Earn 100 USD a day:Loli · Lolita Girls making money throw sharing own welfare,Make millions a year

in earn •  3 years ago 

For most people, "Welfare Ji" is definitely an unfamiliar term, but for people who have been in contact with this industry and in it, Welfare Ji is definitely not as simple as it is literally. What is hidden behind these simple three words is the ugly side of human nature, and at the same time it also exposes the dark industrial chain hidden in this society.

Welfare Ji is derived from Japanese culture. Friends who are familiar with animation must have a certain understanding of the word "ji", which is generally interpreted as a princess. However, the three words Welfare Ji are just sins wrapped in beauty, because most of these girls called Welfare Ji are underage. Welfare Ji mainly focuses on girls from 14 to 19 years old, and no matter how old they are, they are not eligible to enter this industry.

Lolita Girls (Fuli JI) refers to young girls who use their bodies to take pictures and videos of pornographic or pornographic sideballs, and sell them through Internet platforms to earn money or fame.

The photos that Fuli Ji posted on the Internet are basically cute and cute. They also wear maid costumes to do some seductive actions, but if you think that Fuli Ji is nothing more than that, you are quite wrong. To describe it in a simple and straightforward sentence, as long as you give enough money, you will be able to "understand" Welfare Ji. Welfare Ji does not exist only on the screen like anime characters. Welfare Ji can step out of the screen and have further contact with people who love them. If you still feel the clouds and mists at this point, then two words can reveal the true face of Fuli Ji: Aid J!

In the world of Welfare Ji, they will use the second dimension as a guise, and to attract members to join Welfare Ji’s camp and become their gold masters. Welfare Ji was first born in Station B, but later the audit at Station B became more and more stringent, so they began to switch to Weibo. However, as the audit system of Weibo began to change, Welfare Ji had to change her living space again. But no matter which platform it uses, Welfare Ji will not change its original intention. This industry chain is to use girls to make money, and what is more, only pay 10 dollars to see the private photos of underage girls.

You may ask, why do these underage girls abuse themselves like this? In fact, the reasons why they joined the industry are really different. Some are because of lack of money, but most of them are cheated into the industry, because girls of this age have little experience and are easily deceived. Although some girls are reluctant to join the industry, they will be attracted because they see the huge benefits behind them. When taking private photos, some underage girls will take the initiative to go to bed with the photographer in order to make the photos better, so as to avoid a shooting fee.

Once these underage girls join the industry, it is difficult for them to leave. Of course, this industry does not force girls to stay in it all the time. After all, at a certain age, they will be kicked out if they want to stay and make money by selling themselves. But they will continue to make money in the same way, because they have already tasted the sweetness and think it is easy to make money in this way, so it is difficult to endure hardship. This is the scariest and ugliest part of the Fuliji industry chain.

Now Fuli Ji mainly survives in two ways, one is to make publicity by herself to attract funders, and the other is to obtain profits through the industry chain of Fuli Ji. The first way is difficult to make money, so most of Welfare Ji will join the industry chain. Customers who want to have contact with Welfare Ji are called gentlemen. Gentlemen will be upgraded according to the amount of payment. The highest level is the funder. .

The contact between Welfare Ji and the customer needs to go through an intermediary. The intermediary will first pull the customer into the group, and then publish the photos of Welfare Ji in the group. These photos will be deleted immediately after publishing. Customers can choose the girl they like according to their own preferences. "Toot food" and "toot food" actually means paying. As long as you can afford to pay, whether it is to look at the private photos of underage girls or to have more intimate contact with Welfare Ji, the Welfare Ji industry is a genuine erotic transaction.

In the industry chain of Welfare Ji, the price of photos and membership levels are clearly stipulated, and these are just smoke bombs. In fact, Welfare Ji is just an erotic industry chain under the banner of soft and cute. There is no difference between this industry and AV. These material girls who joined the Welfare Ji industry for different reasons, and the men who paid for their desires and needs, are the fundamental reasons for the birth of the Welfare Ji industry.

They gather on the Internet platform and publish a few sexy pictures and videos every day, accompanied by some provocative texts, with a clear purpose, which is to stimulate "gentlemen" to consult and purchase.

These so-called "gentlemen" are people who spend money to buy resources, and for the "Welfare Ji" they are also "the father of the gold master".

In the Japanese ACGN world, the term "gentleman" is an extension of the meaning of a superficial gentleman, but in fact a person with dirty thoughts and behaviors and abnormal behavior, also known as "highly abnormal"

In these online social platforms or groups, "gentlemen" watch various "welfare" according to their tastes and preferences. The "Welfare Ji" at this time is like a commodity on display in a shop window, clearly marked with prices for anyone to choose.

After trying to contact several "welfare girls", they said that they can get a full set of photo pictures for only 10 US dollars, and 40 US dollars to buy more and different types of photo pictures.

Not only that, in addition to your own, you can also send photos of friends, most of which are minors. The reporter found that most of these photos showed girls in revealing clothing, and even made some sexual provocative actions, which was jaw-dropping.

There are other "Welfare Ji". The circle of friends looks normal. She is a very beautiful girl. The information shows that she is only 17 years old and she is still in high school. When the idea of ​​buying a picture is expressed, the other party immediately sent a price list. table.

On average, a photo with a dew point costs $2, and a photo with no dew point costs $2. In order to sell the pictures better, these "welfare girls" will use some very violent words, which even adults feel ashamed. However, they just said it, and they said it so naturally.

Along with the prevalence of "Welfare Ji" intermediaries hidden in the "hidden corners" of the Internet, a large number of underage girls who are immature and unable to resist the temptation of money "go to the sea".

Many intermediaries will actively look for underage female subjects on the Internet, and ask them if they are willing to shoot photos and videos on the grounds of payment. Afterwards, these photos and videos will be made into electronic picture packages and physical photo albums, which will be sold through the online platform. Some underage girls lack the ability to discern, and can easily "get the bait" if they can't stand the temptation of money.

There was a photographer who took more than 3,000 photos and more than 20 videos, and made them into electronic picture packages and physical photo albums for sale. The accumulated sales through intermediaries reached more than 300,000 U.S. dollars.

"I'll just take a few photos to make some money." This is almost the simplest idea of ​​all "Welfare Ji" at the beginning. But after   tasted the sweetness of high income and quick money, it was out of control. Because stepping into this circle, it is inevitable that the scale will get bigger and bigger, and the bottom line will get lower and lower.

A “Welfare Ji” born after 00 said that in order to maintain “high income”, she can “customize” the set of pictures and take large-scale pictures and videos according to customer needs. If you are satisfied with the "golden master dad", you can earn tens of thousands of dollars a month, and you can buy all kinds of things you want.

In the industry, Forrest falls into two categories
One is done by individuals. This kind of Forrest is responsible for all the affairs, but it is generally not big. It's basically selling sets of drawings and small orders.
The other is team operation. Every link is in the charge of a special person, and fringee is just one of them. In the industrial chain, each group has a code.
Solicit Brigitte and call an intermediary.
Like two dimensional soft porn called gentleman.
Buying photos, videos or sex services is called feeding.
And buyers can be promoted from gentlemen to gold owners.

The work is also broken down by steps:

  1. Drainage
    The main purpose of drainage is to attract the attention of guests. Welfare Ji will post her photos on various ins, twitter, tumblr and other possible display platforms. Photos are generally strongly suggestive. After the operation, Fuli Ji has to wait. Once someone asks: ask for contact information. The first step can be completed.

  2. Stimulus
    Ask for the contact information of Welfare Ji, you will usually get a group number. To enter the group, you need to go through layers of verification and pay a group fee of 10-15 US dollars.
    Guests have to answer various questions. Welfare Ji has to turn on the camera on her behalf to verify her real body.
    After the client enters the group owner, he can select the girl. After the selection is made, the client can talk to the intermediary privately. The intermediary will give a price list, and after reaching an agreement, the customer will leave Fuli Ji one step further.

  3. Inquiry
    The welfare Ji industry adopts a membership system

  4. See the photo of Welfare Ji is $50 (used for selection)

  5. After adjusting, pay 288 US dollars intermediary fee, you can get the contact information of Welfare Ji
    Membership is divided into three levels

  6. You can become an ordinary member by paying $388

  7. Pay 588 USD to become a senior member

  8. Pay 588 US dollars to become a senior group owner + become a senior member
    Permanent members will get the personal contact information of Welfare Ji. Most people can't resist the temptation. Becoming permanent members is almost standard.

Welfare Ji generally has 3 ways to make money

  1. Sell pictures or videos (all kinds of private rooms, photo photos)
  2. Sell original flavors (such as underwear, stockings, underwear, high heels and other personal clothing that you wear)
  3. Compensated dating (providing sexual services)

Welfare Ji is always a product of a sad Internet culture, and they deserve sympathy.

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