top of this, toxic chemicals in e-cigarette batteries can leak into the environment, posing fire and explosion risks.

The department stated that e-cigarette disposal fees have been waived for both individuals and businesses.

E-cigarette Manufacturers claps for this solution

As an e-cigarette manufacturer, VPFIT welcomes this solution. It is good way to recycle the used disposable e-cigarettes. That's also protecting our environment.

Here, VPFIT calls on all vape users not to dispose the used e-cigarettes casually. We should We should properly dispose and recycle these used e-cigarettes.

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