STARTING FROM ZERO REVIEW 👉 Fred Lam's e-Commerce Training Worth It?

in ecommerce •  6 years ago 

Starting from zero by Fred Lam. This is a review that I'm gonna do in this video. My name is AR and if this is your first time on my channel welcome okay now in this review I want to look at Fred Lam's latest products on Clickbank and basically just go through exactly what it is and whether it's worth you checking it out okay? Now this this guy Fred Lam, he is very successful in e-commerce okay, so he has been doing this for a while now and he has generated 7-8 figures from e-commerce from sales and he is a successful online entrepreneur. There's no doubt about it and looking at his sales page it is quite impressive because this is the page that you come to when you are looking at his product starting from zero now there was a another version of this that came out a couple of years back and it was a free ebook okay which is over here so I've got this ebook open here and basically fred has got some you know starting your own online business when you started from nothing so he's got this free ebook he'll came out in 2016 and he's just like updated this okay now he there's a little bit about yourself etc so when you look at his new product it is pretty much similar to the old ebook that you can get for free but with a lot more updates okay because there have been more updates over the last two to three years within the e-commerce within the e-commerce scene right so there's like an intro video here and pretty impressive sales page I mean you look at his stuff here he's but he has been featured on these some on these on these channels robert kiyosaki he endorses his fred lamb's book pretty impressive if you don't know who Robert Kiyosaki is he's the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad one of the best-selling books one of the best-selling personal development self growth books out there and basically you've got a like um like a like an intro from Robert Kiyosaki endorsing Fred Lam then you've got here another testimonial very impressive very impressive you've got less Brown another impressive motivational mindset personal development guy you've got grant cardone himself here talking to Fred again Fred got good endorsements here really solid endorsements and the thing is with this product I mean looking at it the sales page is definitely very impressive I mean you look at it proven five step system that has created the following he shows you he shows you exactly he shows you some income shots here then the five step system to success so this is within his ebook itself so I had a look at his old e-book here this one here and starting from zero the first version and this is within the book where you're creating a store basically this is all about e-commerce okay so you're gonna create a store like a Shopify store okay Shopify for the last couple of years if you've been doing e-commerce you know what Shopify is you know how it works and with Shopify what he's essentially saying is you with inventory write goods right instead of holding goods yourself you are doing something called arbitrage which is you're basically doing like a drop shipping style of things right so you're basically house you're getting goods from places like Amazon and Alibaba places like that okay where you can basically drop ship goods to someone and you could be doing the marketing the side of the marketing comes from obviously yourself okay so you could be let's say marketing on Facebook which he teaches you in the course you could be marketing on Instagram okay Instagram I know a guy who's done very well work well on Instagram with a Shopify store doing drop shipping okay as long as you know your margins as long as you have the right audience okay as long as you have the right drop shipper okay someone that you could rely on it and with the packaging itself so you want to make sure that the cost of the dropship is obviously less than the price that your retailing for etc right these are the things that you would go through this course and you pick all the golden nuggets up over how to do to shut up set up sorry your Shopify store right so looking at this chart here store creation inventory arbitrage what I was talking about like how you wouldn't hold the goods but you would still be able to get those goods shipped over to a third person who's actually buying the goods targeted visitors how you gonna get traffic that's the key okay so any business online you need to know how to get traffic if you don't know how to generate traffic how to generate leads whether it's free whether it's paid then you know obviously you need to go back to it so if it does teach you that within this course there's something called profit multiply here and then rinse and repeat the whole process again so looking at again he talks about exactly how this is yep traffic is the lifeblood of business profit multiplier rinse and repeat arbitrage did it so yeah I mean there's a lot of stuff here that you can go through you look and oh you can read the sales page etc and then he's giving you a sneak peek into the book itself like I said you can check out the free version okay which I will have a link to in the description box below you can check out his free version the pdf and if you like his stuff then by all means go and you know get a hold of his updated copy you'd be paying a dollar ninety-nine okay now there are various upsells within once you've paid the door at night - no that's entirely up to you okay what he teaches you he's teaching you certain things about e-commerce how it works how it how it is there are certain things that you know he has done to generate results you know so basically there are various upsells that you can go through I I won't go through those upsells you can check those out in your own time but the key thing here is that some it is a solid product ok guys I mean just looking at his old book here okay you can see the the kind of stuff that he had in his free ebook okay and they're teaching that you know the level of teaching what he what he was talking about you know you can check it out in your own time but from his course from his course if you are starting from scratch you are starting from zero as this product is saying right you're starting from zero and you have done nothing at all online okay this is a route into generating a proper solid business online which is ecommerce ecommerce is around today is growing at a phenomenal rate a phenomenal rate and you know it is a business model that you can definitely definitely get into and get a lot of success because it's it's growing e-commerce is just growing and growing and there is no stopping it because right now as people have gained access to more mobile technology and more internet access globally you have got now a market for global orders okay you can go on places like Instagram for example like I said or even Facebook and target target your for example with Facebook you can target your your potential buyers with the audience's and all that stuff right with Instagram people are Instagram as a platform where people tend to click the link in bio that the link within the bio section right they tend to click that link so if you've got like of like a Instagram page set up for let's say handbags okay and you've got different types of handbags and styles etc right or you've got a particular particular niche of handbags right then you've got this Instagram page and people that are interested in that have this particular nature of handbags are gonna come and like and comment on your posts right and with instagrams algorithms is very easy for them to reach out to your page and see your page and see your images right and when you get that interaction and people actually like what they see then you've got a a match right of those potential leads that those potential customers and the chances of them clicking on your link and bio your link to a Shopify store that you've created is very high and like I said before I have people that are colleagues of mine who have been doing online marketing and they've focused on e-commerce and this is exactly what they do and they are generating profile online so if you're into that if you're into any commerce definitely definitely check out this course you know check out what Fred lamb is teaching you in starting from zero and you know you it's a dollar ninety-nine I will leave a link again in the description box below if you want to join this you want to buy this with ebook do click on that link and go through that link and you know basically you know you could take that you could you could check out the steps and see what what fits for you okay if you're starting from scratch my recommendation is go through the book okay through the book and really understand this you know get the skillset and the knowledge as to how ecommerce works right and how this inventory arbitrage works how you would get traffic etc with traffic with traffic generation and with other things I have got a if you if if ecommerce is not your cup of tea okay if you wanna if you like to do promote other people's products without let's say the you know having the hassle of let's say you know creating a you're having a Shopify store etc you want to learn how to create your own business promoting other people's product.

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