Earn From Discord Server Which Pay You Real Paypal Money By Inviting Your Friends To Their Server Earn Upto $1000 Just Inviting Others

in earn •  6 years ago 

  1. https://discord.gg/2k4G2c9 join and earn $25 for 10 invite upto $1000

  2. https://discord.gg/HRHtjfn join and earn $25 for 10 invite upto $250

How To Create Invite Link

  1. Join the server with given link

  2. Click on the red circled section to create instant invite(image shown below)
    discord 1.png
    a new popup window will open

  3. It is your temporary link dont share it click on the option edit invite link discord 2.png

  4. Edit EXPIRE AFTER option and set it to NEVER discord 3.png

  5. Now click generate a new link copy that link and share with your friend

  6. When you rank up or invited 10 people open their google form submit your details form available in their server

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