Originally posted on Quora December 29, 2022
Probably Tesla for that specific portion. There were 5 specific issues related to EVs they lobbied for in that bill and they’ve spent almost half a million on lobbying this year.
That’s a rather measly expenditure for a $7,500 tax credit and the cool $2.5 billion they’ve made selling regulatory credits to ICE automakers under state cap and trade policies that saved them from bankruptcy between 2017 and 2019 as revenue from selling carbon credits exceeded their razor thin profit margin. And while there are obviously other EV automakers out there Tesla still controls 2/3 of the EV market.
The social class that benefits from so called “green” energy subsidies are property owners and multinationals full stop. The $7,500 EV tax credit is yet another tax subsidy to property owners and only those who are affluent enough to afford it in the first place and have the right to even install an EV charger in the first place that makes such a vehicle selection feasible.
EV Tax Credits Are Yet Another Subsidy to Homeowners and Landlords
The 22 - 30% tax credit for installing solar panels is exclusively a subsidy to property owners and those who can afford them in the first place. You can’t install anything you don’t have rights to.
Solar Panel Rebates - Yet Another "Green Energy" Subsidy to Homeowners/landlords
Light rail is also a boon to property owners who own property near it. It allows homeowners to demand higher home prices and landlords to demand higher rents at the expense of renters. Those renters who can’t afford the hike have to move further away from their job and drive their affordable ICE car to work.
Commuter Rail is a Boon for Real Estate Speculation
And the scramble to extract the metals necessary to make the “clean” tech will definitely lead to conflicts over marginal land in the global south and the dispossession of small hold farmers and traditional societies who live on the margins for the profits of multinationals.
How the WEF and World Bank Facilitate Land Theft for Factory Farms and Green Energy Tech
This is What Will Happen to Traditional Societies in the Race for "Green" Energy Metals"