The Earth Needs MORE Of You

in earth •  7 years ago 

image from NASA

Generally, when we talk about caring for the environment/mama Danu, we talk about less: using less, creating less waste and pollution, cutting back, eliminating. Today, let's talk about things we need more of to help our home.

More Plants

We need lots more plants for lots of reasons. To produce more oxygen, to absorb more carbon, to feed more animals, to stabilize the soil, to provide habitat, food for pollenators, for our health and well-being. Plant more plants! Whatever floats your boat. Trees, flowers, food crops, hedges - more of these, please!

Live in the city? Even better - plant everywhere! Guerrilla garden! Grow houseplants! Plant on your stoop or balcony! The possibilities are endless.

More Soil

Humans are depleting soil and causing massive deforestation (which, you guessed it, leaves soil used, prone to blow away in drought or wash away in floods, etc.). We need more soil! Left to nature, soil deposits GROW, but instead we are LOSING soil. What to do? Compost! Feed the soil with beneficial nutrients. Don't toss your raked leaves and food scraps. Those are valuable! So is your pee (if you're not on pharmaceuticals) - pee in the compost! If you have a uterus that still sheds and use cloth pads or moon cups, guess what? That's food too! Coffee grounds are great for aerating clay soils. Turn your "waste" products into treasure. You have something to contribute to the Earth's soils, and those contributions are wasted in a landfill. Don't waste your gifts to the Earth any more than you would want to waste your talents - give! :)

More Love and Music

The Earth needs your love, and your music! Dr. Masaru Emoto's experiments showed that our words have an effect on the structure of water. The experiments in the book The Secret Life of Plants showed that plants react to things humans do, including even conversation (when the conversation turned raunchy, the plants went bonkers: the Celts were right about doin' it in the fields on Beltaine to encourage the crops to be fertile, eh?). Plants react to music (I saw a ranking list once, and I remember that they especially liked rhythmic chants and classical music, but they liked rock n' roll, too!).

Make music! Tell your plants you love them! Play them some Deva Premal or Beethoven! Do it in your garden (I am not liable if your neighbors call the police)!

More Connection and Respect

You are just as much a part of nature as the trees and the deer and the bears and the fish and the birds. You belong here. You are part of the system. You are connected. You are not "separate" or "apart." You matter. So too, does all the other life on this planet. You are made up of billions of cells and bacteria; the Earth is made up of trillions of life forms. We are symbiotic with trees. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide (as does any mammal, really); they breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen (as does any green plant, really). We need them. They need us. That sounds crazy, doesn't it? They need us? When you see yourself as within the family of Earth, you start seeing everything around you as sacred and related. You are not a plastic, packaged facsimile of a being. You are blood and bone and tears and sweat and flesh. You are animal. You belong.

I hope you enjoyed this alternative view of our relationship with our home and fellow Earthlings. Thanks for reading! 💚🌎

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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Thanks for this post. We needed it. The world can be a depressing place (well at least the actions of the humans that occupy it)

Indeed it can. That's why I've been trying to focus on positive solutions lately. :) Thanks for reading!

<3 <3 <3 <3

What a positive post!! :) Thank you for the solutions, and the Hope!!

Thank you! 💜

well said. There are lots of things we need more to make the world a better place rather than talking about the stuff we should be doing less. The love and the music, we need more of those and respect for one another.

I hope you enjoyed this alternative view of our relationship with our home and fellow Earthlings.

I wouldn't say an alternative of earth, but the premier view of our home earth.

Aw, thanks. I'm glad you like it!