5 Ecommerce Storytelling Tips to Boost Your Sales

in ecommerce •  2 years ago 


One of the things many business owners want to do when trying to attract a new customer is to create a personal connection. By many, this is considered the best way to make someone interested in buying their products and then stay loyal to their brand. Storytelling is a great way to achieve exactly that and increase your ecommerce sales easily and effectively.

Through storytelling, an eCommerce business can evolve from simply selling products online to a unique experience for the customer. The best way to achieve that is by using the right tactics to engage and interest each visitor. In order to help you achieve that, here are some simple yet effective tips to help you achieve that.

1. Share your brand’s story
The way your brand started can be a great thing to share with your customers. Behind every business, there is a story worth telling. Whether this was your dream for many years or it started as a side job, the story will interest everyone that follows you. This will make for a great opportunity to share a more personal side of your business.

These types of stories always interest customers as they want to know more about the story behind the products they buy. The only rule you need to follow is to stay truthful and don’t include any lies to try and make the story more dramatic. Staying true to your past will help you build a future for your brand based on the trust of your supporters.

Sharing your backstory will play an important role in building your brand’s identity. The more open and honest your business appears to people, the easier they will trust you with making a purchase. Therefore, you should see sharing more personal information about your company as a way to become more trustworthy. Sharing the story of how it all started can help you achieve that.

2. Use social media to your advantage
Social media platforms offer you the easiest way to share anything you want with your followers at the push of a button. Depending on what type of content you are more comfortable with creating, you can use social media in different ways. Most eCommerce stores tend to choose Instagram to share their posts as it is mainly based on audiovisual content. This will help you promote your products with more ease.
On the same note, platforms such as Twitter and Facebook can help you share a bigger amount of text along with your visual content. Using more than one platform is necessary if you want to reach out to as many people as possible.

Social media allows people to be more honest and open about the things they write. Promoting your brand’s story or pictures of daily life in your business can help your followers feel more connected to your business. This will help you form a better bond with your followers and allow them to put their trust in your products.

3. Promote storytelling in your blogs
Having a blog is a great idea for any eCommerce business that wants to share more than what the captions on social media allow them. As a part of your website, your blog can help your business grow and evolve in many ways.

First and foremost, it can help you share weekly blog posts about new products you are creating. While social media can help you share pictures, writing down about your experience creating new products is always interesting. In addition, it is much more personal and will show your customers the care you put into giving your vision life.

A blog can create a very powerful bond between you and your followers. You can even offer the opportunity to some of your customers to write for your blog and share their experience. This goes beyond the concept of customer reviews as it shares a more personal story which other potential customers can have access to.

Read More: https://www.hiddentechies.com/blog/ecommerce-tips/ecommerce-sales-storytelling/

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